"Wow!" Is all I can say.

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Old 09-17-2015, 11:01 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Anyone who truly believes things are not better now than they were in 2009 really needs help tying their own shoelaces.
But they ARE better! Like it or not, by every measure of the economy, the USA is better off now than when Obama first took office. Obama rescued the Republican run USA banks and the auto industry which George Bush's presidency had led to ruin, almost bankruptcy. Home-buyer interest rates are the lowest in decades which also spurs corporate growth. It's just a plain fact that Obama inherited the Great George Bush Recession, and, despite 24/7 obstruction from the Republicans, he forund a way to fix it. Since Obama became president, corporate debt has been reduced to 1990 levels. Thanks to the Obama policies and leadership, General Motors CO. has recovered . Obama's $49.5 billion 'purchase' of 61% of the company saved thousands of jobs and businesses throughout most of 50 states, not just the midwest. Consumers like me and you, are buying again and homebuilding is increasing. Unemployment has declined and the econonmy has expanded. Manufacturing jobs rose. Obama Care? After doubling for the past 20 years under the Bush's, medical expenses rose only 2% in the last 3 years, the LEAST in 65 years. George W Bush's presidency saw the Sept 11 terrorist attacks and ended with the deepest recession in 60 years which triggered the ongoing global financial crisis. After 12 years with a Republican President, the entire world economy collapsed. Over 60,000 factories closed under the Bush's and 9 million jobs were lost. The Republicans have the money, and they spend it on a propaganda machine which is a model for any dictator any where in the world, communist, fascist, or capitalist. These are all facts that be checked at Factcheck.org or Scicheck.org. It wasn't an email I received or learned on FOX or CNN.
Old 09-17-2015, 11:26 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
But they ARE better! Like it or not, by every measure of the economy, the USA is better off now than when Obama first took office. Obama rescued the Republican run USA banks and the auto industry which George Bush's presidency had led to ruin, almost bankruptcy. Home-buyer interest rates are the lowest in decades which also spurs corporate growth. It's just a plain fact that Obama inherited the Great George Bush Recession, and, despite 24/7 obstruction from the Republicans, he forund a way to fix it. Since Obama became president, corporate debt has been reduced to 1990 levels. Thanks to the Obama policies and leadership, General Motors CO. has recovered . Obama's $49.5 billion 'purchase' of 61% of the company saved thousands of jobs and businesses throughout most of 50 states, not just the midwest. Consumers like me and you, are buying again and homebuilding is increasing. Unemployment has declined and the econonmy has expanded. Manufacturing jobs rose. Obama Care? After doubling for the past 20 years under the Bush's, medical expenses rose only 2% in the last 3 years, the LEAST in 65 years. George W Bush's presidency saw the Sept 11 terrorist attacks and ended with the deepest recession in 60 years which triggered the ongoing global financial crisis. After 12 years with a Republican President, the entire world economy collapsed. Over 60,000 factories closed under the Bush's and 9 million jobs were lost. The Republicans have the money, and they spend it on a propaganda machine which is a model for any dictator any where in the world, communist, fascist, or capitalist. These are all facts that be checked at Factcheck.org or Scicheck.org. It wasn't an email I received or learned on FOX or CNN.

