voter fraud commission

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Old 07-12-2017, 06:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
YOUR vote means nothing to the election process because EVERY D or R candidate already works for "them", the corrupt political system. Your "choice" is among two corrupt doesn't matter WHICH thief you choose...they'll BOTH rob you blind.
Maybe that is the truth, but I choose to vote for the lesser of the evils. Otherwise, we give up ALL control by allowing someone else make our decisions on who runs the country. It's a matter of choosing the robber baron that I prefer. One robber baron steals my money and uses it to run the gov the way he wishes, allowing me to keep some of my earnings. The other steals my money to give to those that worship him, but are useless otherwise. This one does not allow me to live any better a lifestyle than the ones that are being supported. The original one allows me to live according to my ability. I choose the Robber Baron that does not give my taxes to the lazy just to buy votes. I choose the one that gives me the freedom of living the lifestyle according to my ability, not the lower lifestyle equal to the lazy. Yes, both are robber barons, but at least I get some say in the choice between the two evils.
Old 07-12-2017, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
YOUR vote means nothing to the election process because EVERY D or R candidate already works for "them", the corrupt political system. Your "choice" is among two corrupt doesn't matter WHICH thief you choose...they'll BOTH rob you blind.

I agree until we vote out these career politican's in both parties nothing will change. They will promise you the moon. But deliver the moon on the outhouse. Trump was bad start IMO cause he's to juvenile. With politicians you have try till you find good one (yes, that is VERY RARE) I compare trump to bill slick Willie Clinton. Has a lot of Skelton's in the closet. But, far better than career lying, cheating carpetbagging politicians in either party. The scumbags will not go easily, they are addicted to lying, money, and power.
Old 07-12-2017, 06:49 AM
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America well on the long road to becoming great again. Takes a little time to undo 8 years of Sharia law
Old 07-12-2017, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Maybe that is the truth, but I choose to vote for the lesser of the evils. Otherwise, we give up ALL control by allowing someone else make our decisions on who runs the country. It's a matter of choosing the robber baron that I prefer. One robber baron steals my money and uses it to run the gov the way he wishes, allowing me to keep some of my earnings. The other steals my money to give to those that worship him, but are useless otherwise. This one does not allow me to live any better a lifestyle than the ones that are being supported. The original one allows me to live according to my ability. I choose the Robber Baron that does not give my taxes to the lazy just to buy votes. I choose the one that gives me the freedom of living the lifestyle according to my ability, not the lower lifestyle equal to the lazy. Yes, both are robber barons, but at least I get some say in the choice between the two evils.
That's subjective...the "lesser" evil? They're ALL evil... HAVE given up all control. The "election" is a sham...for show...EVERY candidate WILL go along with the party line...or they WILL be removed. Lincoln was killed, Kennedy killed, Nixon resigned because "they" wanted him gone. "They" are the VERY rich and powerful. The names you DON'T see on Forbes list of the richest. You think Gates has more money than Rothschild? Funny...Rothchild is the only one with a (?). List of wealthiest families - Wikipedia The parties PLACE candidates on the ballot. ANYONE they want. ALL of them WORK for the party. The public is given a "choice" only in personality...not what they'll actually do once elected. They all do what they're told. Even Trump.

That's ALL you're doing...choosing the man who will screw you. Instead of one you don't like, you prefer being screwed by someone you like. I get it, but it doesn't change the FACT that our government is completely controlled by the powerful men who control the corporations.

Working people often live WORSE than those getting a "free ride". Public housing looks pretty good compared to many working poor trailer parks. A single mother of 4 can get up to $60,000 a year in benefits when it's all added together. Why work with that kind of money. PLUS free healthcare now...real healthcare...worth $1,000 a month.

Believe me...that robber baron is giving to the lazy too...they just have different color skin and they get million $ bonuses.

You have much less say than you think you do. If voting mattered...they wouldn't let us do it. They do HERE what we do overseas. When we "democratize" a country...we provide BOTH sides of the government. We tell can vote for this hand picked candidate...or that hand picked candidate...choose. It doesn't matter who they choose because they both work for us. It doesn't matter who WE choose either...because they BOTH work for "them"...the rich and powerful. Buying a candidate is a 100:1 payback for a large business.

