The 7 Stages of Covid

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Old 09-21-2021, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by manaboutown View Post
One of my long time close friends has a daughter who is a physician at UCLA treating Covid cases. Her daughter is furious at the unvaccinated who are overwhelming the hospital. Today I got my Pfizer booster shot!
If it makes her/him a bit less frustrated, they should read the study that shows "Covid Hospitalizations are overstated by 50%. If someone goes to ICU with burst appendix, they get tested for covid. If positive they are counted as a covid patient.
Old 09-21-2021, 07:55 AM
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Default Why take the chance

Originally Posted by thevillages2013 View Post
Most unvaccinated people who get Covid do not go to the hospital and recover just fine. No one wants to hear that though
That is what both my son say, it is disappointing that two highly educated young people would “take a chance” when a safe effective vaccine is available.

What is even more unfathomable to me is we have people that would take a horse worm medication (no human trials) over a proven safe and effective vaccine.

You just can’t fix stupid, IMHO.
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Old 09-21-2021, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Blueblaze View Post
I you think death by Covid is gruesome, you should see death by Cancer!

Odds of dying from Covid 19: 1 in 914

Odds of dying from cancer: 1 in 533

How come we don't post cancer panic-porn on this site for old folks, where nearly is already vaccinated and immune to Covid, but at high risk for cancer, for which there is no vaccine?

I see people smoking in the Villages all the time. Shouldn't we be hounding them relentlessly to quit smoking? Think of all the black lung pictures we could post and endlessly comment on! We could have a "7 stages of dying from lung cancer" thread that would make Covid look like a bout of hay fever!
There is only one vaccine at this time that is available to prevent one kind of Cancer and it is widely given to young teens.

Covid can be prevented or made less deadly. Get vaccinated. Don't die like this or lose someone you love.
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Old 09-21-2021, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
I have never done a cut-and-paste from a published article, but that's the only way I could do this. Unlike other cut-and-pastes I have seen that often do not cite the source, I will do so. . .

This is what is known to research as a primary source. Primary sources are defined as first-hand accounts of a topic by people who had a connection with it.

The following article was published in the Op-Ed section of the LA Times, August 26, 2021. The writer is Karen Gallardo, a respiratory therapist at Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura.

(In spite of the disagreements we Villagers can have sometimes on TOTV, I think most of us have sense enough to have been vaccinated. We duly vaccinated, older and (sometimes) wiser, people do not seem to be the age-group that welcomed Covid back to another rampant run.

I have boomer friends who cannot get their adult children to be vaccinated -- not to protect their own children, not to protect themselves, and not to protect their "old" parents. Family dynamics for some are getting downright weird. . .but. . .I digress.)

Here's the article. Read it and weep.


Op-Ed: On the front lines, here’s what the seven stages of severe COVID-19 look like

I’m a respiratory therapist. With the fourth wave of the pandemic in full swing, fueled by the highly contagious Delta variant, the trajectory of the patients I see, from admission to critical care, is all too familiar. When they’re vaccinated, their COVID-19 infections most likely end after Stage 1. If only that were the case for everyone.

Get vaccinated. If you choose not to, here’s what to expect if you are hospitalized for a serious case of COVID-19.

Stage 1. You’ve had debilitating symptoms for a few days, but now it is so hard to breathe that you come to the emergency room. Your oxygen saturation level tells us you need help, a supplemental flow of 1 to 4 liters of oxygen per minute. We admit you and start you on antivirals, steroids, anticoagulants or monoclonal antibodies. You’ll spend several days in the hospital feeling run-down, but if we can wean you off the oxygen, you’ll get discharged. You survive.

Stage 2. It becomes harder and harder for you to breathe. “Like drowning,” many patients describe the feeling. The bronchodilator treatments we give you provide little relief. Your oxygen requirements increase significantly, from 4 liters to 15 liters to 40 liters per minute. Little things, like relieving yourself or sitting up in bed, become too difficult for you to do on your own. Your oxygen saturation rapidly declines when you move about. We transfer you to the intensive care unit.

Stage 3. You’re exhausted from hyperventilating to satisfy your body’s demand for air. We put you on noninvasive, “positive pressure” ventilation — a big, bulky face mask that must be Velcro’d tightly around your face so the machine can efficiently push pressure into your lungs to pop them open so you get enough of the oxygen it delivers.

