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Old 11-14-2015, 08:09 PM
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Default Isis/Immigration

To those who feel the need to protect President Obama, so be it..this is not meant to criticize anyone, but he IS the President.

To those who feel this is not the real world and that only they are aware of what the real world is....sorry. reading this evening, I found it conflicting in reading news reports.

I offer a little snippet, and a link and hope that if anyone wants to know what is going on in the world beyond our borders here in The Villages or your favorite tv show...

This first article addresses tonights debate and how it may influence it...

"The debate’s sponsors have already informed the campaigns they will have to address the attacks at the start, and all three candidates expect a greater emphasis on foreign policy questions throughout. These are not easy subjects for Democrats, in part because they force the field –- especially Clinton -- to address some of President Obama’s most glaring shortcomings: Democrats have downplayed an issue that has bedeviled their president who only hours before the killings claimed ISIL had been geographically “contained.”
When French President Francois Hollande – a socialist whose campaign strategy was inspired by Obama’s 2008 efforts – declared he would wage “pitiless” war against ISIL he posed an implicit challenge not just to his own people -- but to liberals in this country who have rejected the idea of waging a “War on Terror” for a decade.
“[W]e can't just wash our hands of the Middle East, as some would like us to, ... not all of the region's problems stay in the region: ISIS, for example, has ambitions beyond their self-declared caliphate, and they increasingly have the capability to kill innocent civilians abroad,” a senior Obama defense official said, reflecting Obama’s incremental move toward a more interventionist stance in the region.

Read more: ISIL crisis ensnares Clinton and Obama - POLITICO

This article addressed the administrations plans to increase and speed up our acceptance of refugees....

"The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday.

The move comes after President Barack Obama pledged in September to admit an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016, torn by four years of civil war and disorder."

Syria refugee crisis: U.S. opens centres to speed vetting - World - CBC News

This is from a New Orleans site which tells us they are already feeling the influx of immigrants...Syrians.

"The flood of refugees migrating from the terror in Syria and Afghanistan has begun to have a trickle effect in the New Orleans area.

"We had served two families, we're expecting one more soon, and we do not know how many more, but we expect more," said Martin Gutierrez of Catholic Charities, which is part of the Archidiocese of New Orleans."

Syrian refugees beginning to arrive in New Orleans -, South Georgia News, Weather, Sports

This article is about the Central American refugees that are beginning to ramp up once again....if you recall this was a problem last year...

"The number of families illegally crossing the southern U.S. border has more than doubled over the same period last fall, prompting concern about a new surge of migrants from Central America.

Many more unaccompanied children are also crossing, with 4,476 apprehended in September — an 85% increase over that month in 2014, according to new Border Patrol data.

"If that trend even continues a little bit, if things start to go up in February as they usually do, we could be looking at things getting really high, and by spring, you're seeing an emergency," said Adam Isacson, a senior associate at the Washington Office on Latin America, a human rights advocacy group."

More Central Americans fleeing violence to enter U.S., suggesting another major surge - LA Times

And from USA article showing the fears of our professionals after the French attack...

"The attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people Friday night suggest the Islamic State has broadened its reach beyond the Middle East and is capable of executing devastating attacks in the West.

“It suggests a major shift in the organization’s global strategy,” said William McCants, an analyst at Brookings Institution and author of The ISIS Apocalypse."

Paris attacks signal Islamic States's global aspirations

I apologize to those of you who have delivered the smart aleck remarks about my talking about current events. I apologize to those who feel that under President Obama things should be perfect and never a critical word. I apologize to those who insist it is all a Republican conspiracy. I apologize to those who feel I am not aware of the real world.

These are all articles from either today or the last 72 hours or so. IT Is not historical and it is not intended to criticize anyone. If you feel that the ISIS threat is a non thing, then move on and ignore. i prefer to try to stay up to date on current events.
Old 11-15-2015, 04:56 AM
Posts: n/a

How can this be? Obama says global warming is more of a national security threat than terrorism.
Old 11-15-2015, 07:21 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Get To The Store

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
To those who feel the need to protect President Obama, so be it..this is not meant to criticize anyone, but he IS the President.

