Why does the police union support the Democrats?

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Old 07-19-2016, 08:36 AM
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Default Why does the police union support the Democrats?

I didn't see even one "Police For Trump" sign last night. I would think that after all of the police bashing Obama and Hillary have been doing that they would stop supporting the Democrats.
Old 07-19-2016, 10:28 AM
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The police are supposed to show no bias like the AG is supposed to. I know that professionalism is an unknown quality to liberals, but many of our men and women that serve, serve proudly and equally. Just as they would sacrifice their lives to protect Trump, they would do the same for Obama (regardless of their political view).
Old 07-19-2016, 11:31 AM
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This has nothing to do with the police, it only deals with the unions. I have googled unions supporting politicians and from what I have found summarizing several sites, 95% of the money paid to the politicians are paid to the Democrats. 80% of the workers want to decide who their dues are paid to. I remember from my working as a union member that at election time, we were given a sheet with the names of who the union was supporting and who we were to vote for. We never had a choice 30 years ago.
Old 07-19-2016, 11:34 AM
Posts: n/a

Union? democrat? Unfunded retirement funda with 100% or near 100% retirements! free or near free health care.Brought and paid for by union lobbyist. I rest my case.
Old 07-19-2016, 11:55 AM
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Default My view

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Union? democrat? Unfunded retirement funda with 100% or near 100% retirements! free or near free health care.Brought and paid for by union lobbyist. I rest my case.
The facts are shocking on several levels first what the facts are and secondly that the LIBERAL CONTROLLED PRESS does not we should know.

We are told that CHINA is our largest creditor. The truth is we own slightly more to JAPAN then to CHINA. Trump has experience with bankruptcy. So I figured, Art of the deal and all that STUFF. He tells China we need to renegotiate-TAKE IT OF LEAVE IT.

BACK TO THE REAL WORLD-Japan and China hold less than 20% of our national debt. SOCIAL SECURITY HOLDS 42% OF IT. We were forced to invest in this ponzi scheme for 45 years AND OBAMA SPENT OUR MONEY.

This has been going on for years. Police, fire, sanitation threaten strike. FIRST OF ALL A STRIKE BY CIVIL SERVICE IS ILLEGAL. Strikes are always over MONEY. If, a strike is called there simply is no money to pay the new demands.
What they do is give them benefits, healthcare, retirement etc. Result is the current administration does not pay for it the next administration does.
Old 07-19-2016, 02:19 PM
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I have a family member that was bragging about his union health care coverage and the fact that it was exempt from Obamacare. His paid almost a 100% for services. About a month ago, he received a letter telling him to look for his own insurance because the Union no longer had the funds to provide free health care for retirees. Unions are not doing as well as they wish everyone to believe.
Old 07-19-2016, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The facts are shocking on several levels first what the facts are and secondly that the LIBERAL CONTROLLED PRESS does not we should know.

We are told that CHINA is our largest creditor. The truth is we own slightly more to JAPAN then to CHINA. Trump has experience with bankruptcy. So I figured, Art of the deal and all that STUFF. He tells China we need to renegotiate-TAKE IT OF LEAVE IT.

BACK TO THE REAL WORLD-Japan and China hold less than 20% of our national debt. SOCIAL SECURITY HOLDS 42% OF IT. We were forced to invest in this ponzi scheme for 45 years AND OBAMA SPENT OUR MONEY.

This has been going on for years. Police, fire, sanitation threaten strike. FIRST OF ALL A STRIKE BY CIVIL SERVICE IS ILLEGAL. Strikes are always over MONEY. If, a strike is called there simply is no money to pay the new demands.
What they do is give them benefits, healthcare, retirement etc. Result is the current administration does not pay for it the next administration does.

Newspapers are for sale all the time, why don't you repubs buy them, then you can control our thinking. LOL
Old 07-19-2016, 03:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Newspapers are for sale all the time, why don't you repubs buy them, then you can control our thinking. LOL
You liberals really do have a mental problem. And you don't listen. Conservatives want less control from the top. You liberals are needy and are dependent on a gov nanny to tell you what to do and when to do it. So, move along. I am sure that there is a protest somewhere that you mindless lemming can follow.
Old 07-19-2016, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We are told that CHINA is our largest creditor. The truth is we own slightly more to JAPAN then to CHINA. Trump has experience with bankruptcy. So I figured, Art of the deal and all that STUFF. He tells China we need to renegotiate-TAKE IT OF LEAVE IT.
That is exactly the kind of ignorant, simpleton thinking that has most of the civilized world scared of Chump being in charge.

