Unthinkable Computer Boo-boo

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Old 06-23-2008, 02:38 AM
golfpro golfpro is offline
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Default Re: Unthinkable Computer Boo-boo


If your laptop is a ThinkPad, the keyboard on them is 'firewalled' for lack of a better term from the other components of the laptop. I'm guessing the stickiness you are talking about is from the liquid you spilled. Most of us have done this. I just took a damp paper towel and then used a nail file (not metal) and used the damp paper towel to go up and down and across each row of keys (going in between them). Then take a dry paper towel and repeat.

It works like a charm. No more sticky keyboard. I wouldn't go anywhere but authorized IBM tech if you want to go further. Do not go to 'big box' outfits.
We're both retired now from public service. Explored move to TV but have chosen another location. Have enjoyed posts and posting. Happy retirement life to all.
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