To those who feel this is not the real world and that only they are aware of what the real world is....sorry. reading this evening, I found it conflicting in reading news reports.

I offer a little snippet, and a link and hope that if anyone wants to know what is going on in the world beyond our borders here in The Villages or your favorite tv show...

This first article addresses tonights debate and how it may influence it...

"The debate’s sponsors have already informed the campaigns they will have to address the attacks at the start, and all three candidates expect a greater emphasis on foreign policy questions throughout. These are not easy subjects for Democrats, in part because they force the field –- especially Clinton -- to address some of President Obama’s most glaring shortcomings: Democrats have downplayed an issue that has bedeviled their president who only hours before the killings claimed ISIL had been geographically “contained.”
When French President Francois Hollande – a socialist whose campaign strategy was inspired by Obama’s 2008 efforts – declared he would wage “pitiless” war against ISIL he posed an implicit challenge not just to his own people -- but to liberals in this country who have rejected the idea of waging a “War on Terror” for a decade.
“[W]e can't just wash our hands of the Middle East, as some would like us to, ... not all of the region's problems stay in the region: ISIS, for example, has ambitions beyond their self-declared caliphate, and they increasingly have the capability to kill innocent civilians abroad,” a senior Obama defense official said, reflecting Obama’s incremental move toward a more interventionist stance in the region.

Read more: ISIL crisis ensnares Clinton and Obama - POLITICO

This article addressed the administrations plans to increase and speed up our acceptance of refugees....

"The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday.

The move comes after President Barack Obama pledged in September to admit an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016, torn by four years of civil war and disorder."

Syria refugee crisis: U.S. opens centres to speed vetting - World - CBC News

This is from a New Orleans site which tells us they are already feeling the influx of immigrants...Syrians.

"The flood of refugees migrating from the terror in Syria and Afghanistan has begun to have a trickle effect in the New Orleans area.

"We had served two families, we're expecting one more soon, and we do not know how many more, but we expect more," said Martin Gutierrez of Catholic Charities, which is part of the Archidiocese of New Orleans."

Syrian refugees beginning to arrive in New Orleans -, South Georgia News, Weather, Sports

This article is about the Central American refugees that are beginning to ramp up once again....if you recall this was a problem last year...

"The number of families illegally crossing the southern U.S. border has more than doubled over the same period last fall, prompting concern about a new surge of migrants from Central America.

Many more unaccompanied children are also crossing, with 4,476 apprehended in September — an 85% increase over that month in 2014, according to new Border Patrol data.

"If that trend even continues a little bit, if things start to go up in February as they usually do, we could be looking at things getting really high, and by spring, you're seeing an emergency," said Adam Isacson, a senior associate at the Washington Office on Latin America, a human rights advocacy group."

More Central Americans fleeing violence to enter U.S., suggesting another major surge - LA Times

And from USA article showing the fears of our professionals after the French attack...

"The attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people Friday night suggest the Islamic State has broadened its reach beyond the Middle East and is capable of executing devastating attacks in the West.

“It suggests a major shift in the organization’s global strategy,” said William McCants, an analyst at Brookings Institution and author of The ISIS Apocalypse."

Paris attacks signal Islamic States's global aspirations

I apologize to those of you who have delivered the smart aleck remarks about my talking about current events. I apologize to those who feel that under President Obama things should be perfect and never a critical word. I apologize to those who insist it is all a Republican conspiracy. I apologize to those who feel I am not aware of the real world.

These are all articles from either today or the last 72 hours or so. IT Is not historical and it is not intended to criticize anyone. If you feel that the ISIS threat is a non thing, then move on and ignore. i prefer to try to stay up to date on current events.
Dear Guest:

Like many I am an avid reader and like to gather information from a variety of sources to truly understand the nature of things. I am also an early riser .

This morning I once again began my task of due diligence but something happened. It occurred to me again, this time with finality that what was reflected in those columns, opinion editorials, etc by persons, pundits and politicians were a recitation of problems, complaints, frustrations, stress, disbelief and even depression. But what was silent were viable solutions to these problems. Solutions backed by leaders who were upbeat confident and convincing and most importantly with a belief that they have the intestinal fortitude to back their words. Keep in mind there is a difference between bravado and the true means to accomplishment.