Reads quite like a fantasy novel. You have a very interesting imagination. If not for so many false statements, it would almost be a bit believable. Sorry, but if all liberals believe your post, then we have a lot of imbeciles in our country.
Old 09-17-2015, 12:00 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
But they ARE better! Like it or not, by every measure of the economy, the USA is better off now than when Obama first took office. Obama rescued the Republican run USA banks and the auto industry which George Bush's presidency had led to ruin, almost bankruptcy. Home-buyer interest rates are the lowest in decades which also spurs corporate growth. It's just a plain fact that Obama inherited the Great George Bush Recession, and, despite 24/7 obstruction from the Republicans, he forund a way to fix it. Since Obama became president, corporate debt has been reduced to 1990 levels. Thanks to the Obama policies and leadership, General Motors CO. has recovered . Obama's $49.5 billion 'purchase' of 61% of the company saved thousands of jobs and businesses throughout most of 50 states, not just the midwest. Consumers like me and you, are buying again and homebuilding is increasing. Unemployment has declined and the econonmy has expanded. Manufacturing jobs rose. Obama Care? After doubling for the past 20 years under the Bush's, medical expenses rose only 2% in the last 3 years, the LEAST in 65 years. George W Bush's presidency saw the Sept 11 terrorist attacks and ended with the deepest recession in 60 years which triggered the ongoing global financial crisis. After 12 years with a Republican President, the entire world economy collapsed. Over 60,000 factories closed under the Bush's and 9 million jobs were lost. The Republicans have the money, and they spend it on a propaganda machine which is a model for any dictator any where in the world, communist, fascist, or capitalist. These are all facts that be checked at Factcheck.org or Scicheck.org. It wasn't an email I received or learned on FOX or CNN.
1. I need some creditible links and back ups to your statement..."the auto industry which George Bush's presidency had led to ruin, almost bankruptcy. " FACTS please on how he did this. Links to prove your accusations.

2. Since you blame all the bank problems in one way with ABSOLUTELY no facts except what you typed. Do you think the Community Reinvestment Act might have helped just a tad ? FACTS and LINKS with accusations please !

3.Have you investigated and read the CBO analysis on Obama Care ? Do you know the affect this bill has had/will have on our national budget for years ? FACTS PLEASE. Links to prove your accusations.

Once you prove with links and facts on your accusations, I will continue
Old 09-17-2015, 12:16 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I am sure you are correct in your assumption.

While I understand your sarcasm and since you know your name appears when you post, I also know you as an ardent and loyal supporter of President Obama.

I do get the malaise of the Iraq war and do not wish to debate that thing again on here but do you actually think this country is in better shape now than in 2009 ? I always found you to be a smart poster, albeit a very biased one, but how could you even suggest such a thing ?

His two "legacy" moments...ACA and Iran deal are disasters.

ACA has a lot of good stuff in it and a lot that BOTH parties wanted but it is structured to bring our economy to its knees and does nothing to do what is was supposed to do. Reduce health care costs.

Iran, with a huge approval rating of about 23 % (and that approval thingie means not much except for how low it is) is discussed as if there was no context attached to it, ie. N. Korea, Syria, Russia, ICBM's and on and especially (for me anyway) that stupid premise about the only option to it being war.

Those are the two things he had accomplished that are headline worth....race relations went straight to the toilet beginning with his first foray with the black professor way back.....our economic situation while it DID improve is not good and we have yet to feel the full impact of ACA....foreign policy you have to admit is a total disaster; we are single handly making the ME a nuke haven and while not literally true, we have left Israel out to dry; Russia is dictating everything we do and getting stronger each day; we ignore, and frankly I never hear of this country doing this....we ignore the gassing of children in Syria.

No, we are not better off than we were and I was just getting started.

We need a change and it better go 180 degrees from our current direction.

NOBODY blames Obama alone. It was a "team" effort. BUT those items that lay at the Presidents feet, especially foreign policy is a mess. And the racial divide I think a case can be made that he has taken us back in time, whether he did it on purpose or not, it is just a fact.

WE are a country of laws...this President wants HIS OWN LAW. I think that fact is what bothers me about this President more than any other. He feels he is always right, and that alone is not a bad thing, but he will not even tolerate discussion with anyone who disagrees with him EVER AND AT ALL.

I suppose that last fact is what makes Trump more attractive to moderates. Same kind of schtick but on the right
An interesting and respectful post. Thanks. I'm not exactly an ardent Obama supporter. In fact I entertained voting for Mitt Romney, the original Mitt Romney before he became the "severely conservative" one that was so unconvincing. The 2008 election was a no brainer; the Republican ticket was in Trump's words terrible. However, I have voted Republican before for President, governor, and senator.