Stage 4. Your breathing becomes even more labored. We can tell you’re severely fatigued. An arterial blood draw confirms that the oxygen content in your blood is critically low. We prepare to intubate you. If you’re able to and if there’s time, we will suggest that you call your loved ones. This might be the last time they’ll hear your voice.
We connect you to a ventilator. You are sedated and paralyzed, fed through a feeding tube, hooked to a Foley catheter and a rectal tube. We turn your limp body regularly, so you don’t develop pressure ulcers — bed sores. We bathe you and keep you clean. We flip you onto your stomach to allow for better oxygenation. We will try experimental therapeutics.

Stage 5. Some patients survive Stage 4. Unfortunately, your oxygen levels and overall condition have not improved after several days on the ventilator. Your COVID-infested lungs need assistance and time to heal, something that an ECMO machine, which bypasses your lungs and oxygenates your blood, can provide. But alas, our community hospital doesn’t have that capability.

If you’re stable enough, you will get transferred to another hospital for that therapy. Otherwise, we’ll continue treating you as best we can. We’re understaffed and overwhelmed, but we’ll always give you the best care we can.

Stage 6. The pressure required to open your lungs is so high that air can leak into your chest cavity, so we insert tubes to clear it out. Your kidneys fail to filter the byproducts from the drugs we continuously give you. Despite diuretics, your entire body swells from fluid retention, and you require dialysis to help with your renal function.

The long hospital stay and your depressed immune system make you susceptible to infections. A chest X-ray shows fluid accumulating in your lung sacs. A blood clot may show up, too. We can’t prevent these complications at this point; we treat them as they present.

If your blood pressure drops critically, we will administer vasopressors to bring it up, but your heart may stop anyway. After several rounds of CPR, we’ll get your pulse and circulation back. But soon, your family will need to make a difficult decision.

Stage 7: After several meetings with the palliative care team, your family decides to withdraw care. We extubate you, turning off the breathing machinery. We set up a final FaceTime call with your loved ones. As we work in your room, we hear crying and loving goodbyes. We cry, too, and we hold your hand until your last natural breath.

I’ve been at this for 17 months now. It doesn’t get easier. My pandemic stories rarely end well.

Karen Gallardo is a respiratory therapist at Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura.
Thanks for the info. I skipped most of the stages: only had a two hour fever of 100.4 and a runny nose. I was tested Thursday and after nine months I still have the antibodies (Natural immunity) and no covid19. Told not to get the vaccine while I have the antibodies, which are superior, as it could enhance the side effects of the vaccine by a factor of four.
Old 09-21-2021, 08:08 AM
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I knew COVID was bad, just from reports of a couple of friends who never got beyond Stage 2. But this level of description can’t be described as anything but terrifying. Every person refusing vaccination or trying to convince others to decline the vaccine should be forced to read this. Thank you for posting it.

My wife and I are both vaccinated, me with the third Pfizer shot, my wife scheduled for her third later this week. We still stay away from large crowds, socially distance, and wear masks indoors when with others. Dying as described in this article isn’t anything we want to make possible—for us or others.
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Old 09-21-2021, 08:09 AM
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Default Should’ve

Originally Posted by merrymini View Post
I have known several people who got the virus and were unvaccinated. All recovered with no long term effects. The shots do help with symptoms but you can get it anyway. A very small percentage die, mostly people with physical issues, obesity, aged related issues. Over 98 percent recover! These stories always being to mind the people who sell their house in two hours. Yes, it can happen but usually doesn’t.
Ok, BUT have you heard of anyone who had Covid say I’m glad I didn’t get the shot?

I personally know of friends and acquaintances that were “non-vaccers “ that got Covid were hospitalized and recovered that now are posting on social media to get vaccinated.

Why take the chance

I agree with a fellow poster, it’s about protecting one another (not political) and our economy. Matthew 25 looking out for your fellow man (woman and CHILDREN).
Never grow up, cause in the immortal words of John Cougar, Mellencamp... "Growing up leads to growing old and then to dying, and dying to me don't sound like all that much fun"
Old 09-21-2021, 08:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
I have never done a cut-and-paste from a published article, but that's the only way I could do this. Unlike other cut-and-pastes I have seen that often do not cite the source, I will do so. . .

This is what is known to research as a primary source. Primary sources are defined as first-hand accounts of a topic by people who had a connection with it.

The following article was published in the Op-Ed section of the LA Times, August 26, 2021. The writer is Karen Gallardo, a respiratory therapist at Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura.

(In spite of the disagreements we Villagers can have sometimes on TOTV, I think most of us have sense enough to have been vaccinated. We duly vaccinated, older and (sometimes) wiser, people do not seem to be the age-group that welcomed Covid back to another rampant run.

I have boomer friends who cannot get their adult children to be vaccinated -- not to protect their own children, not to protect themselves, and not to protect their "old" parents. Family dynamics for some are getting downright weird. . .but. . .I digress.)