In short I am sick of hearing about problems and want our leaders to "get to the store" I am an intuitive person and so far not one presidential candidate in either party has convinced me they are the way and the light

Personal Best Regards:
Old 11-15-2015, 09:06 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Dear Guest:

Like many I am an avid reader and like to gather information from a variety of sources to truly understand the nature of things. I am also an early riser .

This morning I once again began my task of due diligence but something happened. It occurred to me again, this time with finality that what was reflected in those columns, opinion editorials, etc by persons, pundits and politicians were a recitation of problems, complaints, frustrations, stress, disbelief and even depression. But what was silent were viable solutions to these problems. Solutions backed by leaders who were upbeat confident and convincing and most importantly with a belief that they have the intestinal fortitude to back their words. Keep in mind there is a difference between bravado and the true means to accomplishment.

In short I am sick of hearing about problems and want our leaders to "get to the store" I am an intuitive person and so far not one presidential candidate in either party has convinced me they are the way and the light

Personal Best Regards:
If we grant there is no way and light candidate, then the only other choice is of the lot running, which will do a better job than the incumbent?

On the democratic side there is not one that I would allow a nano second.

On the republican side there are at least some options.
Old 11-15-2015, 09:58 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Dear Guest:

Like many I am an avid reader and like to gather information from a variety of sources to truly understand the nature of things. I am also an early riser .

This morning I once again began my task of due diligence but something happened. It occurred to me again, this time with finality that what was reflected in those columns, opinion editorials, etc by persons, pundits and politicians were a recitation of problems, complaints, frustrations, stress, disbelief and even depression. But what was silent were viable solutions to these problems. Solutions backed by leaders who were upbeat confident and convincing and most importantly with a belief that they have the intestinal fortitude to back their words. Keep in mind there is a difference between bravado and the true means to accomplishment.

In short I am sick of hearing about problems and want our leaders to "get to the store" I am an intuitive person and so far not one presidential candidate in either party has convinced me they are the way and the light

Personal Best Regards:
I tend to agree.

I wish the President would address the nation and be frank and honest relative to the influx of refugees.

Last night on the Democratic debate they were talking about 60,000 being allowed in and our President, I believe is at 10,000.

The difference it would appear is political, and that always seems to get in the way of our President. You are not up for reelection, forget the party, get on television with a prime time address and tell us what is going to happen, why it is going to happen and how you will control whatever it is forgetting how it flies politically.

He will get "heat", no matter what he says, but at least he will be leading and be Presidential. Whether he thinks this is a big issue, the people do, the experts in security do, so talk to us, do not campaign any more.
Old 11-15-2015, 01:57 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I tend to agree.

I wish the President would address the nation and be frank and honest relative to the influx of refugees.

Last night on the Democratic debate they were talking about 60,000 being allowed in and our President, I believe is at 10,000.

The difference it would appear is political, and that always seems to get in the way of our President. You are not up for reelection, forget the party, get on television with a prime time address and tell us what is going to happen, why it is going to happen and how you will control whatever it is forgetting how it flies politically.

He will get "heat", no matter what he says, but at least he will be leading and be Presidential. Whether he thinks this is a big issue, the people do, the experts in security do, so talk to us, do not campaign any more.
He has not taken the lead on anything that is not on his agenda. And even then he leaves it to others to facilitate so he has the opportunity to blame or excuse away if it does not go right. Hence he has not and is not presidential in anything he does...always the safe haven, for him that is.

And after 7 years we know that what the people say and think and what the experts say and think has no effect on him whatsoever.....unless it is racial or muslim related.

He earned the above caustic sentiments with his 7 years of taking up space in the WH!
Old 11-15-2015, 02:57 PM
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Today on MEET THE PRESS, Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post captured in a short paragraph a feeling that is persuasive .....a discussion about the attack in Paris and on terrorism took place and there were interviews including one with Ben Rhodes of the ADMIN.....Ms Rubin said this...

"I think what we see here and what Michael delicately alluded to is a complete divorce between what is necessary and what the president and the administration is willing to do. They have this vision that they are ending wars. They are not ending wars. They have a vision that they'll do a light footprint, that they'll let the countries in the region handle it.

