The 7 Stages of Covid

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Old 09-21-2021, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by thevillages2013 View Post
Most unvaccinated people who get Covid do not go to the hospital and recover just fine. No one wants to hear that though
This may very well be true, and thoughtful people hear it--and evaluate it for what it's worth. But is it meant to be a smokescreen to hide the reality of what is taking place in hospitals throughout the country as described by the OP? Is the reality that the vast majority of stricken and dying Covid patients are unvaccinated to be denied or ignored, just because many Covid patients--vaccinated AND unvaccinated--do recover? What a tragedy--and we are far from being finished with Covid , just as Covid is far from being finished with us....
Old 09-21-2021, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Eg_cruz View Post
Well it really not 100% safe now is it.
My close friend daughter is a dancer for Disney so had to get vax for work…….she was a very healthy young lady and since her first shot she has been to the ER 3 times with heart issues……….so safe you say.
And I don’t care what FDA, CDC and WHO and our President says.
I go by what I know with true cases. I have a lot of people who have had and deal with side effects from vax and have come down with Covid after being fully vax
Can we just stop all the false info
A few friends and a "so-called lot of people" does NOT compare to the RIGOROUS work done by the CDC and the FDA to ensure the GREATEST possible safety before getting ANY vaccine out to the public. Those few "I know people"-type people are statistically like an N of NOTHING. The main important statistic is that 99% of the CV DEATHS are from UNvaccinated people. Many of them have begged from their hospital beds of their friends and family members, "get your **** shots!"
Old 09-21-2021, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
Point of clarification before that post misinforms even more people:

Vaccinated people who have breakthrough and carry the virus can have viral loads equal to the unvaccinated. HOWEVER, the percentage of those vaccinated people carrying the virus is very, very low. A number of posts that refer to "viral load" are making it sound like just as many vaccinated people are running around with the same viral load as the unvaccinated. That is far, far from true. It's sort of like stating that fully clothed people who contract poison ivy in the woods have exactly the same lesions as naked people who ran through the woods without stating that 95% of the naked people got poison ivy while only 0.1% of the clothed did. Which group do you think will need the most calamine lotion?

Hey, golfing eagles, MD,,

I gotta hand it to you. That thing you wrote about the buck nekkid v. the full clothed running through the poison ivy is a terrific analogy.

But then there is the imagery. . .. . .Oh well, anyway, that's some seriously good wordsmithing you just did. Makes your point perfectly.



. . .And, hey, Mintzer, stop trying to get this thread shut down. I know it is turning into a lot of the usual, but I want to address my original post from a different angle, and I don't have time right now.

So let it ride. Don't cry, "foul" -- because it is not. And, btw, I like your new picture. That's a great haircut.

Boomer, again
Old 09-21-2021, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
Hey, golfing eagles, MD,,

I gotta hand it to you. That thing you wrote about the buck nekkid v. the full clothed running through the poison ivy is a terrific analogy.

But then there is the imagery. . .. . .Oh well, anyway, that's some seriously good wordsmithing you just did. Makes your point perfectly.



. . .And, hey, Mintzer, stop trying to get this thread shut down. I know it is turning into a lot of the usual, but I want to address my original post from a different angle, and I don't have time right now.

So let it ride. Don't cry, "foul" -- because it is not. And, btw, I like your new picture. That's a great haircut.

Boomer, again
Are they any angles left?
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Old 09-21-2021, 06:01 PM
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Why does an internet search for Karen Gallardo ONLY turn up this opinion piece submitted to the Los Angeles Times as an editorial?

Also, cancer is not a virus. Good luck finding that vaccine.

Old 09-21-2021, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Reiver View Post
Why does an internet search for Karen Gallardo ONLY turn up this opinion piece submitted to the Los Angeles Times as an editorial?

Also, cancer is not a virus. Good luck finding that vaccine.

Google "gardasil"
Old 09-21-2021, 06:12 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
Well it really not 100% safe now is it.

***No, just 99+% safe

I go by what I know with true cases. I have a lot of people who have had and deal with side effects from vax and have come down with Covid after being fully vax

***Let's ignore the tens of thousands in the studies and the hundreds of millions vaccinated and go by "I have a lot of people"

Can we just stop all the false info

***Yes, you can

And I don’t care what FDA, CDC and WHO and our President says.
Great post! Alabama has more deaths than births for the 1st time ever - a record brought about by the people like the one in that picture UNDER the graveyard marker. And a sendoff with so much PAIN. But, he/she like so many Alabamians showed "those government stooges" how to have "free spirit" and how to die for that GREAT CAUSE what was that cause again? Oh yeah, it goes something like - reject empathy for other humans and think about only themselves.......yeah, that free will. But, write out that paper WILL 1st before you go to your anti-vaxxer meetings.

Maybe that US overpopulation situation is SELF-CORRECTING. An old-timey great philosopher once said something like - wars and pestulance will keep the world's population in check!
Old 09-21-2021, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
Hey, golfing eagles, MD,,

I gotta hand it to you. That thing you wrote about the buck nekkid v. the full clothed running through the poison ivy is a terrific analogy.

But then there is the imagery. . .. . .Oh well, anyway, that's some seriously good wordsmithing you just did. Makes your point perfectly.



. . .And, hey, Mintzer, stop trying to get this thread shut down. I know it is turning into a lot of the usual, but I want to address my original post from a different angle, and I don't have time right now.

So let it ride. Don't cry, "foul" -- because it is not. And, btw, I like your new picture. That's a great haircut.

