Who Can Beat Hillary?

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Old 03-24-2015, 04:12 AM
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Jeb Bush maybe. If your considering Ted Cruz, Rick Perry or Donald Trump, you need to better understand the voters in this country.
Old 03-24-2015, 06:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Even the panel members of "The Five" on Fox today agreed that while Cruz had some good points, he was unelectable. That kind of statement from Fox about a Republican says this candidate is dead in the water.
Hi Guest: I watch The Five nightly. However, I find I as often agree as disagree with their statements, In my view the more likely voice of reason is Dana Perino. Let me first preface that there is never going to be a perfect candidate. Secondly that most of which any candidate says s/he will do will never come to fruition....and perhaps shouldn't. However, like Ted Cruz their opening remarks generally address what is on people's minds. So if you are for the flat tax he's your guy and if you believe gender inequality exists then Hillary is your gal. To me these are non sequiturs much like the social issues pushed by interested parties.

In my view my list of qualifications are simple.

Is the candidate an opportunist or truly interested in serving this nation?

What are this candidate's bona fides and how do they relate to the position of president?

What has this candidate done well in the past and/or failed to accomplish in their field of expertise? Example Mitt Romney is an excellent businessman and so I had confidence in his ability to right our economy.

Does the candidate have the intestinal fortitude to live up to his/her promises?

Is this candidate up to making the difficult choices when it comes to the defense of this nation?

Can this candidate be trusted to keep his/her word? In other words has the candidate kept to his/her promises in the past?

Is the candidate of truly moral character and yet wise to the ways of evil men/women?

Personal Best Regards
Old 03-24-2015, 08:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Hi Guest: I watch The Five nightly. However, I find I as often agree as disagree with their statements, In my view the more likely voice of reason is Dana Perino. Let me first preface that there is never going to be a perfect candidate. Secondly that most of which any candidate says s/he will do will never come to fruition....and perhaps shouldn't. However, like Ted Cruz their opening remarks generally address what is on people's minds. So if you are for the flat tax he's your guy and if you believe gender inequality exists then Hillary is your gal. To me these are non sequiturs much like the social issues pushed by interested parties.

In my view my list of qualifications are simple.

Is the candidate an opportunist or truly interested in serving this nation?

What are this candidate's bona fides and how do they relate to the position of president?

What has this candidate done well in the past and/or failed to accomplish in their field of expertise? Example Mitt Romney is an excellent businessman and so I had confidence in his ability to right our economy.

Does the candidate have the intestinal fortitude to live up to his/her promises?

Is this candidate up to making the difficult choices when it comes to the defense of this nation?

Can this candidate be trusted to keep his/her word? In other words has the candidate kept to his/her promises in the past?

Is the candidate of truly moral character and yet wise to the ways of evil men/women?

Personal Best Regards
Obviously Clinton is not a candidate.
The sooner she steps down or gets knocked off (again) then the real democratic candidates will have a chance, like O'Malley:

Democrats favor Martin O
Old 03-24-2015, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Obviously Clinton is not a candidate.
The sooner she steps down or gets knocked off (again) then the real democratic candidates will have a chance, like O'Malley:

Democrats favor Martin O
Don't you just love the 'news' articles that quote an unnamed democratic source. The article fails to mention that O'Malley is polling at 1%, just under undecided. It also fails to mention how much money O'Malley has raised, who is running his organization and who is endorsing him???????
Old 03-24-2015, 09:30 AM
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Hilary Clinton stopped by the White House yesterday and met with President Obama for about an hour in an unannounced visit. On the way out, Obama handed her the keys to the front door so she could have copies made for her family and friends.
Old 03-24-2015, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Don't you just love the 'news' articles that quote an unnamed democratic source. The article fails to mention that O'Malley is polling at 1%, just under undecided. It also fails to mention how much money O'Malley has raised, who is running his organization and who is endorsing him???????
And please help us understand how Obama's ratings, rankings and funding were known one year before the 2008 election.

The discussion by the way was not about what is known or unknown but who else could be a candidate....one that could beat Clinton. Since she is beating herself, out of a shot at the job....others more known than Obama one year out are surfacing.