That is false. And what we see now is this imbalance between what we will need, which I do believe will include a significant American force, and what they are willing to do. What is telling is the person that they put out to talk to the shows this morning was Ben Rhodes. An administration White House official, not a national security person, not someone respected in the national community, or in the international community, they are fighting a political PR battle, not a national security battle."

Meet the Press - November 15, 2015 - NBC News

A pretty good summary in my opinion.

I underlined and put in italic the points I think are important.

The reluctance by the President and last night hearing the other democrats agree, to call Islamics that are radical....radical islamists is a bit confusing to me and tells me she may be correct. To the WH, this is a political PR war only.
Old 11-15-2015, 03:39 PM
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when Clinton was confronted why she does not use the term radical islamist her response was reminding us that we did not want to offend the islamic countries because we have to work with them in the future.

Political dancing around the isse = BS political answer = Clinton walking in Obama footsteps = SIGNIFICANT WARNING!!
Old 11-15-2015, 04:02 PM
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Clinton injured her head a while back, remember? She had to postpone her congressional hearing on Benghazi because of her head injury. I really don't think she has ever recovered from it. At least that is excuse I am giving her, so that the Demerals (Democrat liberals) will feel all warm and fuzzy. Personally, I think her injury should preclude her from running for president. She says some really stupid things, so it must be the head injury.
Old 11-15-2015, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Clinton injured her head a while back, remember? She had to postpone her congressional hearing on Benghazi because of her head injury. I really don't think she has ever recovered from it. At least that is excuse I am giving her, so that the Demerals (Democrat liberals) will feel all warm and fuzzy. Personally, I think her injury should preclude her from running for president. She says some really stupid things, so it must be the head injury.
She really screwed up with her thing on guns....I mean she was only off by a few years and then using tied her fundraising to 9/11.

BUT, all this will go away from both primaries when we get to the general. Nobody much remembers anything.

I suppose you can lose in the primary but not win.
Old 11-15-2015, 06:54 PM
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I thought Clinton was stupid until I heard Sanders speak last night, regarding terrorism. He said that Global Warming is the cause of terrorism.
Old 11-15-2015, 07:22 PM
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When Isis took over cities in Syria & Iraq--they took over municipal office buildings. In those buildings they have untold amounts of blank passports, blank birth certificates, blank drivers licenses. They have real forms and documents at their disposal. No need to counterfeit anything. And , our moron in chief is willing to let 10's of thousands of these people into the U.S.
Old 11-16-2015, 06:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
When Isis took over cities in Syria & Iraq--they took over municipal office buildings. In those buildings they have untold amounts of blank passports, blank birth certificates, blank drivers licenses. They have real forms and documents at their disposal. No need to counterfeit anything. And , our moron in chief is willing to let 10's of thousands of these people into the U.S.
Can't argue with that. Simple and direct, as well as accurate.
Old 11-16-2015, 07:57 AM
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AMEN! Pray that we get a tough Republican President!!!! THis President is MISSING IN ACTION ! He has no nerve (I would use another expression but I am trying to be nice) - he is either afraid of ISIS or he is a sympathizer since he was raised with Islam all around him!
Clinton is a snake and lying phony! Do some research on the Clinton Foundation - their personal piggy bank!
Old 11-16-2015, 09:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
AMEN! Pray that we get a tough Republican President!!!! THis President is MISSING IN ACTION ! He has no nerve (I would use another expression but I am trying to be nice) - he is either afraid of ISIS or he is a sympathizer since he was raised with Islam all around him!
Clinton is a snake and lying phony! Do some research on the Clinton Foundation - their personal piggy bank!
His actions and even more so his inaction and refusal to address the RADICAL ISLAMIST movement.

His goal is to strengthen racial unrest, pollute our cities and infrastructure with millions of illegal immigrants and not disprupt the advancement of ANY muslim related growth and infiltration.

That is his legacy. He is setting up a scenario where he and Michelle can return to private life and continue their racist life style with a new and more violent established base.

president, obama, refugees, feel, article, apologize, world, move, things, obama’s, isis, attacks, increase, orleans, real, war, democrats, part, senior, expect, east, isil, hours, today, america

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