When You Have No Options--Is This Extortion?

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Old 11-30-2010, 05:49 PM
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I didn't mention the name because I don't want to have to defend myself against a civil defamation lawsuit. (I read over the weekend that hotels are beginning to file lawsuits against customers who complain on public web sites.) If you're in the market for flooring, send me a pm and I'll tell you who we used. It's also worth noting that the finished floor fromanyone will only be as good as the installation crew who shows up that day.

I also didn't mention in my earlier comments that the installation crew undercut each door jam by more than 1/4" more than was necessary which they later filled with caulking. (The finished cut should not have been more than a credit card.) They also cut into the baseboard moulding 6-8 inches on either side of each door jam--why?

On all laminate flooring there's supposed to be a 1/4" gap by the wall for lateral expansion. In my case, some walls had none, and others had a 1/2" space. They corrected this defect subsequently but it was a lot more difficult for them than if they had used spacers to begin with.

I had this same job done over the summer in Yonkers, NY. The installer was from Equador with a helper from Mexico. They also had to use the floor leveing mix. When they were finished, you could'n't ask for a more perfect job. They had to cut around pipes and radiators.

Our salesman, instead of listening and wishing us a better experience next time became very defensive. There are just some situations that are almost indefensible and you shouldn't try to defend them. Shoddy workmanship is one of them. If our future plans call for flooring, we'll try Floormasters.

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