Everybody seems to love The Villages, I would like to hear what you hate beside

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Old 09-08-2009, 07:27 PM
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Well said, Dilly, Well said!
Brooklyn, The Poconos, Garden City South, The Village of Hemingway
Old 09-09-2009, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Taj44 View Post
Actaully, reading back to the first post on this thread: "Everybody seems to love The Villages, I would like to hear what you hate beside


We keep hearing from the village lovers(people who are happy with their choice...."

Doesn't say Village residents. The original poster was looking for honest feedback on people's experiences in The Villages. Those experiences could have come from renting or visiting. And the minute Surfangel made a remark about his/her dislike of one particular aspect of the Villages and commented negatively on the developer, the person was immediately castigated as an "unhappy person" and told more or less "love it or leave it". Personally I've never liked that attitude. Nothing in life is perfect. If enough people see the need for improvement and they band together they can make a great thing even better.
Well we are the original poster of this thread 35,812 views strong wow. The main reason I asked this question is that during our visit we could not find anything that was disliked other than the Tornado the week before we got there. I think from the answers we got, we know this is the place 27 months and counting
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Old 09-09-2009, 05:11 AM
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Originally Posted by diskman View Post
Well we are the original poster of this thread 35,812 views strong wow. The main reason I asked this question is that during our visit we could not find anything that was disliked other than the Tornado the week before we got there. I think from the answers we got, we know this is the place 27 months and counting
That's exactly the point. People are looking for information prior to purchasing. And if you look thru the posts, all 38 pages of them, you'll find many things people like, and also the things they think need improvement. And a number of people bashed the developer, not just Angel. Everyone is entitled to post their opinion without being told to love it or leave it.

I love it here in the Villages but do I think the developer is some benevolent do gooder just here to make our lives better? I see him as a business person who is being investigated by the IRS for dubious business practices.

Last edited by Taj44; 09-09-2009 at 05:31 AM.
Old 09-09-2009, 05:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Taj44 View Post
That's exactly the point. People are looking for information prior to purchasing. And if you look thru the posts, all 38 pages of them, you'll find many things people like, and also the things they think need improvement. And a number of people bashed the developer, not just Angel. Everyone is entitled to post their opinion without being told to love it or leave it.

I love it here in the Villages but do I think the developer is some benevolent do gooder just here to make our lives better? I see him as a business person who is being investigated by the IRS for dubious business practices.
Is that your parting shot?
Old 09-09-2009, 06:03 AM
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Originally Posted by diskman View Post
Well we are the original poster of this thread 35,812 views strong wow. The main reason I asked this question is that during our visit we could not find anything that was disliked other than the Tornado the week before we got there. I think from the answers we got, we know this is the place 27 months and counting

Good for you, don't take the neg's on this site too much. It all ends up with you, are you happy with what is at TV. Many say what they don't like, but it's what you like and yes the world is not purfect even in TV. But as life gets closer to the end let's enjoy the things that are good and avoid the things that bring us down. Life is too short to waste time worrying about what others bitch about. They are most likely people who don't try to just enjoy the days the good Lord has left for them.

Happy TV hunting, I'm sure you will be very happy.

Have a good time moving,

Old 09-09-2009, 07:01 AM
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Default Who pays

The dancers pay $5.00 a piece at the door. If that doesn't cover it the Entertainment Committee (Hawthorne) makes up the difference. If they make more then the money is put into the next dance.

Old 09-09-2009, 07:22 AM
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Great posts all! You all really nail it, on for the most part what we like and don't like. And as stated, no one puts a gun to your head to buy here, it is our OWN choice!!
But, since we all have our own opins. I have to disagree on one point and TOTALLY agree on another.
I agree totally about TV being used as a "resort" by many for their vacations, family gatherings etc. That is why I believe LSV should be capped at 3, one to visit and be "wowed!", the next to look to buy, and the last to buy. Although we have only owned for 3 months now, we have seen and heard this being done.
I disagree that you can't make a home like you want. Maybe something really different on the outside can't, but within reason can be done. As I said we have just owned for 3 months, but within that 3 months we have just about gutted our CYV, which was new, but you have to buy spec CYVs, and have been making it the way we have always dreamed. We bought totally on location knowing we would srtip it and rip it and make it the way we would have built it. We have also redone the front door, and are getting ready in a few months after the furniture to do the outside which is larger then most since we are on a dead-end corner. We have floowed the rules and submitted our plans to the ARC and have had no problems. Before we bought we asked about all the changes we wanted to make and see if it was any problems, and were told as long as they were within reason, no problem.

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Old 09-09-2009, 08:03 AM
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If my perception that surfangel is not a resident is incorrect, then I withdraw my statement - but I don't see where it says he/she lives in Duval in a villa - maybe on an earlier post?