Originally Posted by Guest
I agree until we vote out these career politican's in both parties nothing will change. They will promise you the moon. But deliver the moon on the outhouse. Trump was bad start IMO cause he's to juvenile. With politicians you have try till you find good one (yes, that is VERY RARE) I compare trump to bill slick Willie Clinton. Has a lot of Skelton's in the closet. But, far better than career lying, cheating carpetbagging politicians in either party. The scumbags will not go easily, they are addicted to lying, money, and power.
Trump is one of them...he's no rogue...he wouldn't have been elected...the media would have ignored him like they did Perot...if he was truly an outsider. He's one of them.

They're ALL psychopaths...they'll do/say anything to get elected.

Originally Posted by Guest
America well on the long road to becoming great again. Takes a little time to undo 8 years of Sharia law
Ha! Nice sad joke.

America has gone from 90% white and #1 in the the present day 49% white and #25 in the world. As we turn dark and the whites go will/does America's greatness and ABILITY to be great.

How many majority black/Hispanic/Muslim countries in the world are successful?

How many white ones?

The proof IS in the pudding...white people make the BEST countries/civilization.

Disagree? Lets see your list of great black places...great Hispanic places. Just is all I ask...just ONE case of the minorities being truly equal.

They are not us...whites are the apex of humanity. We gave you civilization and technology.

What have the others given us? Cheap menial labor?
Old 07-12-2017, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That's subjective...the "lesser" evil? They're ALL evil... HAVE given up all control. The "election" is a sham...for show...EVERY candidate WILL go along with the party line...or they WILL be removed. Lincoln was killed, Kennedy killed, Nixon resigned because "they" wanted him gone. "They" are the VERY rich and powerful. The names you DON'T see on Forbes list of the richest. You think Gates has more money than Rothschild? Funny...Rothchild is the only one with a (?). List of wealthiest families - Wikipedia The parties PLACE candidates on the ballot. ANYONE they want. ALL of them WORK for the party. The public is given a "choice" only in personality...not what they'll actually do once elected. They all do what they're told. Even Trump.

That's ALL you're doing...choosing the man who will screw you. Instead of one you don't like, you prefer being screwed by someone you like. I get it, but it doesn't change the FACT that our government is completely controlled by the powerful men who control the corporations.

Working people often live WORSE than those getting a "free ride". Public housing looks pretty good compared to many working poor trailer parks. A single mother of 4 can get up to $60,000 a year in benefits when it's all added together. Why work with that kind of money. PLUS free healthcare now...real healthcare...worth $1,000 a month.

Believe me...that robber baron is giving to the lazy too...they just have different color skin and they get million $ bonuses.

You have much less say than you think you do. If voting mattered...they wouldn't let us do it. They do HERE what we do overseas. When we "democratize" a country...we provide BOTH sides of the government. We tell can vote for this hand picked candidate...or that hand picked candidate...choose. It doesn't matter who they choose because they both work for us. It doesn't matter who WE choose either...because they BOTH work for "them"...the rich and powerful. Buying a candidate is a 100:1 payback for a large business.

Trump is one of them...he's no rogue...he wouldn't have been elected...the media would have ignored him like they did Perot...if he was truly an outsider. He's one of them.

They're ALL psychopaths...they'll do/say anything to get elected.

Ha! Nice sad joke.

America has gone from 90% white and #1 in the the present day 49% white and #25 in the world. As we turn dark and the whites go will/does America's greatness and ABILITY to be great.

How many majority black/Hispanic/Muslim countries in the world are successful?

How many white ones?

The proof IS in the pudding...white people make the BEST countries/civilization.

Disagree? Lets see your list of great black places...great Hispanic places. Just is all I ask...just ONE case of the minorities being truly equal.

They are not us...whites are the apex of humanity. We gave you civilization and technology.

What have the others given us? Cheap menial labor?
I hear or read you daily bitching and moaning but notice two things lacking....

.....any critique of our priviliged WHITE AMERICAN President who is tearing the country apart by the seams

....any suggested solutions to these problems that you see.

Do you suggest we fire up the ovens in Germany ?

Why do you have such an intense need to manifest your hate on here ?
Old 07-12-2017, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I hear or read you daily bitching and moaning but notice two things lacking....

.....any critique of our priviliged WHITE AMERICAN President who is tearing the country apart by the seams

....any suggested solutions to these problems that you see.

