What To Do About Healthcare

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Old 06-27-2009, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
How many of you speaking with such venom about the Federal Government's inequitable distribution of wealth, and it's botching of all things federal willingly receive Medicare, Veteran's Benefits and Social Security?

If you've spent more on your Medicare than you've paid in- welcome to Socialism, as you define it. If you have received more Social Security than you paid in- welcome to socialism, as you call it.

It seems only fair to me, as a baby-boomer, that you should not get one penny more than you have put into our "Socialistic" systems. Isn't that what you're saying- as long as it's someone else?

Our Declaration states that "Life" is one of the cardinal responsibilities and gifts given by our creator. Somehow, it gets lost when that affects some greedy geezer's pocketbook.
Your points and the spirit you gave them in are well taken. I don't really hear anger, and you do make some valid points.
Old 06-27-2009, 09:13 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by serenityseeker View Post
Your points and the spirit you gave them in are well taken. I don't really hear anger, and you do make some valid points.
Somehow, it gets lost when that affects some greedy geezer's pocketbook.
You could be right. Maybe anger is not the best description. Maybe...choler,ire,animosity,resentment. I tried to say "greedy geezer's pocketbook" a few times but kept getting this picture in my mind of a grouchy old man....probably my overactive imagination......Hmmmmmm
Old 06-27-2009, 09:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Smile Almost Didn't Respond

As a "baby boomer" I am sure you worked hard, lived real frugal, maybe in a low rent area and did not have a car for a few years after you married as you were saving for a car and home when you could afford it !! I am sure you did not buy a car on credit and you financed only a portion of the home with the commitment that you would pay the mortgage before you tried to "trade up"?
That when you retired you paid cash for your home as you saved for retirement. When called on to support your community through personal commitments and need to work on its social programs, (e.g. United Way, Jaycees, YMCA, etc.) that you stepped up to the plate and dedicated a good portion of your time to better the community. And for 40-50 years you paid into SS and only accepted Medicare as a goverhment program to let some air out of the high costs for new equipment that was being brought to the medical field, (e.g. Cat Scans, MRI's, etc.) which was funded before the liberals decided to use the money for something else and then claim poverty.Life is good but before you challenge the "older generation" remember that we tried to live responsibility as I am sure some "baby boomers" have done and deserve credit for those that did.
Old 06-27-2009, 09:38 PM
Posts: n/a

I didn't ask to be in Social Security. I wasn't given a choice. I would much rather have had the money to invest the way I saw fit. Did you ever hear of the Galvestan Project? These people were allowed to opt out of SS. They put their money in bonds and annuities that had guaranteed fixed interest rates. They are getting considerably more money than if they had put their money in SS. Why does the government always think they know better how to spend our money???
Old 06-27-2009, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Sally Jo View Post
I didn't ask to be in Social Security. I wasn't given a choice. I would much rather have had the money to invest the way I saw fit. Did you ever hear of the Galvestan Project? These people were allowed to opt out of SS. They put their money in bonds and annuities that had guaranteed fixed interest rates. They are getting considerably more money than if they had put their money in SS. Why does the government always think they know better how to spend our money???
Sally Jo....Can you tell me more about the Galvestan Project? I did a few searches but came up empty. It sure sounds interesting.
Old 06-27-2009, 11:11 PM
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Keedy, My info came from "Let Freedom Ring," by Hannity. Pages 244 and 245. Also, google Social Security / Galveston, Texas. There are several articles listed. Some pro and some con. I have read about this project in several other books, but its late. I'll try to find them tomorrow.
Old 06-28-2009, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Sally Jo View Post
Keedy, My info came from "Let Freedom Ring," by Hannity. Pages 244 and 245. Also, google Social Security / Galveston, Texas. There are several articles listed. Some pro and some con. I have read about this project in several other books, but its late. I'll try to find them tomorrow.
Sally Jo..

Thanks..I always wondered how much money I would have if I could have diverted all the money that me and my employer put into the Social security fund into an investment. Heck, just throwing it into the bank for 46 years would make me a rich man....well maybe not rich biy maybe secure.
Old 06-28-2009, 08:15 AM
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Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
How many of you speaking with such venom about the Federal Government's inequitable distribution of wealth, and it's botching of all things federal willingly receive Medicare, Veteran's Benefits and Social Security?