Here's the article. Read it and weep.


Op-Ed: On the front lines, here’s what the seven stages of severe COVID-19 look like

I’m a respiratory therapist. With the fourth wave of the pandemic in full swing, fueled by the highly contagious Delta variant, the trajectory of the patients I see, from admission to critical care, is all too familiar. When they’re vaccinated, their COVID-19 infections most likely end after Stage 1. If only that were the case for everyone.

Get vaccinated. If you choose not to, here’s what to expect if you are hospitalized for a serious case of COVID-19.

Stage 1. You’ve had debilitating symptoms for a few days, but now it is so hard to breathe that you come to the emergency room. Your oxygen saturation level tells us you need help, a supplemental flow of 1 to 4 liters of oxygen per minute. We admit you and start you on antivirals, steroids, anticoagulants or monoclonal antibodies. You’ll spend several days in the hospital feeling run-down, but if we can wean you off the oxygen, you’ll get discharged. You survive.

Stage 2. It becomes harder and harder for you to breathe. “Like drowning,” many patients describe the feeling. The bronchodilator treatments we give you provide little relief. Your oxygen requirements increase significantly, from 4 liters to 15 liters to 40 liters per minute. Little things, like relieving yourself or sitting up in bed, become too difficult for you to do on your own. Your oxygen saturation rapidly declines when you move about. We transfer you to the intensive care unit.

Stage 3. You’re exhausted from hyperventilating to satisfy your body’s demand for air. We put you on noninvasive, “positive pressure” ventilation — a big, bulky face mask that must be Velcro’d tightly around your face so the machine can efficiently push pressure into your lungs to pop them open so you get enough of the oxygen it delivers.

Stage 4. Your breathing becomes even more labored. We can tell you’re severely fatigued. An arterial blood draw confirms that the oxygen content in your blood is critically low. We prepare to intubate you. If you’re able to and if there’s time, we will suggest that you call your loved ones. This might be the last time they’ll hear your voice.
We connect you to a ventilator. You are sedated and paralyzed, fed through a feeding tube, hooked to a Foley catheter and a rectal tube. We turn your limp body regularly, so you don’t develop pressure ulcers — bed sores. We bathe you and keep you clean. We flip you onto your stomach to allow for better oxygenation. We will try experimental therapeutics.

Stage 5. Some patients survive Stage 4. Unfortunately, your oxygen levels and overall condition have not improved after several days on the ventilator. Your COVID-infested lungs need assistance and time to heal, something that an ECMO machine, which bypasses your lungs and oxygenates your blood, can provide. But alas, our community hospital doesn’t have that capability.

If you’re stable enough, you will get transferred to another hospital for that therapy. Otherwise, we’ll continue treating you as best we can. We’re understaffed and overwhelmed, but we’ll always give you the best care we can.

Stage 6. The pressure required to open your lungs is so high that air can leak into your chest cavity, so we insert tubes to clear it out. Your kidneys fail to filter the byproducts from the drugs we continuously give you. Despite diuretics, your entire body swells from fluid retention, and you require dialysis to help with your renal function.

The long hospital stay and your depressed immune system make you susceptible to infections. A chest X-ray shows fluid accumulating in your lung sacs. A blood clot may show up, too. We can’t prevent these complications at this point; we treat them as they present.

If your blood pressure drops critically, we will administer vasopressors to bring it up, but your heart may stop anyway. After several rounds of CPR, we’ll get your pulse and circulation back. But soon, your family will need to make a difficult decision.

Stage 7: After several meetings with the palliative care team, your family decides to withdraw care. We extubate you, turning off the breathing machinery. We set up a final FaceTime call with your loved ones. As we work in your room, we hear crying and loving goodbyes. We cry, too, and we hold your hand until your last natural breath.

I’ve been at this for 17 months now. It doesn’t get easier. My pandemic stories rarely end well.

Karen Gallardo is a respiratory therapist at Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura.

i am a retired PA and my daughter is a hospitalist who could have written it.
Old 09-21-2021, 08:13 AM
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IMO the OP is a good example of providing a reminder of how serious this virus is. It does not ostracize anyone that has not had the vaccination and does not belittle those that are against it. It just gives information about the seriousness of the virus.
As I have said, but will reiterate, I have my vaccination. I do not fault anyone that is afraid to get vaccinated because they have not seen or been given any information about the long term effects of the serum(how long it lasts and will a booster be needed). Some folks do not trust the gov anymore, and plan to take their chances, which seem pretty good to be honest. Especially pretty good chances if they are in good physical shape.
That said, I am VERY interested to know if or what the percentage of deaths occurred with patients that were in good shape. We always hear about how dangerous it might be to be infected if you have any medical issues, such as being obese, diabetic, high blood pressure, etc. But, we do not hear stories of those folks that had NONE of those medical conditions. I have known over a dozen people ranging from teens to 95yo that have had Covid and all of them except two survived with little effort. The two that did not survive (DIED) had serious issues and were already in the hospital dealing with the medical issues when the died WITH Covid.

