Where is Bush?

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Old 09-17-2008, 07:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Where is Bush?

The economy is tanking....where is the President address? What is he going to do to fix this? Where is the money coming from?

Talk to us...................
Old 09-17-2008, 07:30 PM
Posts: n/a

There is little the President can do when all the oversight commitee's are chaired by democrats..........Barney Frank should be thrown in prison....
Old 09-18-2008, 10:12 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Doing what Congress recommends.......

NOTHING!!!!! Congress has decided that since there is nothing they can do to help they are going to take their next break as scheduled. Harry Reid (the sky is falling) says he wouldn't know what to do.
The President is about as responsible for what is going on in Wall Street as he is for the formation and direction of a hurricane!!!!!

As was stated in one reporters write up this morning, one effective action that could be taken is for the house and senate leaders to appear on the White House lawn with the president and Bernanke, et al and advise they are aware of the turmoil, etc, etc, and they are working TOGETHER, to protect the interests of the American people.......what an absolutely novel concept.

In our increasingly divided country, suffering from partisan induced satgnation, the above can no longer happen.

Until we return to the founding concepts contained in that document starting with We the people.....yer on yer own!!!!!!!!!!!!

Old 09-18-2008, 11:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by The Great Fumar View Post
There is little the President can do when all the oversight commitee's are chaired by democrats..........Barney Frank should be thrown in prison....

Sure...Barney Frank did it in less than 2 years. What a joke. You can run but you can't hide.
Old 09-18-2008, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
NOTHING!!!!! Congress has decided that since there is nothing they can do to help they are going to take their next break as scheduled. Harry Reid (the sky is falling) says he wouldn't know what to do.
The President is about as responsible for what is going on in Wall Street as he is for the formation and direction of a hurricane!!!!!

As was stated in one reporters write up this morning, one effective action that could be taken is for the house and senate leaders to appear on the White House lawn with the president and Bernanke, et al and advise they are aware of the turmoil, etc, etc, and they are working TOGETHER, to protect the interests of the American people.......what an absolutely novel concept.

In our increasingly divided country, suffering from partisan induced satgnation, the above can no longer happen.

Until we return to the founding concepts contained in that document starting with We the people.....yer on yer own!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well said.
Old 09-18-2008, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
NOTHING!!!!! Congress has decided that since there is nothing they can do to help they are going to take their next break as scheduled. Harry Reid (the sky is falling) says he wouldn't know what to do.
The President is about as responsible for what is going on in Wall Street as he is for the formation and direction of a hurricane!!!!!

As was stated in one reporters write up this morning, one effective action that could be taken is for the house and senate leaders to appear on the White House lawn with the president and Bernanke, et al and advise they are aware of the turmoil, etc, etc, and they are working TOGETHER, to protect the interests of the American people.......what an absolutely novel concept.

In our increasingly divided country, suffering from partisan induced satgnation, the above can no longer happen.

Until we return to the founding concepts contained in that document starting with We the people.....yer on yer own!!!!!!!!!!!!

I again refer all to the book, The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. There are frightening parallels.
Old 09-18-2008, 01:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Why are Democrats always looking for some sort of speech from someone even though there isn't much that can be done in this case? I guess it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Clinton gave great speeches, but was a do nothing President and he had a great approval ratiing.

Barack Hussein Obama gave good prepared speeches and he is the Democrat nominee, even though he has accomplished absolutely nothing as a Senator. Most of us have car payments that have lasted longer than he has been in office.

Then there is President Bush - Great at doing things, being a leader, getting things accomplished but not such a great speaker. His approval rating is in the tank.

Maybe he should have given a fuzzy speech every 6 months, asked people to sing Kumbaya around a camp fire every now and then and I bet his approval ratiing would be better.

Kumbaya ma lord, kumbaya, Kumabaya ma lord, kumbaya.
Old 09-18-2008, 01:14 PM
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I think President Bush has been singing Kumbaya ma lord, kumbaya, Kumabaya ma lord, kumbaya.
Old 09-18-2008, 01:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Default He is marking his short timers calender......

counting the days till he rides off to Crawford, TX.
Then he, like the rest of us will watch and see just how much of what is being promised comes to pass.
He of course will have the upper hand because only he knows no matter what gets said or promised, as President of the good ol' USA one is not onmipitent.
He will watch and smile as he watches partisan politics become the impediment to progress, what ever administration is in power.
Yes, he is counting the days and smiling.

