Why are democrats and liberals so upset?

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Old 04-30-2017, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I hear from my liberal friends about everything that President Trump has done is ruining the country.

But then recently because of this arbitrary 100 days idea, we are hearing from those on the left that this administration has accomplished nothing in the first 100 days. Keith Olberman had a Facebook post about how the president has accomplished nothing, zero, zilch in his first one hundred days.

If he hasn't accomplished anything, what are all of his opponents up in arms about?

Some claim, even though there is no proof, that he has played golf 34 times in the past hundred days. Even if that's he case, as Hasan Minhaj said last night, you should be happy that he's playing golf and not being president.

So which is it? He's ruining the country with all of his accomplishments or he's not accomplishing anything?
My friend when it comes to the progressives "Trump obsession" it is clear they have gone beyond a nauseating saturation point.

Its all counter productive, a waste of time and energy and they do best to reorganize their failing party. Dumping Pelosi, Shumer, Waters, Warren, Lewis, Franken and Perez is a good start

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Old 04-30-2017, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My friend when it comes to the progressives "Trump obsession" it is clear they have gone beyond a nauseating saturation point.

Its all counter productive, a waste of time and energy and they do best to reorganize their failing party. Dumping Pelosi, Shumer, Waters, Warren, Lewis, Franken and Perez is a good start

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Do you folks not hear the President of the United States lie from the White House ?

Do you not hear the President of the United States accusing people of crimes without any basis, including an ex President ?

You folks just seem to gloss over a President having just a fleeing relationship with the truth.

We are not talking about style difference....we are not talking about policy....we are talking simply about LYING CHRONICALLY from the White House.
Old 04-30-2017, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Honesty or honestly...Hmmmm

What about your lie yesterday? Should your lies influence your credibility and trust on this forum? Possibly you have a quota, or threshold, and you feel as long as you don't go over that amount - your good??

I just wonder when you are going to stop whining about Trump...you wasted your vote!

Which president lived up to your standards?
DIRTBANKER...STILL waiting for clarity on you calling me a liar.

Thread and post number please
Old 04-30-2017, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Honesty or honestly...Hmmmm

What about your lie yesterday? Should your lies influence your credibility and trust on this forum? Possibly you have a quota, or threshold, and you feel as long as you don't go over that amount - your good??

I just wonder when you are going to stop whining about Trump...you wasted your vote!

Which president lived up to your standards?
DIRTBANKER...YOU called me a liar. I am asking for you to clarify that accusation with facts in where I lied, as you say..yesterday.
Old 04-30-2017, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Do you folks not hear the President of the United States lie from the White House ?

Do you not hear the President of the United States accusing people of crimes without any basis, including an ex President ?

You folks just seem to gloss over a President having just a fleeing relationship with the truth.

We are not talking about style difference....we are not talking about policy....we are talking simply about LYING CHRONICALLY from the White House.
Then why did you NOT have a problem with the last administration's lies? He did you know. If you don't know or don't believe me, most any of his speeches can be found on YouTube.
Old 04-30-2017, 04:24 PM
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He demeans the office of the POTUS with his constant and unapologetic lies, his arrogant narcissism, his nepotism, his lack of knowledge and understanding, his pathetic insistence on making his lack of a majority election sound like the greatest victory in American political history, his hypocrisy, his attacks on anyone who disagrees with him, his blatant attempt to give significant tax breaks to only the wealthy (including himself and his family) and the impact that will have on the federal budget, his misogyny, his xenophobia, his Russian connections during the election and the bromance with Putin, and his inarticulate defining of any positive and well thought direction for the country.

Other than Gorsuch, which was meaningful for his base, and the issuing of more Executive Orders than any other sitting POTUS during the first 100 days (something he and conservatives railed against during the Obama years) most of which are meaningless, possibly the MOAB in Afghanistan, and the Syrian bombing (59 bombs on an airport that was used the next day by the Syrian Air Force to launch bombers), what has he accomplished?
Old 04-30-2017, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Then why did you NOT have a problem with the last administration's lies? He did you know. If you don't know or don't believe me, most any of his speeches can be found on YouTube.
It is difficult for me to respond unemotionally o this kind of post.