Having said that, I sincerely believe we are better off now under Obama than Bush 43. He inherited a mess of two wars and borderline economic collapse and got us through. I understand there are problems in the world, but under whose Presidency weren't there any? The history of the world in the last 100 years can read like a horror story.
Old 09-17-2015, 12:24 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
An interesting and respectful post. Thanks. I'm not exactly an ardent Obama supporter. In fact I entertained voting for Mitt Romney, the original Mitt Romney before he became the "severely conservative" one that was so unconvincing. The 2008 election was a no brainer; the Republican ticket was in Trump's words terrible. However, I have voted Republican before for President, governor, and senator.

Having said that, I sincerely believe we are better off now under Obama than Bush 43. He inherited a mess of two wars and borderline economic collapse and got us through. I understand there are problems in the world, but under whose Presidency weren't there any? The history of the world in the last 100 years can read like a horror story.
Ha, ha, ha.....that was meant to be satiric, right?
Old 09-17-2015, 01:37 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
An interesting and respectful post. Thanks. I'm not exactly an ardent Obama supporter. In fact I entertained voting for Mitt Romney, the original Mitt Romney before he became the "severely conservative" one that was so unconvincing. The 2008 election was a no brainer; the Republican ticket was in Trump's words terrible. However, I have voted Republican before for President, governor, and senator.

Having said that, I sincerely believe we are better off now under Obama than Bush 43. He inherited a mess of two wars and borderline economic collapse and got us through. I understand there are problems in the world, but under whose Presidency weren't there any? The history of the world in the last 100 years can read like a horror story.
"Got us through"? How, by walking away from the war in Iraq and leaving a void for ISIS and Iran? Improving the economy by more government regulation? The Fed, and the Fed alone, is responsible for the meager, slow-paced recovery that were are currently experiencing.

As you know, the FOMC met yesterday and today and the Fed Funds Rate remains unchanged. Not a positive sign of a healthy ecomony. The Food Stamp recipient rate is up and the labor participation rate is down under Obama. Yeah, what a great "president" he's has been for the economy.
Old 09-17-2015, 01:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
But they ARE better! Like it or not, by every measure of the economy, the USA is better off now than when Obama first took office. Obama rescued the Republican run USA banks and the auto industry which George Bush's presidency had led to ruin, almost bankruptcy. Home-buyer interest rates are the lowest in decades which also spurs corporate growth. It's just a plain fact that Obama inherited the Great George Bush Recession, and, despite 24/7 obstruction from the Republicans, he forund a way to fix it. Since Obama became president, corporate debt has been reduced to 1990 levels. Thanks to the Obama policies and leadership, General Motors CO. has recovered . Obama's $49.5 billion 'purchase' of 61% of the company saved thousands of jobs and businesses throughout most of 50 states, not just the midwest. Consumers like me and you, are buying again and homebuilding is increasing. Unemployment has declined and the econonmy has expanded. Manufacturing jobs rose. Obama Care? After doubling for the past 20 years under the Bush's, medical expenses rose only 2% in the last 3 years, the LEAST in 65 years. George W Bush's presidency saw the Sept 11 terrorist attacks and ended with the deepest recession in 60 years which triggered the ongoing global financial crisis. After 12 years with a Republican President, the entire world economy collapsed. Over 60,000 factories closed under the Bush's and 9 million jobs were lost. The Republicans have the money, and they spend it on a propaganda machine which is a model for any dictator any where in the world, communist, fascist, or capitalist. These are all facts that be checked at Factcheck.org or Scicheck.org. It wasn't an email I received or learned on FOX or CNN.
Total BS!

Here's some examples that tell a different story:

My insurance premium went up 43% since 2009. I doubt my story is isolated.

