Hypertension and Apple Cider Vinegar

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Old 02-09-2010, 05:38 PM
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Default Hypertension and Apple Cider Vinegar

I'm very sensitive to meds of any kind, and when the docs changed my high blood pressure medicines a bit this last year, I've been struggling a lot.
Blood pressure meds do work, they damper your blood pressure, however they also dampen the entire nervous system and I felt weary a lot, both mentally and physically. Like one forum post I read said, the guy thought he'd rather live a shorter life than be on the meds all the time.

I started looking for alternatives, and tripped across some posts/forums on Apple Cider Vinegar (health food stores or publix), and, amazingly, I started on this, stopped the blood pressure meds and within a week, I'm doing pretty darned good, my blood pressure is still up and down a bit, but within range more often than not, and when high, I just take a shot of the ACV - apparently it oxides the blood and thins it.

Read about Apple Cider Vinegar a bit, and it's like a tonic for "what ales you".

Anyway, it's worked well for me, it's cheap and effective, just thought I'd pass it along. Also works well for glucose, cholesterol and a host of things.
Old 02-09-2010, 06:15 PM
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I believe it also works for acid reflux.
Old 02-09-2010, 07:34 PM
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john or russ, is there a website site on acv, for example, russ you think it works for acid reflux, how much do u take, full strength or diluted, how often can you take it, etc....gn
Village of Belvedere
Old 02-09-2010, 07:57 PM
Boomer Boomer is offline
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Please forgive me if I seem a little bossy with what I am about to say. Especially considering that I am not a doctor or a nurse or a phamacist or anything medical. But I just have to say something here. And I know you just asked about cider vinegar and I am saying a whole bunch of other stuff about hypertension.

I hope you talked to your doctor before stopping your meds.

When you said that you feel weary, mentally and physically, I wondered if the medicine you are being given is a beta blocker. That can be a side effect of beta blockers. Diuretics are in another category of blood pressure meds. And they can make people tired sometimes, too.

But there are additional categories of meds for hypertension. And while each category has its own side effects, you should be able to work with your doctor until the right medicine and the right dose is found for you. You should not have to feel bad. There are so many kinds of bp meds available.

Sometimes people just have to take one medicine for hypertension. But sometimes they need more than one. But there are so many possibilities in all those categories that your doc should be able to get it right for you.

And now I am going to go on and on about something else that might help. (But you still need to talk to your doc.)

There are some whose blood pressure can be lowered by cutting out salt and processed foods which contain a lot of sodium. Some people are helped by the DASH diet which has been around forever and is just a straightforward healthy kind of diet that reduces sodium intake. It stresses the importance of colorful and fresh foods. You might already know about this diet, but just in case.....

At risk of coming off as being really bossy here, I am going to drop off this link to the DASH diet. DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. The diet is from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute which is part of the NIH. (64 pages that can be printed if you want the guide in your hands.)


Anyway, I hope you can work with your doctor and feel better soon.


Last edited by Boomer; 02-09-2010 at 09:01 PM. Reason: I see things after I post.
Old 02-09-2010, 08:28 PM
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I have diabetes and also found a home remedy to lower my blood sugar, sure enough ACV. My doctor tells me I am in range at average 169, I know that is not right. I do take metformin 2000 mg a day. I tried the ACV and it lowers it faster than my meds.
Old 02-09-2010, 08:32 PM
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I found a website, www.homeremediesweb.com
Old 02-09-2010, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post

Please forgive me if I seem a little bossy with what I am about to say. Especially considering that I am not a doctor or a nurse or a phamacist or anything medical. But I just have to say something here. And I know you just asked about cider vinegar and I am saying a whole bunch of other stuff about hypertension.

I hope that when you have talked to your doctor about stopping your meds.

When you said that you feel weary, mentally and physically, I wondered if the medicine you are being given is a beta blocker. That can be a side effect of beta blockers. Diuretics are in another category of blood pressure meds. And they can make people tired sometimes, too.

But there are additional categories of meds for hypertension. And while each category has its own side effects, you should be able to work with your doctor until the right medicine and the right dose is found for you. You should not have to feel bad. There are so many kinds of bp meds available.

Sometimes people just have to take one medicine for hypertension. But sometimes they need more than one. But there are so many possibilities in all those categories that your doc should be able to get it right for you.

So anyway, I am willing to be thought of as bossy because I know that it is really important for you to talk to your doctor about stopping bp meds, if you have not already talked to him about doing so. Therefore, I just have to say it -- just in case.

And now I am going to go on and on about something else that might help. (But you still need to talk to your doc.)

There are some whose blood pressure can be lowered by cutting out salt and processed foods which contain a lot of sodium. Some people are helped by the DASH diet which has been around forever and is just a straightforward healthy kind of diet that reduces sodium intake. It stresses the importance of colorful and fresh foods. You might already know about this diet, but just in case.....

At risk of coming off as being really bossy here, I am going to drop off this link to the DASH diet. DASH stands for "Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension" and the diet is from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute which is part of the NIH. (64 pages that can be printed if you want the guide in your hands.)