If you've spent more on your Medicare than you've paid in- welcome to Socialism, as you define it. If you have received more Social Security than you paid in- welcome to socialism, as you call it.

It seems only fair to me, as a baby-boomer, that you should not get one penny more than you have put into our "Socialistic" systems. Isn't that what you're saying- as long as it's someone else?

Our Declaration states that "Life" is one of the cardinal responsibilities and gifts given by our creator. Somehow, it gets lost when that affects some greedy geezer's pocketbook.
Just thought I would bump this up in case anybody missed it last night.
Old 06-28-2009, 11:45 AM
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Default Showing Stripes

Actually, anyone who has read my past posts knows that I am an unabashed and proud progressive! I just get a kick out of people misrepresenting the words "socialism" or "fascism" just to inflame a talking point.

I firmly belive that goverment has a role to play in providing universals that not everyone can access- and I am proud to pay more taxes if necessary to provide better services. That includes education, police fire, roads and safety, as well as a minimum of quality health care, Veteran's care, and dignity for seniors.

We pay our amenity fees in The Villages- they are taxes- and yet don't begrudge the possibility that the Morses may owe hundreds of millions of dollars in shady tax exempt shelters. As I've said before, taxes are the country club fee you pay to live in the greatest nation in the world. Our priorities are different than other nations, and SOME individuals have the choice to move, but the vast majority have no choice or desire to move. Yet their attempt at change is viewed by the narroe-minded as threatening or unAmerican.

But millions of Americans cannot simply say "Oh, I'll choose my own health care plan" simply because the health care industry, making obscene profits, isn't interested in insuring individuals. Why is it fine for the head of United Health to make $139 million dollars a year (2005), but then you complain about Medicare being wasteful?

Many Villagers are totally out of touch with the mainstream of this nation. We live in a wonderful middle-class fantasy world. We cheer Oliver North's patriotism, even though he sold 1000 stinger missiles to Iran AFTER the hostage crisis. We cheer Anne Coulter even as she calls for genocide, murdering college students and blowing up newspaper buildings. We crow about Republicans being the party of "family values" even as hypocrite after hypocrite gets caught with his zipper down- gay and straight. (Democrats do it just as much- but they don't get all self-righteous about it towards others!)

We listen to radicals like Joe Angione, Ruthie Kelly and Rush Limbaugh use coded anti-semetic language (Intellectuals, socialists, bankers and elitists are all words the Nazis used to label Jews) and then "tsk, tsk," when white supremisists act out on their hateful cheerleading.

So as a baby-boomer, I am PROUD to pay taxes, Proud of my country and her values. I am ashamed, however of how many of the "Korean" generation do a dis-service to "The Greatest Generation" and the current generations by engaging in nothing but navel-gazing anger toward anything that doesn't resemble "life" like "Father Knows Best" or "Leave it to Beaver."

No matter how much you'd like to just bury your heads in the 13th hole of Hemmingway, there is a big world around us with huge, inhumane problems that need to be worked on.

Enjoy this great life, but don't assume it's available to "anyone" who works hard enough to get it. Life doesn't work that way, and our system ahs become only more and more skewed to favor those of us who start with money in the first place.
Old 06-28-2009, 01:24 PM
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Default Don't

Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
Actually, anyone who has read my past posts knows that I am an unabashed and proud progressive! I just get a kick out of people misrepresenting the words "socialism" or "fascism" just to inflame a talking point.

I firmly belive that goverment has a role to play in providing universals that not everyone can access- and I am proud to pay more taxes if necessary to provide better services. That includes education, police fire, roads and safety, as well as a minimum of quality health care, Veteran's care, and dignity for seniors.

We pay our amenity fees in The Villages- they are taxes- and yet don't begrudge the possibility that the Morses may owe hundreds of millions of dollars in shady tax exempt shelters. As I've said before, taxes are the country club fee you pay to live in the greatest nation in the world. Our priorities are different than other nations, and SOME individuals have the choice to move, but the vast majority have no choice or desire to move. Yet their attempt at change is viewed by the narroe-minded as threatening or unAmerican.

But millions of Americans cannot simply say "Oh, I'll choose my own health care plan" simply because the health care industry, making obscene profits, isn't interested in insuring individuals. Why is it fine for the head of United Health to make $139 million dollars a year (2005), but then you complain about Medicare being wasteful?