Home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years. = FactCheck.org

Long term unemployed 86,000 more than when Obama entered office = Factcheck.org

Debt held by public 106%

Food stamps up 70% under Obama = Washington Times [45% higher than when Obama was sworn in = Factcheck.org] Either number is too much.

More blacks unemployed since Obama
More black babies aborted last year than born

More of population at poverty level since Obama

EGP so low its stagnant.

National debt will be double what it was when Obama was sworn in by the time he leaves office. It took 40 presidents to accumulate as much debt as Obama has in two terms. By the way, we haven't paid down on the national debt since Eisenhower.
Old 09-17-2015, 02:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Total BS!

Here's some examples that tell a different story:

My insurance premium went up 43% since 2009. I doubt my story is isolated.

Home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years. = FactCheck.org

Long term unemployed 86,000 more than when Obama entered office = Factcheck.org

Debt held by public 106%

Food stamps up 70% under Obama = Washington Times [45% higher than when Obama was sworn in = Factcheck.org] Either number is too much.

More blacks unemployed since Obama
More black babies aborted last year than born

More of population at poverty level since Obama

EGP so low its stagnant.

National debt will be double what it was when Obama was sworn in by the time he leaves office. It took 40 presidents to accumulate as much debt as Obama has in two terms. By the way, we haven't paid down on the national debt since Eisenhower.

You want to talk about total BS. Take a good look at your post. Your looking at the end results of the Great Recession, and placing all the blame on Obama. So, so what did Obama do prior to his presidency that caused the Great Recession, and the Iraq war? The ACA definitely falls in his lap.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2014

You start running the clock on his contribution to the debt at 9/30/09, there is no way that it will double. That includes handing him programs like food stamps, whose increase was a direct result of the Great Recession. Drop in home ownership direct result of the Great Recession. Increasing unemployment benefits to 99 weeks a direct result of the Great Recession.

Try honestly looking at the causes of the debt increase, and place the blame, if you have too, where it belongs.
Old 09-17-2015, 02:57 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You want to talk about total BS. Take a good look at your post. Your looking at the end results of the Great Recession, and placing all the blame on Obama. So, so what did Obama do prior to his presidency that caused the Great Recession, and the Iraq war? The ACA definitely falls in his lap.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2014

You start running the clock on his contribution to the debt at 9/30/09, there is no way that it will double. That includes handing him programs like food stamps, whose increase was a direct result of the Great Recession. Drop in home ownership direct result of the Great Recession. Increasing unemployment benefits to 99 weeks a direct result of the Great Recession.

Try honestly looking at the causes of the debt increase, and place the blame, if you have too, where it belongs.
You like Obama and most democrats don't seem to understand when one runs for presient and wins they own everything on day one.

This is not kindergarten where one gets a chance or excuse to blame someone else.

Whether you or Obama or anybody else is looking to blame somebody else, that is not the way executive sucession works.

If you inherit something that is not right or is broken or needs fixing....DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Obama and others like him are amateurs who have no clue regarding responsibility, delegating, managing, measuring, comitting or following up.
In short....was not qualified for the job and it is showing every day for the past 6++ years. In corporate America he would have been gone by the end of year one!!!!!
Old 09-17-2015, 03:07 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You want to talk about total BS. Take a good look at your post. Your looking at the end results of the Great Recession, and placing all the blame on Obama. So, so what did Obama do prior to his presidency that caused the Great Recession, and the Iraq war? The ACA definitely falls in his lap.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2014

You start running the clock on his contribution to the debt at 9/30/09, there is no way that it will double. That includes handing him programs like food stamps, whose increase was a direct result of the Great Recession. Drop in home ownership direct result of the Great Recession. Increasing unemployment benefits to 99 weeks a direct result of the Great Recession.

Try honestly looking at the causes of the debt increase, and place the blame, if you have too, where it belongs.
National Debt 12/31/2008 = $10,699,804,864,612.13

National Debt 9/15/2015 = $18,151,049,785,935.02


You can do the math, I think.