Anyway, I hope you can work with your docotr and feel better soon. HYpertension is treatable but sometimes it takes some med changes, along with the rest.

I have to agree with Boomer and I couldn't have said it better. When your blood pressure goes up and down a lot, it can go way up too without your knowing it, with all that entails.

A good many people need to work with their doctor to get the "right" blood pressure medication. My first one made me cough and gag for a year, before I realized there was a connection.

Nothing takes care of high blood pressure like High blood pressure medication in my humble opinion. I am not a doctor or a nurse either.

Apple vinegar can't hurt...but I am worried that it won't do the whole job.
Old 02-09-2010, 08:46 PM
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About a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and some honey disolved in a glass of water makes a great hot weather tonic. I drink it and it almost tastes like apple juice.
Old 02-09-2010, 10:10 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
I have to agree with Boomer and I couldn't have said it better. When your blood pressure goes up and down a lot, it can go way up too without your knowing it, with all that entails.

A good many people need to work with their doctor to get the "right" blood pressure medication. My first one made me cough and gag for a year, before I realized there was a connection.

Nothing takes care of high blood pressure like High blood pressure medication in my humble opinion. I am not a doctor or a nurse either.

Apple vinegar can't hurt...but I am worried that it won't do the whole job.
Hey Gracie,

I bet that one that gave you the cough was an ace inhibitor. Good drugs. But in some cases, I think those are the ones that can have the side effect of causing a dry, hacking cough.

- - - - - - -

It is so important to have a doctor involved in the treatment of hypertension. And if side effects of meds are a problem, the doc needs to know that. There are lots of choices of bp meds. That's for sure. And doses can be adjusted.

Now, I am going to link some more info here. This is from Mayo about the categories of bp meds. It lists some of the names, too.


- - - - - -

Gracie, here we are, while it is snowing and blowing in Cincinnati and we are stuck, it looks like we have decided to open a medical practice. This was just supposed to be about cider vinegar and here we are. Giving extra advice. And I think I might be sounding kind of bossy. And I keep handing out links for people to read if they want to. I am acting like an info-maniac. Geez. Hey, do you happen to know how to bill insurance companies? Oh, I sure hope this snow stops soon.

Old 02-09-2010, 10:41 PM
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Well Gracie and Boomer, this Cincinnati/Northern Ky. nurse was getting ready to lecture about the danger of discontinuing BP meds without consulting your Dr., but your two beat me to it..........and quite well I might add!
Old 02-10-2010, 07:16 AM
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About 15 years ago, (prior to a dramatic weight loss) my doctor started me on a blood pressure medication. That little, once a day pill, rendered me completely and absolutely unable to....ah....preform.....ah....er......my.....husba ndly duties. I mean, complete and absolute nothing. I also had a "dry" cough.

I stopped the pills and the situation reversed immediately. Weight loss lowered the blood pressure
Old 02-10-2010, 09:33 AM
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Wow, impressed with all the input, thanks.
Here's a good website but there are others if you do a search:

Talk host- yep, been there done that.
Boomer - sent you a note, thanks as always.

I'm basically just trying to share info on what works (and doesn't) for me.

I had a nasty cancer in 2007, brutal treatment, but I seem to be cured and I'm blessed. That helped me to learn meds in many ways, and my body too.
I'm very close (damn near "intimate") with my MD, but in the end it's my body and choices. I've gone through a bunch of various BP meds and they either didn't work or had really bad side effects.

I'm not in the school of medicine where I believe meds are a cure all, but simply an option. I am now better watching diet/salt intake , exercising more, yada yada yada. I'm sure that all contributes too.

All I was sayin' was that the pills were horrible and something had to change and.. I was going to try alternatives. Input appreciated !

Hey guys , there's a case made where ACV will grow hair! LOLOLOL
I won't even go there, and I'm one who is "follically challenged".
Old 02-11-2010, 06:11 AM
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Default I'm trying it out also

JohnN: A few guys at work clued me in to ACV about one month ago. They are using it for BP, diabetes , weight loss and joint relief among other things.
There must a group of 20 guys and they all swear by it. I have only been trying it about 3 weeks and can not see a big difference . I will give it at least a 3 month experiment. Now that hair growth may be a problem as I am also hair challenged. LOL Good luck
Poland - Germany - Ontario Canada, Valpo Ind, Ashland TV
Old 02-11-2010, 08:37 AM
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I would just like to join the others who have advised that if you have been on bp meds (or any others), let your doctor advise you, tapering you off gradually, as you improve in your bp using any of the several alternative or natural means. This is safer than risking a stroke or other consequence of high bp. Moreover, there is always the chance that you could teach your physician something, by your example, that may he/she may end up using to help others. (They don't know everything, you know).
Old 02-11-2010, 04:21 PM
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I hadn't heard about apple cider vinegar and hypertension, but I know it is touted as being able to lower the glycemic responce of your body toward carbs. I've seen both vinegar and cinnamin touted as being sugar level reducers.
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