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Old 09-15-2010, 09:20 PM
bkcunningham1 bkcunningham1 is offline
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I have been away and only had time to take quick glimpses at TOTV until this week. I missed Bare's post about her knees and cortisone shots.

I hope you are doing great Bare. I also wish I had seen your post eariler. My husband just had surgery on his knee for a torn miniscus. It turns out old scar tissue inside his knee was causing more pain than the torn miniscus.

He could have written your post. He didn't know what to do but opted first for the cortison shot. It was like a miracle...for about one day (that's when the numbing agent in the injection fades) and then the pain was back.

He decided to have the surgery and actually played his first round of golf in TV about two weeks later. The surgery went great and he was on crutches, at his discretion, for about a week. He could have gotten off the crutches sooner but he used them for preferential treatment at the airport.

Let us know how you are doing Bare.
Old 09-15-2010, 09:23 PM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
I have been away and only had time to take quick glimpses at TOTV until this week. I missed Bare's post about her knees and cortisone shots.

I hope you are doing great Bare. I also wish I had seen your post eariler. My husband just had surgery on his knee for a torn miniscus. It turns out old scar tissue inside his knee was causing more pain than the torn miniscus.

He could have written your post. He didn't know what to do but opted first for the cortison shot. It was like a miracle...for about one day (that's when the numbing agent in the injection fades) and then the pain was back.

He decided to have the surgery and actually played his first round of golf in TV about two weeks later. The surgery went great and he was on crutches, at his discretion, for about a week. He could have gotten off the crutches sooner but he used them for preferential treatment at the airport.

Let us know how you are doing Bare.
Hi Cuz,
I'm glad his surgery went well. Smart use of the crutches.
Old 09-15-2010, 09:29 PM
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Thanks P. It is scary when you have to have surgery or even consider surgery on your knees. He'd never had any kind of surgery or major illness, thank God. I think I know how Bare must feel. The cortisone does great for many people though.

My husband's surgeon said it was the scar tissue causing the majority of the pain and the cortisone doesn't work as well for that pain. It's been a crazy couple of months to say the least.

And now, we are getting ready to move from NC to Pennsylvania!!! Too far to just drive down for a long weekend at the house in TV.

I'm going to miss my husband this winter. I'm glad his knee is doing better so he can take care of himself while I'm in Florida.
Old 09-15-2010, 10:04 PM
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Cortisone shots never worked for me.....Hope it does for you.....b
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Old 09-15-2010, 10:58 PM
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Well, here I am, still alive and smiling. I had cortisone shots in both knees five days ago. (Otherwise I would have had to have arthoscopic surgery on both knees to remove some floaty bits). I was instructed to stay off my feet for 48 hours after the shots. Which was impossible because I have a house for sale (in Canada). But that is another story!

As I mentioned, my knees have been very stiff and ouchy for the past year. I even bought a cane at one point, my right knee was so bad. After the cortisone shots, I had a lot of knee pain from the injections themselves. It lasted for about eight hours, and then the pain from the injections stopped, just like magic. I haven't had any pain since. My knees are still stiff, but they feel waaay better and the doctor says that will improve.

The doctor (a specialist in arthritis) said that I will have the best results six weeks after the shots. And that hopefully I would be pain free for some time .. perhaps six months to a year, perhaps longer.

So .. right now .. the jury is out. But I'm glad I had the shots!

I'm in Canada now and have a house to sell and have to get moved to Lagoon City, Ontario, before I leave for The Villages (at the end of October).

Hopefully the next time I see you, I'll be dancing at Katie Belles.
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Old 09-15-2010, 10:59 PM
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Well, here I am, still alive and smiling. I had cortisone shots in both knees five days ago. (Otherwise I would have had to have arthoscopic surgery on both knees to remove some floaty bits). I was instructed to stay off my feet for 48 hours after the shots. Which was impossible because I have a house for sale (in Canada). But that is another story!

As I mentioned, my knees have been very stiff and ouchy for the past year. I even bought a cane at one point, my right knee was so bad. After the cortisone shots, I had a lot of knee pain from the injections themselves. It lasted for about eight hours, and then the pain from the injections stopped, just like magic. I haven't had any pain since. My knees are still stiff, but they feel waaay better and the doctor says that will improve.

The doctor (a specialist in arthritis) said that I will have the best results six weeks after the shots. And that hopefully I would be pain free for some time .. perhaps six months to a year, perhaps longer.

So .. right now .. the jury is out. But I'm glad I had the shots!

I'm in Canada now and have a house to sell and have to get moved to Lagoon City, Ontario, before I leave for The Villages (at the end of October).
Hopefully the next time I see you, I'll be dancing at Katie Belles.
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Old 09-15-2010, 11:11 PM
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Oh, Barefoot, I am so very happy it is working. That really is good news. Now don't overdo it though. Take it easy. Hope you have a good move. Oh, I wanted to tell you that I was nearly as far north as Lagoon City, Ontario, two weekends ago near Ft. Drum, NY, for a wedding.
Old 09-15-2010, 11:22 PM
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Barefoot, you are very brave to get those shots. I'm so glad that the treatment is working for you. Remember to try not to overdo even though you may not feel as much pain. You know, no parachute jumps and the like.
Old 09-15-2010, 11:33 PM
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Thanks BK and K-9! I do have a tendency to overdo things ... although I'm a slothful person in general, I have bursts of energy. I have to remember to pace myself when I'm packing.

