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Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Why Obama Scares me
A man wrote a letter to the NY Times that,of course, never got published. The letter has been circulating around the Inter Net and has been read by at least 500,000 people. The person who wrote the letter, Lou Pritchett was a vice president from Proctor and Gamble (retired) and he admitted it to SNOPES: |
I suggest you read todays Investors Business Daily today and the editorial about how this administration is just plain not being truthful about jobs for example BUT he says them so pretty ! |
Thanks for the link. Where is everybody? Outside playing? lol Here is a link for 30 conservative columinists for your reading pleasure: Keedy |
All of the links are interesting. But all I see is ideas that might have worked say 50 years ago when times were simpler and companies were smaller. Then there was competition and free markets worked. Today one company supplies and sets the price of vast numbers of products. Companies do not build market share by offering better products are lower prices, they buy market share by buying the competition. How about the deal that most wholesales tell the retailers the price they can sell something at or the retailer will not have items to sell. Where is the competition in that. I also see what has happened to the Banking industry when left to their own devices. We are all paying for the cleanup. There have been a number of independent studies that have proven that deregulation of anything ends up costing consumers in higher prices. It has not promoted competition.
Joke of the day:
What does Obama and God have in common? Answer: Neither one has a birth certificate. Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone...this joke is making the rounds today. Alot of talk about a possible messianic complex that some psychologists attribute our commander. I wouldn't dare to post this joke in another forum but since this forum is the rough and tumble world of politics... |
To Funny.... I got emailed these today.. """"President-elect Barack Obama plans to close Guantanamo, you know, the big holding center, the big prison, the interrogation center in Cuba. He is going to close that down. And Dick Cheney - I thought this was interesting - Dick Cheney said, 'Oh, fine, sure, I'm going to buy it and turn it into a vacation home.'"""" """"There was a historic meeting in Washington this week. Yesterday, Barack Obama and all the presidents met at the Oval Office. Did you see it? All the living ex-presidents were there. Jimmy Carter, George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney. All of them were there."""" |
I am relatively new to this forum and enjoy the nice people who post here. This morning I started reading the Sticky about personal attacks and somehow ended up in threads from last October.I found this one very prophetic:
You are so right. Who would ever want a new leader that promises change.
I guess that depends on what the change is. So far it stinks.
The takeover continues.
"All large institutions should be subject to regulation by the Fed, administration officials said. The proposal also would create a council of regulators with broad coordination responsibility across the financial system." |