I still stand by my opinion that it does a potential villager no good to hear from those who do not or have not lived here. TV is not for everyone. If you are someone who wants to live in the mountains, this is not the place for you. So your opinion - as someone who would never even potentially like it here - is irrelevant.

For those of us who do love it here, we are much like Dilly and love it warts and all. I do think that many of us only say the positive, and that is as biased as some news programs. The original poster has a great questions, and no, he didn't limit his respondents to residents. But why would he want the opinion of an anonymous poster who never have even set foot in the place? Or someone who did LS and thought it wasn't for them?

I have never made the developer out to be either a benevolent dictator or a Machiavellian one. In fact I have frequently decried those who seem to be looking for him to take care of them as a father figure. He is a business person. He has made an extraordinary amount of money because he has "built a better mousetrap." For all of us who believe in capitalism, TV is (for the most part) an example of why the system works.

As for the IRS, he is innocent until proven guilty. At the time this is resolved, we may fairly accuse him of shoddy business practices until then ...

PS - Dilly - we do get to choose our colors (at least in designers) these days...
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Old 09-09-2009, 09:16 AM
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Great post. Were heading to Bonita in 4 weeks six days. Who's counting!!! Hope to meet you.
Villager from 2000 until they take me out in a small box!!!
Old 09-09-2009, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by golf2140 View Post

Great post. Were heading to Bonita in 4 weeks six days. Who's counting!!! Hope to meet you.
Hope to meet you too. Safe travels....
Holyoke, Mass; East Granby, Monroe, Madison and Branford, Conn; Port Clyde, Maine; North Myrtle Beach, SC; The Village of Bonita (April 2009 - )
Old 09-09-2009, 10:05 AM
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Default On our way!

We sold our home in PA last month and drove down to TV, We found a new Begonia designer we like and called our Sales Rep with a credit card Deposit in able to hold for 24 hours and came down and bought it. We move in the 25th of Sept. We are on Glade Run in Bonita. Life is good.
Old 09-09-2009, 10:56 AM
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captgeo, you are right down the street from us. We are in the Anitia Villas.

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Old 09-09-2009, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by katezbox View Post
If my perception that surfangel is not a resident is incorrect, then I withdraw my statement - but I don't see where it says he/she lives in Duval in a villa - maybe on an earlier post?

I still stand by my opinion that it does a potential villager no good to hear from those who do not or have not lived here. TV is not for everyone. If you are someone who wants to live in the mountains, this is not the place for you. So your opinion - as someone who would never even potentially like it here - is irrelevant.

For those of us who do love it here, we are much like Dilly and love it warts and all. I do think that many of us only say the positive, and that is as biased as some news programs. The original poster has a great questions, and no, he didn't limit his respondents to residents. But why would he want the opinion of an anonymous poster who never have even set foot in the place? Or someone who did LS and thought it wasn't for them?

I have never made the developer out to be either a benevolent dictator or a Machiavellian one. In fact I have frequently decried those who seem to be looking for him to take care of them as a father figure. He is a business person. He has made an extraordinary amount of money because he has "built a better mousetrap." For all of us who believe in capitalism, TV is (for the most part) an example of why the system works.

As for the IRS, he is innocent until proven guilty. At the time this is resolved, we may fairly accuse him of shoddy business practices until then ...

PS - Dilly - we do get to choose our colors (at least in designers) these days...
Yup. That Kate. She knows just what to say.
Old 09-09-2009, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by captgeo View Post
We sold our home in PA last month and drove down to TV, We found a new Begonia designer we like and called our Sales Rep with a credit card Deposit in able to hold for 24 hours and came down and bought it. We move in the 25th of Sept. We are on Glade Run in Bonita. Life is good.
W O W - good for you! Very decisive, I like that! Congrats and Best Wishes in your new home. I saw a designer in Bonita that I loved too, but it was the first one I saw and I didn't act. It was on Heath Springs Dr. Now it's gone, so I applaud you!

Old 09-09-2009, 11:59 AM
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Smile Maybe it's just me...

I don't know why, but I really resent the term "cookie cutter" homes. I have at least 4 friends with the same style as ours and honestly, they do not look alike to me at all!

We came to TV on 2 Lifestyle Previews and bought on the 2nd. For me, The Villages was love at first site. But we had to go back and sell a home. While we were here and online, I fell in love with 3 different homes. When we finally bought, it was a spec home (no choices back two years ago as far as decorating packages.) It did not have some of the things I loved in the previous 3 homes, so.... like a previous poster, we have now incorporated everything I liked from the previous homes, into this one. Now, we feel we have our perfect home. Even better because we chose an upgraded view.

I simply cannot say enough good things about The Villages and the people that live here. As for the developer, I'm always singing his praises. He deserves every penny he gets.

Dubious business practices??? Who knows? Who cares? We're living our dream!

Congrats to all the new buyers! You've just made the best decision of your lives!
Laughter and Light, Chelsea
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