What is the craziest thing you remember doing as a kid...................

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Old 06-11-2008, 04:25 AM
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Default Re: What is the craziest thing you remember doing as a kid...................

Chicago, Il., Upstate, N.Y. Finally a snow FROG

There is no difficulty on earth that enough love will not conquer.
Old 06-13-2008, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: What is the craziest thing you remember doing as a kid...................

How about a rolling roadblock to slow down traffic on I-75 south of Dayton OH to race. We'd cruise thru Frisch's Restaurant all night until someone said let's go. The next time you go through the Buckeye State and are between mile markers 44 & 47 don't try it. The traffic today is horrendous. Won a few lost a few. Finally got off the interstate and went to, of all places, Greene County Airport near Xenia OH. Much safer. No planes after dark and just a shear cliff at the end of the runway. One 69 Camaro went over the cliff. The guy wound up driving for Gray Hound Bus. LOL.

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