What Is A "Conservative"?...What Is A "Liberal"?

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Old 01-26-2009, 11:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default And The Answer Is...

There have been a few great and thoughtful replies in this thread, particularly the later ones. I don't think everyone's interests and beliefs can be neatly placed on one list or the other. Politicians can't be easily placed in one category or another, reagrdless of the party they claim to belong to.

Boomer, I think there are lots and lots of people just like you. I'm one of them. I share your beliefs pretty consistently. We only differ in when we bailed off the Bush bandwagon. My first vote for a non-Republican was a "lesser of two evils" vote for John Kerry.

I think it's both laughable and sad that some think that people can be neatly placed in one category or the other -- left or right. There may be some with those orientations, but I'm guessing that most people bounce back and forth from right to left, depending on the issue or question. I guess those folks are called "moderates" or "independents" or "centrists". Thankfully, they're growing in numbers because the loyalty to the old labels and parties doesn't work anymore. Can anyone say that the governance of the last eight years has been "conservative"?

On many important issues the Bush=Cheney administration has been more liberal than the most dedicated left-winger. And based on campaign rhetoric and early first steps, President Obama fits the Conservative definition on some issues.

Choosing where one wants to be politically these days takes a lot of thought. Do I want to be a socially-liberal, fiscally-conservative Republican or a "blue dog" Democrat? Is there much of a difference?

That's why the definitions I placed in the post that began this thread were hard to figure out. Both political philosophies sounded similar. What were they? Just for the record, the first definition was that of a Liberal, the second was of a Conservative.
Old 01-27-2009, 01:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post
There have been a few great and thoughtful replies in this thread, particularly the later ones. I don't think everyone's interests and beliefs can be neatly placed on one list or the other. Politicians can't be easily placed in one category or another, reagrdless of the party they claim to belong to.

Boomer, I think there are lots and lots of people just like you. I'm one of them. I share your beliefs pretty consistently. We only differ in when we bailed off the Bush bandwagon. My first vote for a non-Republican was a "lesser of two evils" vote for John Kerry.

I think it's both laughable and sad that some think that people can be neatly placed in one category or the other -- left or right. There may be some with those orientations, but I'm guessing that most people bounce back and forth from right to left, depending on the issue or question. I guess those folks are called "moderates" or "independents" or "centrists". Thankfully, they're growing in numbers because the loyalty to the old labels and parties doesn't work anymore. Can anyone say that the governance of the last eight years has been "conservative"?

On many important issues the Bush=Cheney administration has been more liberal than the most dedicated left-winger. And based on campaign rhetoric and early first steps, President Obama fits the Conservative definition on some issues.

Choosing where one wants to be politically these days takes a lot of thought. Do I want to be a socially-liberal, fiscally-conservative Republican or a "blue dog" Democrat? Is there much of a difference?

That's why the definitions I placed in the post that began this thread were hard to figure out. Both political philosophies sounded similar. What were they? Just for the record, the first definition was that of a Liberal, the second was of a Conservative.
Ohhhhhhhhh, K, K, K, K, K,

OK. Here goes.....

I owe you an apology. Mea culpa.

And Tony did not do it. I cannot blame Tony. He did not do his admin decision thing. I did it to myself. It is a long and convoluted story as to why I folded my post here in this political thread. And nobody wants to hear that long story from the Boomer Chronicles. This one involved a barometer drop and all kinds of stuff. I don't normally fold my posts. But I folded this one. Folded my tent and skulked into the night. I thought this was a dead thread anyway, and no sooner had I pulled my own plug than this thing came back to life.

Oh well, if I could put it back, I would. I really would. But I can't.

I was thiiiisssssssss close, VK, to posting that picture of me dancing with W. The one where I had superimposed my face over Laura's. The one that got me the double take laughs when friends saw it. The one where W and I were dancing at the ball, dancing to "The Way We Were." (Thank goodness I don't know how to post pictures. I did it one time and it took me forever. I don't know what I am doing. And, oh my, besides, I might have been in trouble for putting my face over top of Laura's in that picture.)

And then, in my post, I had confessed about my "Dear John" letter that I had to send to McCain, after he scorned me for the likes of Sarah Palin.

VK, I do not belong in Political. I am far too not too far. And I can get way too silly for the neighborhood here.

I will behave better now. At least I will try. (It is such a long story about what happened with my post. But I felt like I should at least say that it was in here and now it is not.)

I am exceedingly polite sometimes, even though I may not totally agree with you or anybody else, never completely. Your last post showed up here after mine was long gone. And there was my name in your post. And it is just not my style not to give an explanation. If only for the sake of my own annoying manners.

I just had to say that as Scarlett O'Hara is my witness, I will never go folding up posts again. Even if I think it is over. (And I really need to stay out of Political. I know that about myself, too. I am just not tough enough.)

And besides, I have to spend some of my time now worrying about the nationalization of banks.

Old 02-03-2009, 11:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Default I personally like the lable...constructive non conformist!!!

It means I do not subscribe to let my thinking or decision making be swayed by such meaningless categorization of political party or conservative or liberal, et al.
Do what is right for the masses.....NO EXCEPTIONS.
If it is wrong...stand and be counted...call 'em on it.....absolutely no room for the pea brained, unthinking concept of political correctness (which excludes doing what is right!!).

Call a spade a spade.
When wrong eat crow...it ain't all that bad with a little salt

Make no decisions based on the media's or any celebrities input.

Wave the flag of the USA every day of your life.
Be ready to defend your country even if it involves personally going to war (as many of us did) or watching a loved one do so.

Fiest and foremost be glad to be an American....if you are not, there a lot of other places that will gladly accept lemmings.

If I missed one you like it was not by design....this is a senior catharsis....feel free to add to the list.

Old 02-03-2009, 07:18 PM
Posts: n/a
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It means I do not subscribe to let my thinking or decision making be swayed by such meaningless categorization of political party or conservative or liberal, et al.
Do what is right for the masses.....NO EXCEPTIONS.
If it is wrong...stand and be counted...call 'em on it.....absolutely no room for the pea brained, unthinking concept of political correctness (which excludes doing what is right!!).

Call a spade a spade.
When wrong eat crow...it ain't all that bad with a little salt

Make no decisions based on the media's or any celebrities input.

Wave the flag of the USA every day of your life.
Be ready to defend your country even if it involves personally going to war (as many of us did) or watching a loved one do so.

Fiest and foremost be glad to be an American....if you are not, there a lot of other places that will gladly accept lemmings.

If I missed one you like it was not by design....this is a senior catharsis....feel free to add to the list.

There is NO other option at the checkout. Speak English or learn how. Don't like it, move to where they speak YOUR language!

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