Are you a Christian

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Old 11-16-2013, 09:09 AM
Golfingnut Golfingnut is offline
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Originally Posted by mickey100 View Post
Golfingnut and Barefoot - I agree with both of you. I too had a similar experience with a very religious person who kept using the "n" word. Very hateful, and is one of many incidences that has turned me off to religion. I do believe the 10 commandments are a great set of rules to live by, and I try to do so in my life, but I am not a fan of organized religion.
Thank you. I also refer to the Sermon on the Mount for guidance.
Old 11-16-2013, 09:23 AM
tucson tucson is offline
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Remember that Jesus was also maligned by the Pharisees when He was on earth. We must forgive as Jesus commands us, His followers. As a Christian I have been the object of ridicule many times. I have to pray for them as God (Jesus) tells us that we will be hated because we are His followers and to love and pray for them. Also, the Holy Spirit is still working in the hearts and minds of those they call themselves Christians. We aren't perfect yet, but will when we see Him in Heaven. God has a wonderful plan for all of us and He still loves us all, despite
our sin.My prayer everyday is for my heart to be like my saviour Jesus Christ. :-)
Old 11-16-2013, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by mickey100 View Post
Golfingnut and Barefoot - I agree with both of you. I too had a similar experience with a very religious person who kept using the "n" word. Very hateful, and is one of many incidences that has turned me off to religion. I do believe the 10 commandments are a great set of rules to live by, and I try to do so in my life, but I am not a fan of organized religion.
You can be religious but lost. It's not about being religious. It's about following Christ. We are NOT supposed to be looking at man but at Christ as our example.

The best way for the enemy to destroy a camp is NOT from the outside but from the inside. It's clear that Satan has infiltrated the camp and walks the aisles of many churches today. Jesus said you will know a tree by its fruit. If a man calls himself a Christian but his fruit is bad (love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, etc) then he most likely is not a Christian no matter what he calls himself.

We should NOT let these "professing Christians" get in the way of going to worship with a local body of believers. We are commanded to do that. There is NO such thing as a lone ranger Christian.
Old 11-16-2013, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by DAWN MARIE View Post
You can be religious but lost. It's not about being religious. It's about following Christ. We are NOT supposed to be looking at man but at Christ as our example.

The best way for the enemy to destroy a camp is NOT from the outside but from the inside. It's clear that Satan has infiltrated the camp and walks the aisles of many churches today. Jesus said you will know a tree by its fruit. If a man calls himself a Christian but his fruit is bad (love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, etc) then he most likely is not a Christian no matter what he calls himself.

We should NOT let these "professing Christians" get in the way of going to worship with a local body of believers. We are commanded to do that. There is NO such thing as a lone ranger Christian.
I agree with your comments about some people calling themselves Christians and yet do not bear the fruit of Christianity ie. love, peace, goodness, etc. I am not a Christian, and so we can agree to disagree about one's duty regarding religion. Whether someone believes in Christ, in the Hindu religion, or prays to Allah, does not concern me. I feel one's duty as a spiritual human being is to (try) to be a good person.
Old 11-16-2013, 09:53 AM
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Just b/c someone has a cross on a chain hanging from their neck does NOT mean they're a Christian. We live in a fallen world and we are in the last days before Christ returns, let's all keep our eyes and hearts on the Lord and NOT on people who make rude remarks, just pray for them and let God heal their hearts of hatred.
Old 11-16-2013, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Golfingnut View Post
Well, if a man judges another man in any way, he is defying the teachings of Jesus.
The problem with this is that people get judging a person confused with judging acts or behaviors.

We can all certainly agree that there are some acts that are wrong. What we should not be doing is judging that the people who commit these acts are going to hell.

This is a problem with people who read the Bible and quote a few lines out of context. Often, when Jesus spoke he was not speaking of the material world. Sometimes when he used to the terms rich and poor, he was talking in spiritual terms.

Someone said to read the sermon on the mount and it will all become clear. The problem is that ten people can read the sermon on the mount and come away with ten different ideas of what he was saying.

Biblical scholars are often needed to put the words of the Bible into the context of the time and the language of the day.
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Old 11-16-2013, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Golfingnut View Post
I got on this high horse due to an incident very recently in which I made a favorable comment about one of our leaders in Washington and then was given quite the long verbal assault as the gentleman spit out the N word three times in one sentence. That said, the part I cannot seem to shake off is the visual of the gold chain and cross so prominently displayed on the outside of his shirt at mid chest.