Old 09-18-2008, 01:30 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Puterguru View Post
Why are Democrats always looking for some sort of speech from someone even though there isn't much that can be done in this case? I guess it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Clinton gave great speeches, but was a do nothing President and he had a great approval rating.

Barack Hussein Obama gave good prepared speeches and he is the Democrat nominee, even though he has accomplished absolutely nothing as a Senator. Most of us have car payments that have lasted longer than he has been in office.

Then there is President Bush - Great at doing things, being a leader, getting things accomplished but not such a great speaker. His approval rating is in the tank.

Maybe he should have given a fuzzy speech every 6 months, asked people to sing Kumbaya around a camp fire every now and then and I bet his approval rating would be better.

Kumbaya ma lord, kumbaya, Kumabaya ma lord, kumbaya.
What are you smoking....A do nothing President get a grip.

He handed Bushie a surplus and look at us now. Repub control for 6 years and now like my grandfather always said.

When the Republicans are in the breadlines begin
Old 09-18-2008, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
What are you smoking....A do nothing President get a grip.

He handed Bushie a surplus and look at us now. Repub control for 6 years and now like my grandfather always said.

When the Republicans are in the breadlines begin
Well see he had to spend a couple of bucs on some not so important things (according to Democrats), like.

National Security
Homeland security
A little war called Iraq
Building our military back up for the Clinton years.

Those things cost a few dollars. The economy has been wonderful for quite some time now, but today you complain. How appropriate. :

Bush has been in office for 8 years, where are the soup lines?
Old 09-18-2008, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Puterguru View Post
Well see he had to spend a couple of bucks on some not so important things (according to Democrats), like.

National Security
Homeland security
A little war called Iraq
Building our military back up for the Clinton years.

Those things cost a few dollars. The economy has been wonderful for quite some time now, but today you complain. How appropriate. :

Bush has been in office for 8 years, where are the soup lines?
Bush hasn't built up the military he has run it into the ground. He offends the troops by sending them into harms way without the proper equipment. I should know I bought stuff for my nephew...he has been there 4 times and has been wounded.

The cost of the war in Iraq has a lot to do with whats going on now and it was unnecessary...NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, NO LINKS TO BIN LADING, NO NUCLEAR PROGRAM...LIES LIES LIES.

Do you only look at Fox Noise....have you seen the unemployment rate, the number of foreclosures. Charitable giving is way down and food bank inquires way up...

Morgan Stanley and WaMu are next...
Old 09-18-2008, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post
The cost of the war in Iraq has a lot to do with whats going on now and it was unnecessary...NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, NO LINKS TO BIN LADING, NO NUCLEAR PROGRAM...LIES LIES LIES.

Sometimes, the truth hurts. But don't let it interfere with your prejudices.


Old 09-18-2008, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Muncle View Post
Sometimes, the truth hurts. But don't let it interfere with your prejudices.


Just show me a government report that Iraq had any of this stuff and then I will believe you. We attacked a country that did not attack us or one of our allies.

Was one 9/11 hijacker from Iraq? NO Weapons of Mass Destruction (Anthrax or Chemical) NO Evidence of a Nuclear Weapons Program. 1 centrifuge in pieces buried since the first Gulf War.

And Bush sent our troops into Iraq without armored vehicles and with defective bullet proof vests. I had to buy equipment for my nephew...

Thems the facts......

On this issue I will give no ground.
Old 09-18-2008, 07:01 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Puterguru View Post
Well see he had to spend a couple of bucs on some not so important things (according to Democrats), like.

National Security
Homeland security
A little war called Iraq
Building our military back up for the Clinton years.

Those things cost a few dollars. The economy has been wonderful for quite some time now, but today you complain. How appropriate. :

Bush has been in office for 8 years, where are the soup lines?
You asked for it and here it is.....Tent Cities


I rest my case.

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