dalecrenshaw's Profile

dalecrenshaw dalecrenshaw is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. dalecrenshaw
    04-08-2022 07:21 PM
    I have a 2 bedroom 2 bath home (approx. 1100s.f.) available for rent May through December, with Golf Cart. May $1850; June, July, Aug. $1250 a month, Oct $1650, Nov. 1850, Dec $2000 (includes all utilities, wifi, cable tv, Florida State & County Tax. Private message me if interested.
  2. dalecrenshaw
    05-13-2021 11:41 AM
    Does anyone know someone that will bag leaves. Had my gutters cleaned and he left leaves in piles. Need someone to bag them. I’m in the historic district. Please message me. Thanks.
  3. dalecrenshaw
    05-08-2021 05:35 PM
    Can someone recommend how you get a 2000 club cart reconditioned. It runs good, has new batteries, but body and seats need work. Anyone know of a reasonable place to get it spruced up. Thanks.
  4. rwcjbrown
    03-26-2018 10:44 AM
    Dale, We are interested in renting for Feb and arch of 2019. We are renting at present in Rio Ponderosa area. Any chance we can come and look at your home this week? We head back to NY on Saturday, Mar 31st. Rob and Cathy Brown
  5. babslabs22
    01-11-2018 03:58 PM
    Interested in renting for month of February
  6. Tracey Nguyen
    06-03-2014 11:15 AM
    Tracey Nguyen
    I would like to purchase yr chair; how do I contact u?
  7. Geewiz
    08-24-2012 01:06 AM
    Dale: I am very, very interested assuming the cost is OK. I can not find the ad. Can you send a url...and also indicate what you want in terms of price for the month. If it helps, I can leave a few days early to make prep for your November visitors easier (I want to attend the Halloween party at Universal...so I probably should be in Orlando for that). Also, I would like to book my flight ASAP so if we can come to terms soon, that would help. To let you know a bit more about me...I'm 59 - a recently retired Fed and the purpose of my visit is to see if my square peg can fit into the more well rounded Villages. Gary
  8. santee
    08-31-2010 10:28 AM
    Hi, we emailed that we were interested in your October '10 rental in TV. I'm not sure we did it right, so we are re-emailing our interest. Our address for responses about pictures that are available is: roz414@hotmail.com


About Me

  • About dalecrenshaw
    Princeton NJ; Saratoga, CA; El Dorado Hills, CA


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  • Last Activity: 01-31-2024 03:43 PM
  • Join Date: 09-10-2007
  • Referrals: 2


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