Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
This is going on all over the country but it appears TV is in the mix.
If anybody at TV gets one of these or anything like it don't throw it away. It maybe an attempt to disenfranchise your vote. Be careful...check your registration before the deadline. If you check the comments a Villager got one of these cards. |
![]() ![]() This is wrong in so many ways!!! It should be illegal!!! I don't care what party one is is wrong...taking advantage of our seniors!!! Ones over 80 is my guess....I am an advocate for older seniors....and this is sooooooooo WRONG! ![]() |
This is criminal! This is also something that should be on national news! It is disgraceful the tactics used by the scared republicans. I am sending this to everyone I know. Thanks for this information!
Nothing, NOTHING would surprise me coming from the McCain campaign. Just more lies and lies and lies and lies and . . . .
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From the article: Letters returned as undeliverable can be compiled into "challenge lists" of unverifiable addresses and can be used to challenge voters' eligibility during early voting or on Election Day. The vote suppression technique is known as "vote caging." The phrase "vote suppression" is woefully misleading and inaccurate - vote verification is closer to the truth, and that's something BOTH parties work hard to insure. Voter ineligibility is a problem in many places. For the honest voter, it's often a concept that's a joke with the "vote early and vote often" lines associated with certain political dynasties. Voter ineligibility also includes the umpteen thousand non-citizens who have registered to vote in spite of not being citizens, and who will appear at polling places - many of whom will vote in (and in some cases, swing) elections. During the Bush/Gore FL recount, voter eligibility was challenged by both sides on numerous occasions. Was this particular action by the Republican fundraiser correct or not? I'm not qualified to answer that, as one news article slanted in one direction is hardly a basis for an objective opinion. That's what the Office of the Federal Election Commission and Federal Election Assistance Commission (both are bipartisan by law) will decide. If there is any true chicanery, these commissions (please check them out) will get to the bottom of it. |
SteveZ, I don't know how you can even be confused on something so wrong! McCain authorized this and it's also being investigated in Michigan. I'm so sick of dirty politics.
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I really wish this was some new trick that someone had thought up but the reality is its been around since at least JFK. I have heard of it being done occasionally by Dems, but far more often by the elephant side. Regardless, it is an ugly tactic.
I'm not going to point fingers but there is no doubt that at least this time around it is once again the Republicans who are lying to voters. Why not just send out a letter asking for donations with the "Do Not Forward" on it? The Repubs would still have the names and addresses of voters in doubt without the lies. |
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Political fund-raising stinks, and neither party has a morality rating better than a "minus" value. I haven't seen any money solitication yet that wasn't based on fear-of-the-other-person, fear-of-the-future, fear-of-Social-Security-impact, fear-of-taxes-going-up, fear-of-healthcare (notice a comomon theme?) It's ALL dirty politics when the grubbing for money comes into play, and the mud's over all of them! |
Yeah STEVE, I actually got a phone call about 3 weeks ago or so from someone who said they were seeking donations for Sen Obama and as a Democrat would I consider giving. I told them I was a Republican and they said oh...sorry, but then in a very nice way suggested that perhaps I should consider Sen Obama.
But like all the others say, it is ONLY the Republicans who do stuff like this. |
There is NO question the GOP are the masters of dirty tricks.
I feel bad for the poor people who fall for them. Hopefully we will see a new day come Nov. 4th...and that will not be the with the type leader? we have in there now. OB08 Tony |
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Florida....the letters that if not returned you can go on the list to be challenged as not a resident. Michigan....Using a foreclosure list to challenge people from voting using that address. Indiana..Now requires a drivers licenses to vote...under the guise of preventing voter fraud. But many poor don't have a drivers license because they don't have a car. I forget what state but the Repubs sent registered Democrats absentee ballots but they are missing something and those votes would be void. Nasty Stuff |
Sorry, SteveZ and Bucco, you're just dead wrong on this. A letter or call requesting funds, is a lot different than caging. Perhaps, if you both have open minds, you'll watch this video. (Please don't come back with "But it's Olberman, It's MSNBS!") It doesn't matter really. The truth is the truth. Sad. Isn't it. ![]() |
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As far as driver's licenses go, every DMV issues a resident ID card for those who don't drive. It is the state's way of providing positive identification. I don't know of too many polling officials who personally know everyone in their district by sight, so showing valid ID is no big thing. Sorry, but following the bare minimum one would have to go throough to cash a check at one's own bank does not seem unreasonable to exercise the premier right of citizenship. |
SteveZ, is there no end to the spin you can put on things! It's amazing and very transparent!
We get it. You're voting for McCain because he's a P.O.W. That's as silly as voting for Palin because she's a woman. Time to start worrying about the rest of this country. |
1. The source, AND ONLY SOURCE, for this is the Michigan Messenger who today has a headline "Michigan Jewish Voters Targeted in "push poll" ...same folks who run the Messenger run the Washington Independent and just one look at either of these BLOGS will validate where they are coming from. In addition they share consulting firms with the Democratic party.
2. It, of course, was denied by the Republican party of Michigan and part of their statement said.... "I quite agree that IF the various Democratic Party committees were truly interested in ensuring that Michigan voters were not challenged based on foreclosure lists, then "best practices" would have included reaching out and suggesting a non-partisan approach to ensure such challenges are not made by either party (especially as the MI GOP had already publicly stated it will not engage in the practice). INSTEAD, the Democratic lawyers called a nationwide press conference to publicize a tactic they admit the Republicans have disclaimed, and filed a suit in Michigan and a letter with the Attorney General of the United States--all based entirely on a blog-reported statement by a single Michigan County chair who denied making it.." 3. That "Olberman" would pick this up and interview a man who actually knew not one thing about this specific incident is of course NO SURPRISE and I suspect that since you even mentioned it, you know his lack of credibility. 4. You mention Steve's "spin" yet you post a story from ONE BLOG....however should anyone post a story from other more mainstream blogs about your candidate you would yell loud and clear and there are many many of them, more serious and more credible than this one, therefore I find your "crtiticism" of Steve somewhat laughable. I dont know if it is true or not..if it is...shame on whomever did it, but your credibility is surely in doubt when you post a story like this from ONE SINGLE BLOGGER with questionable motives and credentials. 5. I am curious what the motivation to post such a story might be ? It has not is from ONE SINGLE BLOG on the this just to try make a point that the party that opposes your candidate is evil and your party is saintly. I just wonder what point was to be made ????? 6. I never once, but could be wrong, ever saw Steve say he was voting for Sen McCain because he was a POW nor do I recall him saying he was voting for Gov Palin because she is a woman, and I surely do not understand your remark to Steve "Time to start worrying about the rest of this country." From what I have read, Steve has served this country well and continues to do so and does not deserve this kind of rhetoric. Again, if this report is true, it is wrong and should be stopped. I still dont get the purpose of posting this as you would rebuff any negative blog reports on Sen Obama and enjoy lampooning them ! |