Many Villagers are totally out of touch with the mainstream of this nation. We live in a wonderful middle-class fantasy world. We cheer Oliver North's patriotism, even though he sold 1000 stinger missiles to Iran AFTER the hostage crisis. We cheer Anne Coulter even as she calls for genocide, murdering college students and blowing up newspaper buildings. We crow about Republicans being the party of "family values" even as hypocrite after hypocrite gets caught with his zipper down- gay and straight. (Democrats do it just as much- but they don't get all self-righteous about it towards others!)

We listen to radicals like Joe Angione, Ruthie Kelly and Rush Limbaugh use coded anti-semetic language (Intellectuals, socialists, bankers and elitists are all words the Nazis used to label Jews) and then "tsk, tsk," when white supremisists act out on their hateful cheerleading.

So as a baby-boomer, I am PROUD to pay taxes, Proud of my country and her values. I am ashamed, however of how many of the "Korean" generation do a dis-service to "The Greatest Generation" and the current generations by engaging in nothing but navel-gazing anger toward anything that doesn't resemble "life" like "Father Knows Best" or "Leave it to Beaver."

No matter how much you'd like to just bury your heads in the 13th hole of Hemmingway, there is a big world around us with huge, inhumane problems that need to be worked on.

Enjoy this great life, but don't assume it's available to "anyone" who works hard enough to get it. Life doesn't work that way, and our system ahs become only more and more skewed to favor those of us who start with money in the first place.
put the rest of us down because we do not have the affluence that you do. We paid and paid dearly into SS for over 50 years and are still paying into Medicare, thank you very much. Would you rather see all of our hard earned dollars go to the illegals, etc.? I sure hope not. Until you have walked in my shoes, do not presume to tell me how they fit. My husband is a Korean Vetand I have 2 sons that served proudly and retired from the Navy. They are both now in the private sector working toward a second retirement so please, don't even go there.
Old 06-28-2009, 02:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Sounds Like

It is interesting to see how many who tout their belief in Gov't handouts, (which is really our money) do it as a feeling of a sense of entitlement and believe they actually have a right to the other guys earning from hard work.
The gov't has no money. It is our money and redistribution of wealth..well I guess I don't have to say what that is !!!
Old 06-28-2009, 02:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Who are the Uninsured?

Yes, I know we have 46 million uninsured Americans. But who are they and can they really NOT afford medical care? Are some of them the ones who don't take health insurance that is offered by their employer (this goes on where my mother works), the ones with the latest gadgets- best cell phone, car, pick-up, vacation, flat screen TV, etc. or they think it is a right to be provided care (go to an ER for something minor) and have the rest of us pay for it???
We make health insurance a financial priority in our household - no I am not on Medicare and am "uninsurable" for private insurance but pay for a high risk pool.
I enjoy the right and want to be able to make my own decisions regarding my health care and do not want the goverment telling me what, when and where.
I am also a RN and have seen how some on Indian Reservations must wait due to lack of funds, have taken care of Canadians who come to the USA and have waited in ER's while the staff needs to care for someone's cold.
So, that is my two cents worth.
I am just waiting the the goverment to change the federal law preveting transferring of health insurance across state lines. And we will be there in a heartbeat.
Old 06-28-2009, 06:03 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
Actually, anyone who has read my past posts knows that I am an unabashed and proud progressive! I just get a kick out of people misrepresenting the words "socialism" or "fascism" just to inflame a talking point.

I firmly belive that goverment has a role to play in providing universals that not everyone can access- and I am proud to pay more taxes if necessary to provide better services. That includes education, police fire, roads and safety, as well as a minimum of quality health care, Veteran's care, and dignity for seniors.

We pay our amenity fees in The Villages- they are taxes- and yet don't begrudge the possibility that the Morses may owe hundreds of millions of dollars in shady tax exempt shelters. As I've said before, taxes are the country club fee you pay to live in the greatest nation in the world. Our priorities are different than other nations, and SOME individuals have the choice to move, but the vast majority have no choice or desire to move. Yet their attempt at change is viewed by the narroe-minded as threatening or unAmerican.

But millions of Americans cannot simply say "Oh, I'll choose my own health care plan" simply because the health care industry, making obscene profits, isn't interested in insuring individuals. Why is it fine for the head of United Health to make $139 million dollars a year (2005), but then you complain about Medicare being wasteful?