K-9 .. I'm really enjoying the smoothies! BK, if you're in the area, you have to drop in!
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Old 09-16-2010, 12:28 PM
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I'm glad the cortisone shots are working and hope it proves to be a good long-term solution!

Wow, you are moving further north! What's up with that? Aren't you in the Toronto area now?
Old 09-16-2010, 03:30 PM
bkcunningham1 bkcunningham1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
Thanks BK and K-9! I do have a tendency to overdo things ... although I'm a slothful person in general, I have bursts of energy. I have to remember to pace myself when I'm packing.

K-9 .. I'm really enjoying the smoothies! BK, if you're in the area, you have to drop in!
Barefoot, thank you for the hospitality. I may just PM you one day and tell you we are in the area.

My husband is from Northern New York near the Fort Drum base. Most of his family still lives there. We are actually in the process of moving to Pennsylvania.

Our plans are to make it to New York more often to visit with family. I'll tell you what, if you are ever in the area around Penn State University, give me a PM and I'll buy you dinner and put you up for a few days.
Old 09-16-2010, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Pturner View Post

Wow, you are moving further north! What's up with that? Aren't you in the Toronto area now?
Yes, I'm in the Toronto area now. But I'm just not a city person.

Fireboy isn't retiring for another year or two (from his job in downtown Toronto). But he gets tons of time off to visit me in The Villages or wherever I am. As a Canadian, I am only allowed to spent six months in The Villages. So I needed to figure out a fun place to spend the summers. We do have a lake cottage "up north". But it is very isolated with lots of bears, so I don't want to spend my whole summer there.

So I decided to get on with my plans, as my golden years are flying by way, way too quickly. I decided to abandon the city and, for the summers, move to a little resort community called Lagoon City, Ontario. It's a cool place; every home owner there has a boat at their doorstep.
I'm hoping that the move to Lagoon City will make the six months I'm in exile less painful! You Yanks don't know how lucky you are!
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Old 09-16-2010, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
Yes, I'm in the Toronto area now. But I'm just not a city person.

Fireboy isn't retiring for another year or two (from his job in downtown Toronto). But he gets tons of time off to visit me in The Villages or wherever I am. As a Canadian, I am only allowed to spent six months in The Villages. So I needed to figure out a fun place to spend the summers. We do have a lake cottage "up north". But it is very isolated with lots of bears, so I don't want to spend my whole summer there.

So I decided to get on with my plans, as my golden years are flying by way, way too quickly. I decided to abandon the city and, for the summers, move to a little resort community called Lagoon City, Ontario. It's a cool place; every home owner there has a boat at their doorstep.
I'm hoping that the move to Lagoon City will make the six months I'm in exile less painful! You Yanks don't know how lucky you are!
Oh, that does sound nice, Bare. I bet it's beautiful. When you get settled there, please post some pictures for us!

BTW, I've never been called a Yankee before.
Old 09-25-2010, 02:27 PM
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Default Can this marriage be saved?

Well, I must be feeling pretty desperate to parade my big marital secret right out here in the open, on the internet.

But it is the Girl Talk thread after all so at least I know that my secret will be ever so safe.

Yes. I guess I am desperate, desperate for any ideas that might help or at least a little commiseration.

I have just emerged from our basement, and I am dusty and grouchy. (Yeah. I know I wanted a ranch this time and not a two-story, but a ranch with a full basement makes for one honkin' basement. I try to never go down there, but sometimes I just have to. And today was the day.)

Mr. Boomer is a great guy and our marriage is a happy one, until.............I go down into the basement....when I go down into the basement with a goal in mind and I sweetly say.....


Well, we worked rather pleasantly together for a while -- on opposite sides of the basement -- so I guess that is not really together. I, of course, was getting rid of all sorts of things that he did not care about, like old Christmas decorations and a cappuccino maker.

But then I decided that I needed to cross the line.....the line into the war zone, where I decided it was time for me to Ready! Aim! Fire! at those vinyl records and tapes and CD's. He's got an iPod for goodness sake. That stuff is loaded on the iPod. Led Zeppelin and who knows Who and all that other groovy stuff.

He says he needs it for backup.

I gently reminded him about iTunes.

He said it's not the same, already bought this stuff, might need to download it again.

I reminded him that he had not missed the spear gun I talked him into getting rid of last time.

But I was getting nowhere I could tell and THEN I called him a digital hoarder and I stomped upstairs. (But ya know, now that I think about it, that was probably what he had planned for me all along.)


Last edited by Boomer; 09-25-2010 at 02:30 PM.
Old 09-25-2010, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post

I reminded him that he had not missed the spear gun I talked him into getting rid of last time. But I was getting nowhere I could tell and THEN I called him a digital hoarder and I stomped upstairs. (But ya know, now that I think about it, that was probably what he had planned for me all along.)
Boomer, that episode sounds surprisingly like the garage clean-up that Fireboy and I embarked on a few days ago (on which Fireboy and I embarked, it is punctuation week after all).

There was some stomping and name calling and even contemplating hitting each other with soft objects. How many shovels does one family need .. would ten be too many .. yes! But apparently they have different functions and every family needs a light one and a heavy one and a flat one and a pointed one, one for leaves, one for snow, one for ice, etc., etc.

And now on a different topic, PTurner .. are you still losing weight?
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