I once read somewhere that there are 8 kinds of lies.

When you speak of Obama, you speak of exaggeration or broken promises, and that's fair to be disappointed with that. I am sure, no I know that Obama did that.

We are talking, with Trump of compulsive, boldfaced lying. Lying ON VIDEO, and then denying he said it. Lying by lashing out and making totally false accusations of very serious nature. Of lying and calling "fake news" if it does not fit that day.

A substantial, and extremely serious difference.

This difference is profound and deadly serious, because we are at the mercy of a compulsive liar in a National emergency. We are at the mercy of a man who if his personal reputation is on the line, if there is a chance he could be construed as anything but the winner, he will do or say anything.
Old 04-30-2017, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Honesty or honestly...Hmmmm

What about your lie yesterday? Should your lies influence your credibility and trust on this forum? Possibly you have a quota, or threshold, and you feel as long as you don't go over that amount - your good??

I just wonder when you are going to stop whining about Trump...you wasted your vote!

Which president lived up to your standards?

PLEASE list the lie you accused me of yesterday...thread and post.

I do not take kindly to being called a liar
Old 04-30-2017, 06:43 PM
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Uh-oh. I feel a Buffalo Jim coming on.

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
Old 04-30-2017, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Uh-oh. I feel a Buffalo Jim coming on.
Speaking of which, he's been conspicuous by his absence of late.

While I realize that Graceless' little PM crusade tried to rally her bully clique against me and he seemed to take it most to heart (numerous threads aimed directly at me ) by not ceasing in the main forums...I was thinking he would only get a timeout at most.

Of course, the passive-aggressive Queen B will try to convince herself that she had no hand in driving an obviously disturbed person...completely over the edge.

Intelligent folks will, of course...know better.
Old 04-30-2017, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockface

PLEASE list the lie you accused me of yesterday...thread and post.

I do not take kindly to being called a liar
YEP!! REMEMBER YESTERDAY WHEN YOU POSTED SOMETHING TO THE EFFECT OF " I HONESTLY DON"T LIKE TO PICK ON RUBICON"?? That was a bold face lie, you have targeted his posts, one right after another, making accusations and picking on the guy...I called you out on it and you ignored me. Now if you want you can ask me to find it, or you can man up and admit the falsehood, or run and hide.

Just for the record old man, I don't care what you take kindly...
Old 04-30-2017, 07:20 PM
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Originally Posted by CHI
Uh-oh. I feel a Buffalo Jim coming on.

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
Is that the guy that tapes his weenie between his legs and wears someone else's skin?
Old 04-30-2017, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by (unt
...numerous threads aimed directly at me...
Get a life, your imagining things...
Old 04-30-2017, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
YEP!! REMEMBER YESTERDAY WHEN YOU POSTED SOMETHING TO THE EFFECT OF " I HONESTLY DON"T LIKE TO PICK ON RUBICON"?? That was a bold face lie, you have targeted his posts, one right after another, making accusations and picking on the guy...I called you out on it and you ignored me. Now if you want you can ask me to find it, or you can man up and admit the falsehood, or run and hide.

Just for the record old man, I don't care what you take kindly...
Yes I have and will when I deem it it, but how dare you call me a liar. I was responding to a post that mentioned him, and thus I said I hate to pick on him.....I ignored you because what is said about you is evidently true...you deserve no respect whatsoever.

If you feel that reference in context was a lie, you have even less comprehension skills that you manifest in here daily.

I do not lie. Period.

You do a good job of representing the Trump lovers on here...no respect for anything or anybody but him, and the immaturity to manifest that fact in public and while shame would be appropriate, you show none.
Old 04-30-2017, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by ColdNoMore
...numerous threads aimed directly at me...
Originally Posted by DirtBag
Get a life, your imagining things...
You're lying again...so go crawl back in your hole.

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days, golf, president, upset, liberals

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