Only my opinion, but that strong language and especially the use of the N word does not fit the guidelines of being a Christian as I understand it.
Shocking story, absolutely shocking. I have been told many times that opposition to the leader in Washington has nothing to do with his pigment. I don't see in your post which leader, you did mean Boehner and some bigot was calling him the Naranja man.
Old 11-16-2013, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by kittygilchrist View Post
I have to try again to say this...the very reason for Christ's death is that we are wholly unable to obtain status with God by good works, a truth which seems diametrically the opposite of the assertion made in the original post as to what makes one a Christian.
A Christian comes to God only upon realizing that "all our righteousness is as filthy rags". We are utterly dependent on the mercy of God to love us in spite of how we are, won by Christ on our behalf.
Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--
The Beatlemaniacs of The Villages meet every Friday 10:00am at the O'Dell Recreation Center.

"I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend." - Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, April 22, 1800.
Old 11-16-2013, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by tucson View Post
Just b/c someone has a cross on a chain hanging from their neck does NOT mean they're a Christian. We live in a fallen world and we are in the last days before Christ returns, let's all keep our eyes and hearts on the Lord and NOT on people who make rude remarks, just pray for them and let God heal their hearts of hatred.
This is right (quoted above). The foul-mouthed old coot that spat out the n-word while wearing his cross pendant, regardless of being a true Christian or not, will still sin until the day he dies, as we and the apostles all did/do/will do.

Example: Mother Theresa, in all her merciful and loving works, sinned as we all do until the day she died. But her spirit lives on in eternity in God's presence, because she was fully surrendered to Christ's authorship and lordship over her life, and she placed her total trust and faith in Him.....NOT in flawed/sinful mortals in elected office in Washington or elsewhere.

Christ did not come to earth as a man to tell us to trust in nor serve a mortal men in order to earn our way into God's presence in eternity. Only Christ has the power and authority to do that. (see passage below)

Also, the sinner spitting the n-word could well be one of the people I've known who grew up in times where it was freely spoken, but it didn't and still doesn't mean they'd ever knowingly harm anyone of that race. The man who was the longest serving member of Congress in history, probably used that filthy word throughout his life, maybe even after getting out of his white robe and pointy hat position. I see that he was allowed by many to be given a break because he had an epiphany and changed his public speech....but yet some are not afforded that chance because of their differing partisan views.

Colossians 1

The Supremacy of the Son of God

15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.
19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

21 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of[g] your evil behavior.
22 But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation— 23 if you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.
Old 11-16-2013, 11:28 AM
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I'm with those who believe that God will let you into his home regardless of your religion on earth. What matters is your behavior, your thoughts, your deeds. These speak of what you are regardless of what you profess to be.

I was raised Catholic and always took issue with the idea that a child born and not baptized could not go to heaven and how could it possibly be heaven if our beloved pets weren't allowed in? Or my twin that died 2 days after birth? I could not and cannot believe God would deny the innocents the key to heaven.

So, to me, Christianity is a non-issue. Following the teachings of our Lord is what matters. Being kind, gentle, giving. Doing what is right and moral (not necessarily legal) is the important thing.

(And thanks for explaining what you meant GN. Was really afraid this would go off on an awful tangent and rant. Your clarification helped a lot.)
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Old 11-16-2013, 11:58 AM
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For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. This is the only path to eternal life. This is the Word of God.
Old 11-16-2013, 05:06 PM
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Well, so far I am really impressed and gratified by the posts here. This thread could have been a real nasty one, and turned out fine. Lots of disagreement, but, goes with the topic.

Doctor Winston and a few others noted the fact that 'proof texting' is often confusing, inaccurate and futile. Words being taken out of the context they reside in, whole, longer thoughts cut short for quick and powerful debate effect, etc.

We have to read the Bible, digest it, study it....with all the seemingly incomprehensible and sometimes contradictory readings. I need to use an annotated Oxford version to understand my KJV.
Old 11-16-2013, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by onslowe View Post
Well, so far I am really impressed and gratified by the posts here. This thread could have been a real nasty one, and turned out fine. Lots of disagreement, but, goes with the topic.

Doctor Winston and a few others noted the fact that 'proof texting' is often confusing, inaccurate and futile. Words being taken out of the context they reside in, whole, longer thoughts cut short for quick and powerful debate effect, etc.

We have to read the Bible, digest it, study it....with all the seemingly incomprehensible and sometimes contradictory readings. I need to use an annotated Oxford version to understand my KJV.
this is an invitation for you, onslowe, to Grace Tabernacle east of Wildwood. Not as painstakingly intellectual, but perhaps for now, a spiritual sanctuary.
Old 11-16-2013, 06:05 PM
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Thanks for your kindness, Kitty. I happily attend St. George Anglican Cathedral in Ocala. Scripture based, Anglo-Catholic and without "innovations" found sadly in some other mainline Protestant churches.

Bless you.
Old 11-16-2013, 06:47 PM
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NO! Religion starts wars
Don't take life Too Serious ..It isn't permanent
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