What is your opinion regarding what was today referred to as

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Old 01-21-2009, 05:54 PM
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Default What is your opinion regarding what was today referred to as

a "moral meltdown" in the USA. The topic revolved around the possible Treasury secretary, Clinton's questionable donation acceptances, Blagodagovitch annointing Burris, Burris accepting plus all the other violations of law and decency by public officials and representatives.
I personally would think at this time in our history when we the people are supposedly fed up with the corruption, dishonesty and immoral behavior of elected officials, the system would reject even a hint of violation.
But that is not the case....in fact there is significant allowance being given by the powers that be to get these people either to stay in office or appointed.
So, where is the so called CHANGE in this process? The same old circle the wagons, and the good old boy/gal club obviates the rules and laws the rest of us must abide by.
I am disappointed Obama is not only taking a position against such railroading, he is in fact encouraging the system to get it done to get "his" people in place.
It underscores, regardless what has been said, it is ploitics first and foremost...NO MATTER WHAT.
Until the inbreeding and protection is brought to a halt, just who is it that is going to bring about any change?
That's my opinion. Attack it if you care to, however what could be of more value is....what do you think?


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