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Old 09-05-2009, 12:48 PM
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Default List of Czars

Originally Posted by BJ Spencer View Post
Just wondering how many Czars does the White House have? Who are they? What do they oversee? Everytime I hear the word 'Czar' I think of the United States of America turning into the old Russia.
I did my own investigation, and came up with this list (it may be off 1 or 2things happen so fast at the WH):
1. **AfPak Czar, Czar for Afghanistan and Pakistan** - Richard Holbrooke
2. AIDS Czar - Jeffrey Crowley
3. **Auto Czar, Car Czar**- Ron Bloom
4. **Auto Recovery Czar & Autoworker Czar** -Ed Montgomery
5. Bank Bailout Czar & TARP Czar -Herb Allison
6. Border Czar - Alan Bersin
7. Climate Czar - Todd Stern
8. **Compensation Czar & Pay Czar**- Kenneth Feinberg
9. **Domestic Violence Czar** - Lynn Rosenthal
10. Drug Czar - Gil Kerlikowske
11. **Economic Czar & Big-picture Ecomic Czar** - Paul Volcker 12. Energy Czar & **Climate Czar & Global Warming Czar** - Carol Browner
13. Faith-Based Czar - Joshua DuBois
14. **Great Lakes Czar ** - Cameron Davis
15. **Guantanamo Base Closure Czar** - Danny Fried
16. Health Care Czar - Nancy-Ann DeParle
17. **Information & Infotech Czar**- Vivek Kundra 18. Intelligence Czar - Dennis Blair
19. **Iran Czar**- John Negroponte
20. Manufacturing Czar - Ron Bloom 21. **Mideast Peace Czar**- George Mitchell
22. **Mideast Policy Czar**- Dennis Ross
23. **Performance Czar** - Nancy Killefer
24. Regulatory Czar - Cass Sunstein
25. Science Czar - John Holdren
26. **Sudan Czar**- J. Scott Gration
27. **Stimulus Accountability Czar & Stimulus Oversight Czar** - Earl Devane
28. **Technology Czar,Chief** - Aneesh Chopra
29. Terrorism Czar - John Brennan
30. **Urban Affairs/Housing Czar - Adolfo Carrion, Jr.
31. **Weapons Czar**- Ashton Carter
32. **Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Czar**- Gary Samore/ Nonproliferation Czar
33. **Weatherization Czar** - Gil Sperling

**=new Czar departments since Pres. Obama took over

Number of Appointees (approx. number always changing for Pres. Obama):
appointees:George W. Bush: 46 Pres. Obama 2009: 34
That averages out to (approx. number always changing for Pres. Obama): Bush - 5.75 a year Pres. Obama - 34

Czars: Bush 36 Pres. Obama - 32
That averages out to (approx. number always changing for Pres. Obama): Bush -4.5 a year Pres. Obama - 32
(Remember, these were for 8 years for GW Bush and only this year for Pres. Obama)

Prospective Czars not yet appointed:
1. **Copyright Czar**
2. **Cyber Security Czar / Cyber Czar**
3. **Education Czar**
4. **Green Job Czar** - resigned
5. **Mortgage Czar**
6. **Sudan Czar**

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