Many Villagers are totally out of touch with the mainstream of this nation. We live in a wonderful middle-class fantasy world. We cheer Oliver North's patriotism, even though he sold 1000 stinger missiles to Iran AFTER the hostage crisis. We cheer Anne Coulter even as she calls for genocide, murdering college students and blowing up newspaper buildings. We crow about Republicans being the party of "family values" even as hypocrite after hypocrite gets caught with his zipper down- gay and straight. (Democrats do it just as much- but they don't get all self-righteous about it towards others!)

We listen to radicals like Joe Angione, Ruthie Kelly and Rush Limbaugh use coded anti-semetic language (Intellectuals, socialists, bankers and elitists are all words the Nazis used to label Jews) and then "tsk, tsk," when white supremisists act out on their hateful cheerleading.

So as a baby-boomer, I am PROUD to pay taxes, Proud of my country and her values. I am ashamed, however of how many of the "Korean" generation do a dis-service to "The Greatest Generation" and the current generations by engaging in nothing but navel-gazing anger toward anything that doesn't resemble "life" like "Father Knows Best" or "Leave it to Beaver."

No matter how much you'd like to just bury your heads in the 13th hole of Hemmingway, there is a big world around us with huge, inhumane problems that need to be worked on.

Enjoy this great life, but don't assume it's available to "anyone" who works hard enough to get it. Life doesn't work that way, and our system ahs become only more and more skewed to favor those of us who start with money in the first place.
Wow...Quite the rant...you have so much misinformation that I would not know where to begin.
First of all..what a private corporation makes a in profits and what they pay their CEO is part of our free enterprise system.
Second...Tell me what is wrong with "Father Knows Best" and "Leave it to Beaver"? What bothers you about those situations? Is it the stable marriage they have? Is it the strong father figure...you know that one that goes to work every day and takes an interest in their children? Is it part of the morals that each episode tries to present?
Or do you like the lack of morals today with the divorce rate at 50% and the kids brought up with no father and receiving welfare handouts? I personally would rather take the "Beaver" approach then the single mother with 6 kids and no income and no father approach. There are all kinds of television programs out there now that portray the father as some kind of idiot and the kids as loud-mouthed morons. Yea, that's what we need.
And finally...your little fable about Rush and company being anti-Semitic is totally wrong...The left-leaning liberals are the ones that are against Israel. Obama and Clinton have proved many times that they are not fond of our Jewish friends.
AS far as the system being skew to the people who have money in the first place...that is a down right lie. Immigrants still come to America with nothing and make a success of it. Explain to me why people from impoverished nations come here and work hard and make something of themselves yet we have citizens who cling to the ideals of socialism and all they do is squack how unfair everything is here in the USA.
My rant is over...my only hope is that we survive the present administration's attempts to re-form the USA into some kind of third-world rat hole!!!
Old 06-28-2009, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by ptownrob View Post
Many Villagers are totally out of touch with the mainstream of this nation. We live in a wonderful middle-class fantasy world.
No matter how much you'd like to just bury your heads in the 13th hole of Hemmingway, there is a big world around us with huge, inhumane problems that need to be worked on.

Enjoy this great life, but don't assume it's available to "anyone" who works hard enough to get it. Life doesn't work that way, and our system ahs become only more and more skewed to favor those of us who start with money in the first place.
These "out of touch" Villagers happen to consist of many people who currently work full and/or part time in every aspect of the society. Those who don't currently work-for-money have several decades in the "real world," and still spend incalculable numbers of hours as hospital volunteers, soup kitchen aides, prison ministry counselors, guardians ad litem, and a myriad of other "in-the-street" situations which take advantage of their life experience.

As far as "enjoying the great life," as demonstrated by these wonderful people, it includes an awful lot of giving-back by folk who have lived through those huge, inhumane problems are are indeed still involved in solving them firsthand. So, if they do spend some time taking care of themselves, as they are still spending a lot of what they have left in life for the sake of others, they've earned it!
Old 06-28-2009, 06:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Keedy, you couldn't have said it better. I have listened to Rush (never heard of the other two) a good many years and have never heard him be anything, but pro Israel. I just finished the chapter, in Mark Levin's book, "Liberty and Tyranny," about illegal immigration. My blood is boiling.

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