Do you suggest we fire up the ovens in Germany ?

Why do you have such an intense need to manifest your hate on here ?
I criticize BOTH sides equally. WHY don't YOU notice that? You just don't like me and no matter what I say, you'll find a "fault"?

The growing minority poor is what is tearing America apart by the seams. We spend over a $ trillion a year taking care of them. That's about $10,000 a year for every WORKING American. We CAN'T keep it up. The poor population is growing gets worse each year.

Solution? ALL the Hispanic illegals and their anchor babies...MUST go. There are 100 million Hispanics here that can vote. They are already the majority below age 7. They WILL dominate as they become the majority.

Blacks...I'd like to see them go too...but that won't happen. Cut welfare if you're capable of any type of work and let them fend for themselves on a LEVEL playing field...see how "equal" they really are.

No ovens...boat rides...bus rides. Let their home countries take care of their own dregs.

Why do YOU have such a strong case of DENIAL when it comes to blacks? Once you realize they're a different species and incapable of living in a modern all falls into place...the answers to problems pop right out. It's not's acceptance of reality...facts.

SHOW ME the black villages if they ARE our equal. White people have thousands of white communities that any one of us would love to live in. How many 99% black communities would you like to live in?

SHOW ME the "black" MIT or Oxford...ANY decent school that is 99% black. Howard? It's a joke. And it's CERTAINLY no CalTec or Harvard.

My "need" is to stop your being deceived and the "dumbing down" of America with the fruitless pursuit of "equality" for another species. We are destroying ourselves and our country by being TOO feeling sorry for them. I want to SAVE white America...really return it to greatness...and 90% it should be.
Old 07-16-2017, 07:51 AM
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"The recent request from President Donald Trump’s vote fraud commission for a mountain of sensitive data from the states sparked a backlash and baffled many officials — not only because of concerns about privacy and security but because an organization "

Bipartisan Group That Shares Voter Data Shames Trump Panel - NBC News
Old 07-16-2017, 10:26 AM
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"The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) is a non-profit organization with the sole mission of assisting states to improve the accuracy of America’s voter rolls and increase access to voter registration for all eligible citizens. ERIC is governed and managed by states who choose to join, and was formed in 2012 with assistance from The Pew Charitable Trusts."


This is an article from about 6 months ago, and explains a bit more about this very bi partisan group

"In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump returned to his campaign refrain of widespread electoral problems and called for “an investigation into voter fraud, including those registered to vote in two states.”

Within hours, it was revealed that at least five people close to Trump — daughter Tiffany, son-in-law Jared Kushner, adviser Stephen K. Bannon, treasury nominee Steven Mnuchin and press secretary Sean Spicer — are registered to vote in more than one state.

They are not alone. A 2012 Pew Charitable Trusts report estimated that 2.75 million Americans were on the voter rolls in more than one state and that 1.8 million dead people remained on the rolls.

Like Trump’s family members and associates, these are people who registered to vote legally, but when they moved or passed away, their names were not deleted from voter lists.

It’s not illegal to be registered to vote in more than one state, but it is illegal to vote more than once. By holding more than one registration, a voter could conceivably drive across state lines to cast ballots in different places. Or a voter could request an absentee ballot in one state and vote in person in another state. Such scenarios, even if only a few instances have actually occurred, concern many Americans."


"But wait, there’s the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).

The Electronic Registration Information Center was established in 2012 with logistical and financial support from the Pew Charitable Trusts. Seven pioneer states agreed to coordinate efforts, share information, and make better use of government records and technology to enhance the integrity of their electoral rolls.

ERIC is now an independent organization, fully funded by member states, with no philanthropic support. Membership has steadily grown to 20 states and the District of Columbia. ERIC has so far reported to its members more than 5 million inaccurate and outdated registrations, including 166,000 deceased voters whose names were still on the rolls in these states.

ERIC works to identify inaccurate registrations by electronically analyzing and matching U.S. Postal Service change-of-address records, federal death records, vehicle registrations and voter registration records from member states.

ERIC has also analyzed data from its members to provide estimates of the number of inaccurate and out-of-date voter records for nonmember states.

Trump wants voter registration investigated. This is how 20 states are already doing it. - The Washington Post
Old 07-16-2017, 05:46 PM
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Oh fvck, rockface found something we JUST HAVE TO READ...

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