The Great Recession was only that because Obama made it last as long as he could. Any other president in history could have/did better at the economy than this incompetent. He wasn't given anything. He ran with Hope and Change. IT's all his and he owns it. He knew exactly what he was getting into and he had plans to hose it up. He hates America and anyone can see it that isn't blind. How many recessions or depressions have we had? How long did it take for us to rebound? Nope, blame it on Bush all you want, but it's Bush that everyone would rather have in there right now than Obama. Check out the polls.
Old 09-17-2015, 03:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You like Obama and most democrats don't seem to understand when one runs for presient and wins they own everything on day one.

This is not kindergarten where one gets a chance or excuse to blame someone else.

Whether you or Obama or anybody else is looking to blame somebody else, that is not the way executive sucession works.

If you inherit something that is not right or is broken or needs fixing....DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Obama and others like him are amateurs who have no clue regarding responsibility, delegating, managing, measuring, comitting or following up.
In short....was not qualified for the job and it is showing every day for the past 6++ years. In corporate America he would have been gone by the end of year one!!!!!
Old 09-17-2015, 03:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"Got us through"? How, by walking away from the war in Iraq and leaving a void for ISIS and Iran? Improving the economy by more government regulation? The Fed, and the Fed alone, is responsible for the meager, slow-paced recovery that were are currently experiencing.

As you know, the FOMC met yesterday and today and the Fed Funds Rate remains unchanged. Not a positive sign of a healthy ecomony. The Food Stamp recipient rate is up and the labor participation rate is down under Obama. Yeah, what a great "president" he's has been for the economy.
Old 09-17-2015, 03:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
1. I need some creditible links and back ups to your statement..."the auto industry which George Bush's presidency had led to ruin, almost bankruptcy. " FACTS please on how he did this. Links to prove your accusations.

2. Since you blame all the bank problems in one way with ABSOLUTELY no facts except what you typed. Do you think the Community Reinvestment Act might have helped just a tad ? FACTS and LINKS with accusations please !

3.Have you investigated and read the CBO analysis on Obama Care ? Do you know the affect this bill has had/will have on our national budget for years ? FACTS PLEASE. Links to prove your accusations.

Once you prove with links and facts on your accusations, I will continue
I think I hear crickets...........
Old 09-17-2015, 03:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You want to talk about total BS. Take a good look at your post. Your looking at the end results of the Great Recession, and placing all the blame on Obama. So, so what did Obama do prior to his presidency that caused the Great Recession, and the Iraq war? The ACA definitely falls in his lap.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2014

You start running the clock on his contribution to the debt at 9/30/09, there is no way that it will double. That includes handing him programs like food stamps, whose increase was a direct result of the Great Recession. Drop in home ownership direct result of the Great Recession. Increasing unemployment benefits to 99 weeks a direct result of the Great Recession.

Try honestly looking at the causes of the debt increase, and place the blame, if you have too, where it belongs.
You mentioned the Iraq war, and I see nobody debating the entry.

HOWEVER, HOW and WHY we left in such haste, which by every military account I have read or that is available was the largest single factor in the explosion of ISIS and savage terrorism in the ME.

I also would request some documented links, proof or something that tells us that the increase in poverty programs you mention are a result of the 2008 recession. You cannot just say things and make accusations with no basis and you have none, nor will find any.

And any analysis, good or bad will need to wait until the economic albatross called ACA is totally implemented
Old 09-17-2015, 03:18 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You mentioned the Iraq war, and I see nobody debating the entry.

HOWEVER, HOW and WHY we left in such haste, which by every military account I have read or that is available was the largest single factor in the explosion of ISIS and savage terrorism in the ME.

I also would request some documented links, proof or something that tells us that the increase in poverty programs you mention are a result of the 2008 recession. You cannot just say things and make accusations with no basis and you have none, nor will find any.

And any analysis, good or bad will need to wait until the economic albatross called ACA is totally implemented

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