So, maybe someone can point me to factual evidence of how many healthy folks have been documented as dying FROM Covid. Subjects that had NO medical issues.
To be honest with you, even though vaccinated I may forego the booster in the future and just consider the treatment IF I become infected, as I have no major health issues. After all, it's been proven that even the vaccinated can become infected. I am not looking forward to getting boosters every six-nine months, re-living the side effects of the shot again and then still have to be concerned about becoming infected. But that's just me and I am in no way advising anyone else or attempting to influence anyone to make a life changing choice.
I am just interested in the percent of healthy that have died FROM Covid.
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Old 09-21-2021, 08:16 AM
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And most people who smoke don't get lung cancer
Old 09-21-2021, 08:24 AM
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Originally Posted by coffeebean View Post
My understanding is the booster shot is the same exact vaccine formula and the same exact dose of the original vaccine. I really wish the manufacturers would develop a vaccine that specifically targets all the variants that the virus has mutated so far, including Delta. Having said that, I will take what is being offered now.
Didn't they report that the vaccine was not effective against the delta variant?
Old 09-21-2021, 08:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Bob.Betty View Post
A person can go to a number of articles, opinions, doctors, etc. etc. and find the information to support their own opinions. My wife and I (both boomers) do not (and will not) get flu shots, shingles shots, covid shot, or any other shot offered to us. We have both had covid and amazingly enough survived to tell about it. In fact I personally know many people including family members and friends who have had it....NONE of them died. A person must do what is right for them, you are exposed to many harmful things everyday.
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It is not enough for me to stay away from golf cart trails (Yes I am afraid of getting hit); I do not want ANYONE to be able to play golf. Don't you care about others?
Old 09-21-2021, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by thevillages2013 View Post
Most unvaccinated people who get Covid do not go to the hospital and recover just fine. No one wants to hear that though
It's great that most unvaccinated people who get COVID don't go to the hospital and recover just fine.

I'm glad to hear it.

Sadly, there are people who will hear that and say "you see? It's no big deal, I don't have to get vaccinated, or wear a mask, or social distance. This cough? It's just allergies, no big deal. My wheezing? Just a spring cold. Test? Nah, why bother? Even if I have COVID-19, it's likely I'll just stay in bed a day and feel fine tomorrow. No need to take ANY precautions, because I heard that "most unvaccinated people who get COVID don't go to the hospital and recover just fine."

There are MILLIONS of people who have that attitude. Those are the people who are dying in the hospitals now.

That's why some people should NOT be hearing that cheerful news, and why they need to see what actually goes on when someone IS sick with COVID, in the hospital.
Old 09-21-2021, 08:33 AM
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I think I answered my own question:
"Only 6% of deaths have only COVID-19 listed in the death report, according to the CDC." - ABC news (if they can be trusted).
Not sure if this indicates that there was nothing else wrong with the subject such as those illnesses listed; ie. obese, diabetic, etc. or whether the death reports were just being used to pad the stats (say it isn't so!).
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Old 09-21-2021, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
Boomer, my daughter considers the vaccine a “medical procedure”. She would rather leave the country if mandatory vaccinations, than get vaccinated. Both of her parents taught at university and she also attended. Both of her parents are even ready for the booster so it is not our example. I have learned to respect her choice … with a broken heart. I pray and hope I never have to face the day when she will say to me, “Mom, I’ve tested positive”. If you have any words of wisdom for me, I am really listening.
Respect her choice, and require that she respect yours. She, her spouse, your grandchildren - are not welcome on your property until and unless she and her spouse are fully vaccinated and your grandchildren masked from the moment they enter the house until the moment they leave, and maintain a 6-foot distance from you at all times.
Old 09-21-2021, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by paulajr View Post
And…there are those…like every single person I know personally, who get cold like symptoms, plus some loss of taste and smell, and get better and move on. I hate posts like this that try to instill fear. You are probably the ones I see driving in your carts wearing a mask. 🙄
Where do you live that you know no one with serious COVID? Two in my neighborhood died. My cousin died. Six of my neighbors were hospitalized. Some have long haul symptoms.
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