The scariest part is, that I'm afraid Chump isn't any smarter than you and has no clue what backing out of paying our debt would do to our, much less the world's, economy.

This isn't stiffing a small company that you owe, by making up reasons not to pay...like Chump is used to doing.


Old 07-19-2016, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
That is exactly the kind of ignorant, simpleton thinking that has most of the civilized world scared of Chump being in charge.

The scariest part is, that I'm afraid Chump isn't any smarter than you and has no clue what backing out of paying our debt would do to our, much less the world's, economy.

This isn't stiffing a small company that you owe, by making up reasons not to pay...like Chump is used to doing.


Show us just where and when Trump said
he would not pay our debt.
Old 07-19-2016, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Show us just where and when Trump said
he would not pay our debt.
First of all, quit lying.

I never said Chump stated that he would not pay the debt.

Only that, as the poster stated, he might think he can renegotiate to better terms.

As far as where just one of the times Chump has said that......here ya go.

Trump Clarifies His Debt Default Comments, Then Suggests Printing Money : NPR

It's OK, NPR doesn't bite.

In fact, according to this, those who listen to NPR are the most informed (so turn of Faux News pardner....LOL)

Survey: NPR’s listeners best-informed, Fox viewers worst-informed – Poynter

BTW, is this the supposed 'gentleman?'

If so, go read my other post about at least trying to identify yourself in which ever way you want so that I can treat you as you treat me.

Old 07-20-2016, 04:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
First of all, quit lying.

I never said Chump stated that he would not pay the debt.

Only that, as the poster stated, he might think he can renegotiate to better terms.

As far as where just one of the times Chump has said that......here ya go.

Trump Clarifies His Debt Default Comments, Then Suggests Printing Money : NPR

It's OK, NPR doesn't bite.

In fact, according to this, those who listen to NPR are the most informed (so turn of Faux News pardner....LOL)

Survey: NPR’s listeners best-informed, Fox viewers worst-informed – Poynter

BTW, is this the supposed 'gentleman?'

If so, go read my other post about at least trying to identify yourself in which ever way you want so that I can treat you as you treat me.

Are you still crying about identity confusion? You sound like those gender confused trannies. Is your little initials supposed to identify you? Why don't you put your full name on here. Then you will be justified in complaining about how Admin runs their business.
Old 07-20-2016, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have a family member that was bragging about his union health care coverage and the fact that it was exempt from Obamacare. His paid almost a 100% for services. About a month ago, he received a letter telling him to look for his own insurance because the Union no longer had the funds to provide free health care for retirees. Unions are not doing as well as they wish everyone to believe.
Yep the union heads are starving.

That's because it's unfunded, but they have money to grease politicians and pay Union executives 6 figure salary.

like GM if they grease enough the government will bail them out.
Old 07-20-2016, 07:31 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are you still crying about identity confusion? You sound like those gender confused trannies. Is your little initials supposed to identify you? Why don't you put your full name on here. Then you will be justified in complaining about how Admin runs their business.
Where is your name, address, and phone number?
Old 07-20-2016, 07:34 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
First of all, quit lying.

I never said Chump stated that he would not pay the debt.

Only that, as the poster stated, he might think he can renegotiate to better terms.

As far as where just one of the times Chump has said that......here ya go.

Trump Clarifies His Debt Default Comments, Then Suggests Printing Money : NPR

It's OK, NPR doesn't bite.

In fact, according to this, those who listen to NPR are the most informed (so turn of Faux News pardner....LOL)

Survey: NPR’s listeners best-informed, Fox viewers worst-informed – Poynter

BTW, is this the supposed 'gentleman?'

If so, go read my other post about at least trying to identify yourself in which ever way you want so that I can treat you as you treat me.

NPR should change they name to the Nation democrat liberal radio, but they can't knowing they will lose there government funding. Democrat know where their bread is buttered with zombie Following and using tax money to fund it.

police, democrats, obama, bashing, stop

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