The US Constitution.

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Old 08-08-2016, 12:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I'm all too aware of "CNM" But each time he responds, he shows himself to be an even bigger idiot that we all suspected. So I subscribe to the philosophy of giving him/her enough rope to hang himself. Plus, he stands as a reminder of just how stupid the American electorate can be.
Don't say rope and hang himself or our resident liberal will start screaming for admin to shut us down. They will call you a bully.
Old 08-08-2016, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Don't say rope and hang himself or our resident liberal will start screaming for admin to shut us down. They will call you a bully.
Doubt it, since it was clearly more idiomatic than a suggestion.
Old 08-08-2016, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Doubt it, since it was clearly more idiomatic than a suggestion.
Now you've done it. You called them "idiomatics"
Old 08-09-2016, 05:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Reading comprehension challenged???? I said no such thing. I said the debate over the original constitution included slavery and UPHOLDING state's rights, not stripping them. I wouldn't view preserving the union, as Lincoln did, as "stripping" state's rights, there is no point of allowing a state the "right" to secede from the union. After all, federal law does trump state law. The problem has been the proliferation and scope of federal law. Yes, there were dribs and drabs of federal power grab along the way, but it did not kick into high gear until FDR
The states wanted that "right to leave" in the Constitution or they wouldn't ratify it.

You have NO "rights" if you don't have the right to leave. You are a SLAVE. A peer can walk away from a one-sided arrangement...a slave cannot. The states are SLAVES to the federal government. They have NO choice once the corrupt, bought and paid for SCOTUS rules against them.

Their MOST important "right" vanished when Lincoln attacked them for exercising their Constitutional right to secede.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The guy that is annoying you is not worth the effort . His ONLY entertainment is to come on here and get under the skin of as many people as possible .

Sometimes he identifies himself as " CNM " other times he posts without identifying himself .
All anyone does when they respond to him is to feed his little ego and encourage him to continue . What we should be doing is just to " Ice " him out by never responding to his provocations .
He is not interested in constructive dialog at all . He just wants to stir people up. He is a first class coward who is no doubt very very afraid to reveal what his real name is .
You have to feel sorry for someone when this is their only human contact and source of joy .
You think I'm CNM? Really? We couldn't be more different.

I'm all for constructive dialog, lets have some. You disagree that it was Lincoln and his forbidding the states to exercise secession that took away states rights? If you can't walk away when conditions get "intolerable" for you, WHAT are you? An equal? If you can't walk away, you can't leave, you have no rights. EVERYTHING that happens to you is at their whim.

Please...respond. Explain to me how prisoners have rights. The states became prisoners to the federal government via Lincoln. They cannot leave no matter how authoritarian the feds become.

It's not racial, you can speak freely.
Old 08-09-2016, 06:53 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The guy that is annoying you is not worth the effort . His ONLY entertainment is to come on here and get under the skin of as many people as possible .

Sometimes he identifies himself as " CNM " other times he posts without identifying himself .

The fact that you are so dead quite an insight.

You just can't believe, that there are a number of others who don't share the viewpoint of the right-wingnuts (and racists/bigots) posting can you?

If I write something, I sign it. Whether anyone else (LIKE YOU) chooses to/not to do simply their choice.

But you better get used to the idea that you can't hide in your mob, because it's obvious that you're not going to be able to try and bully others from speaking out against such despicable, disgusting dribble.

In other words, as much as it hurts...there is a lot more than just me.

All anyone does when they respond to him is to feed his little ego and encourage him to continue . What we should be doing is just to " Ice " him out by never responding to his provocations .
Whether any of you right-wingnuts respond or not, is certainly not going to stop me from speaking out against you intolerant jerks.

Nice try though.

He is not interested in constructive dialog at all . He just wants to stir people up.
You do realize don't you, that everyone can see that you're lying?

I have not only rebutted many of the 'opinions' spewed from folks like yourself with facts and links...I see a real dearth from your side doing the same.

Why is that?

He is a first class coward who is no doubt very very afraid to reveal what his real name is .
You mean exactly like YOU are doing?

What's your real name you flaming hypocrite?

How in the heck does some scumbag like yourself, even find the courage to show such flaming hypocrisy?

You truly must be mentally 'touched.'

You have to feel sorry for someone when this is their only human contact and source of joy .
Don't feel sorry for is good!

Old 08-09-2016, 08:26 AM
Posts: n/a

Point proved. ColdNoMore couldn't resist. He-She thinks that everyone else is wrong on here, when the reality is the opposite.
Old 08-09-2016, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Point proved. ColdNoMore couldn't resist. He-She thinks that everyone else is wrong on here, when the reality is the opposite.
...and it is a well-known fact that the Regressives are wrong!

Old 08-09-2016, 09:04 AM
Posts: n/a

The political forum is more about arguing then politics.

If someone asked which ants are better some of you would say red ants without even reading anything about ants. And when someone said black ants are better, you still wouldn't read because the truth doesn't matter. You're bored and like to argue.

I'm not judging. Just see it how it is. Nobody is listening to you anyway, especially if it looks like a lot of reading..
Old 08-09-2016, 09:09 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The political forum is more about arguing then politics.

If someone asked which ants are better some of you would say red ants without even reading anything about ants. And when someone said black ants are better, you still wouldn't read because the truth doesn't matter. You're bored and like to argue.

I'm not judging. Just see it how it is. Nobody is listening to you anyway, especially if it looks like a lot of reading..
PFH wrote this.

It's not his initials, it's an acronym for how hot it is outside.
Old 08-10-2016, 04:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
...and it is a well-known fact that the Regressives are wrong!

Depends on who the "regressives" are. Democrats have embraced socialism. Socialism is regressive. Socialism in itself does not work. Therefore, it is more than likely that Democrats are wrong.

On the other hand, if you consider the older Republicans to be conservative, then being "regressive" is what made this country the best in the world. In this case, if being "regressive" is being conservative, then these "regressives" are RIGHT.

This algorithm works.

interesting, read, constitution

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