Off point and off messaging to avoid the issue....again?
Old 03-24-2015, 10:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And please help us understand how Obama's ratings, rankings and funding were known one year before the 2008 election.

The discussion by the way was not about what is known or unknown but who else could be a candidate....one that could beat Clinton. Since she is beating herself, out of a shot at the job....others more known than Obama one year out are surfacing.

Off point and off messaging to avoid the issue....again?

Final Fundraising Figure: Obama's $750M - ABC News

In 2008 in the 21 months leading up to the election, Barack Obama raised $750,000. More people contributed to his election than any other candidate in history.

Trust me, Martin O'Malley is no Barack Obama. At best, he is hoping for a cabinet position with future President Hilary Clinton.
Old 03-24-2015, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Final Fundraising Figure: Obama's $750M - ABC News

In 2008 in the 21 months leading up to the election, Barack Obama raised $750,000. More people contributed to his election than any other candidate in history.

Trust me, Martin O'Malley is no Barack Obama. At best, he is hoping for a cabinet position with future President Hilary Clinton.
Thank God for that pearl of wisdom!
Old 03-24-2015, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Final Fundraising Figure: Obama's $750M - ABC News

In 2008 in the 21 months leading up to the election, Barack Obama raised $750,000. And what is this supposed to signify? Is $750,000 in 21 months supposed to be a big deal?

More people contributed to his election than any other candidate in history. And what is this supposed to signify? I would also have to see the data from where that conclusion was deduced.

Trust me, Martin O'Malley is no Barack Obama. At best, he is hoping for a cabinet position with future President Hilary Clinton. That statement is obviously a very biased personal conclusion. Why would any rising younger generation candidate even think about being on her slate. Why would he risk his political future playing second fiddle in an administration led by a candidate with as many problems and issues as she does. Not one with a useable half a brain anyway.
See my reaction to your opinion above in red.
Old 03-24-2015, 01:50 PM
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It all means he is a very popular president. Get over it. You got your butt kicked..... Twice. And the way your koch brothers fed, homegrown terrorist organization, tea party candidates act, it will be four times in a row. You have no chance as long as you stay out there in right field establishing absolutely no commonalities with middle America!
Old 03-24-2015, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It all means he is a very popular president. Get over it. You got your butt kicked..... Twice. And the way your koch brothers fed, homegrown terrorist organization, tea party candidates act, it will be four times in a row. You have no chance as long as you stay out there in right field establishing absolutely no commonalities with middle America!
It is very easy to be popular when providing financial handouts, food stamps, open borders or dependencies to name just a few. These kinds of benefits and dependencies in no way shape form or illusion constitute or represent a capability to be a good president. Only that he has and will continue to do whatever it takes for re-election or maintenance of the party.

And now that there is no re-election at risk he goes about doing whatever he wants whether anybody cares or not.
Old 03-24-2015, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It all means he is a very popular president. Get over it. You got your butt kicked..... Twice. And the way your koch brothers fed, homegrown terrorist organization, tea party candidates act, it will be four times in a row. You have no chance as long as you stay out there in right field establishing absolutely no commonalities with middle America!
And what exactly has this current president done for middle America? I think nothing, except broken it's back. Middle America tends to be a self-reliant, hard working group of people, not ones looking for free hand-outs and more government control of their lives. My prediction is that this election cycle will be a very different one indeed. I think more people are fed up with the direction this country is going than you choose to believe.
Old 03-24-2015, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And what exactly has this current president done for middle America? I think nothing, except broken it's back. Middle America tends to be a self-reliant, hard working group of people, not ones looking for free hand-outs and more government control of their lives. My prediction is that this election cycle will be a very different one indeed. I think more people are fed up with the direction this country is going than you choose to believe.
Well stated.
Old 03-25-2015, 03:35 PM
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Before too long....anybody:

The Case of the High-Flying (Alleged) Pedophile | Observer
Old 03-25-2015, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And what exactly has this current president done for middle America? I think nothing, except broken it's back. Middle America tends to be a self-reliant, hard working group of people, not ones looking for free hand-outs and more government control of their lives. My prediction is that this election cycle will be a very different one indeed. I think more people are fed up with the direction this country is going than you choose to believe.

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