Boomer, again
I wholeheartedly agree with that post. Boomerperson for king of the world! All hail the king!
Old 09-21-2021, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
Great post! Alabama has more deaths than births for the 1st time ever - a record brought about by the people like the one in that picture UNDER the graveyard marker. And a sendoff with so much PAIN. But, he/she like so many Alabamians showed "those government stooges" how to have "free spirit" and how to die for that GREAT CAUSE what was that cause again? Oh yeah, it goes something like - reject empathy for other humans and think about only themselves.......yeah, that free will. But, write out that paper WILL 1st before you go to your anti-vaxxer meetings.

Maybe that US overpopulation situation is SELF-CORRECTING. An old-timey great philosopher once said something like - wars and pestulance will keep the world's population in check!
Why did you single out Alabama?

It happened in multiple states... We have an aging population...

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Old 09-21-2021, 08:33 PM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
Google "gardasil"
Gardasil doesn't "prevent cancer". It prevents HPV - human papilloma virus. HPV isn't cancer. It's a virus (thus, the V in HPV). HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer, but doesn't always cause it. In fact, most adult woman have, or have had at some point in their lives, HPV, and most of them haven't ever had cervical cancer. In addition, there are women who have (or had) cervical cancer but didn't (don't) have HPV.
Old 09-21-2021, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
Point of clarification before that post misinforms even more people:

Vaccinated people who have breakthrough and carry the virus can have viral loads equal to the unvaccinated. HOWEVER, the percentage of those vaccinated people carrying the virus is very, very low. A number of posts that refer to "viral load" are making it sound like just as many vaccinated people are running around with the same viral load as the unvaccinated. That is far, far from true. It's sort of like stating that fully clothed people who contract poison ivy in the woods have exactly the same lesions as naked people who ran through the woods without stating that 95% of the naked people got poison ivy while only 0.1% of the clothed did. Which group do you think will need the most calamine lotion?
So far the % is low but strangely, everyone I personally know that has contracted COVID has been previously vaccinated including my granddaughter. All had fairly minor cases and recovered nicely. All anecdotal I know but it makes me view the vaccine more as an effective therapeutic.
Old 09-21-2021, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
Well it really not 100% safe now is it.

***No, just 99+% safe.
I still think there has been a lack of a risk/benefit analysis. Our age bracket, vaccine certainly makes sense and the risk from vaccine is less than the risk from COVID.

Younger generations, I'm not so sure.
Old 09-21-2021, 09:05 PM
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This Covid surge is like that ad for Jaws 2 with that bumpa, bumpa, bumpa music in the background -- and the guy would say, "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water."

We boomers and beyond will not be taking the rap for this one.

As I said in the intro I wrote for the Op-Ed piece that started this thread, I have friends who are heartbroken because their adult children refuse to get the vaccine, not to protect themselves and not even to protect their own children by adding a layer of protection for them, and not to protect their own parents. And the parents, our age, are left feeling, "So. What am I? Chopped liver?"

Yes. They try hard to accept what their kids are saying and doing. But this one is beyond just disagreement. This one is skewing family relationships.

At first I thought about what could be the common denominator affecting the boomer-spawn that is making them act this way. But then I came to the conclusion that it's a spectrum -- a range of reasons.

I think the fact that the boomers' offspring were early adapters to screens is a factor.

I remember a study when they were children that said they were far more influenced by their friends than by their parents. Of course, now their friends, or pretend friends, are available 24/7 online.

Or is it because of that everybody gets a trophy routine that made them think they were the center of the universe?

What is it?

Our little family is all vaccinated and as completely mystified as I am by the behavior of some of those around us -- well, not so much around us for now -- we are avoiding them -- and I don't like doing that.

We are living our lives, not huddled in our houses, but it bothers me to make my world smaller. But I do.

I hope this will not turn into a link-fest. Families and friendships are hurting. Any thoughts on generational influences? I know the boomer-offspring are not any smarter than us -- well, except for that thing about not wanting china or silver or crystal. That's pretty smart.

Old 09-21-2021, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Notsocrates View Post
And most people who smoke don't get lung cancer
But, when the die it’s cause they smoked due to lung issues that cause respiratory failure.
Old 09-21-2021, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Eg_cruz View Post

Stage 1: out of nowhere your hit with a headache, fever and a burning cough
Stage 2: you take a home Covid test……it’s positive……
Stage 3: you go online and register for monoclonal antibodies treatment at Barn Storm….you get in that day
Stage 4: you choose between IV or 4 shots…..if you have symptoms go for the IV it works faster
Stage 5: you go home call your doctor for a phone apt, your doctor orders a ZPac and prednisone
Stage 6: you stay home for 10 days, take your medicine, get rest, drink tons of water and take a short walk every day
Stage 7: on day 11 you feel good you may still have a small cough but all and all the monoclonal did it’s job.
Stage 8: now you have Natural immunity not a leaky shot immunity, the chances of get Covid again are very very slim……unlike all the breakthrough cases

No I don’t wish Covid on anyone but there are ways to walk through this without getting really sick. FYI the infusion is for anyone vax and non-vax a like.

I am so over everyone trying to push their beliefs on others and if you think that vax people don’t get really sick and even die you are sadly missed informed

This vax vs non-vax is worse then the election……..stop the hate and just do YOU
Good that you have a plan. We hope it works for you. I’ll bet you plan a trip to the hospital if things go wrong. This is the situation the health care workers don’t want.

You chose to go rogue. That is ok. Part of that choice should be to give up your priority in the hospitals. Too many of the unvaxed are in ICU. Did they not get Mca in time? Maybe they missed that part of the plan. That is why the vaccine is a big deal.

Personally, I have your plan and the vaccine in my plan. I will gamble with my money, but not so with my life.
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stage, oxygen, hospital, vaccinated, blood

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