Independent of Developer??

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Old 04-21-2009, 10:52 PM
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Not many changes in the historic side in the past 50 years - except most of the double wides are from the 80's.

Da Chicago So Side; The Village of Park Forest, IL; 3/7 Cav, 3rd Inf Div, Schweinfurt, Ger 65-66; MACV J12 Saigon 66-67; San Leandro, Hayward & Union City, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) GO DUBS ! (aka W's)
Old 04-22-2009, 06:19 AM
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Has the original question of this thread been answered?

What does 'independent of the developer' mean? When the district gets turned over?
Old 04-24-2009, 11:50 AM
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Thanks Russ, I was going to ask the same thing. It seems that it has been hijacked by the history question.
So now anyone.......What about the indenpendent village question when the developer turns over or do they turn over control.
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Old 04-24-2009, 01:44 PM
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ijusluvit never returned to this thread to explain what he meant by the original quoted statement.

Each of the Villages is governed by a CDD, community development district. The District supervisors are initially appointed by the developer. Over time, as the district is populated by residents, the composition of the supervisor board changes from all appointed to a mix of appointed and elected residents then to all resident supervisors elected by voters within their CDD. This is one aspect of becoming 'independent of the developer'. However, to my knowledge none of the responsibilities of that CDD are changed....they still budget for and maintain the common areas of that CDD.

Now, for full disclosure, my frame of reference only goes back about 3 years. I don't know if the governement setup in the original historic side is different than how it is done today.
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Old 04-27-2009, 07:14 AM
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Thanks villages07. You always put out good poop!
So does the CDD retain any Developer Reps? Like I said our Timeshare place always has a Developer Rep since the place still has the Companies name attached, that way quality is ensured.

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Old 04-27-2009, 07:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Army Guy View Post
Thanks villages07. You always put out good poop!

Army Guy
Others might call it BS ... (just kidding)

The numbered CDDs eventually become a board of supervisors made up solely of residents, elected by residents. I don't recall how many years that takes and couldn't readily find the answer on the CDD website. It's not 2 years and it's not decades...somewhere in between. The numbered CDDs retain professional property managers (Janet Tutt, John Rohan, et al) to execute CDD budgets and operations. These property managers work closely with the Developer but are not direct employees of the developer.

The central CDDs that govern the commercial areas and oversee the amenities (golf, pools, rec centers, etc) have a board of supervisors elected by "commercial landowners" which essentially means the Developer's hand-picked reps. Residents do not elect these reps. Some of these reps are Villages residents but are first and foremost reps of the Developer (opinion, not fact)
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Last edited by villages07; 04-27-2009 at 08:01 AM.
Old 04-27-2009, 09:20 AM
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ok, I understand now. Thanks again.

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Old 04-28-2009, 09:46 AM
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Default Villages district supervisor election process

Originally Posted by Army Guy View Post
Ok, I saw this quote in a post by Ijusloveit on the Taxes thread:

The three oldest villages have become "independent" of the Developer on their recent 15th birthdays, meaning they are now more responsible for infrastructure costs.

Can someone explain this? Does this mean that at 15 years all villages become on their own? Do they still have access to amenties, etc? Is this in the rules and regulations.

Thanks, Army Guy
The legislature, in creating Chapter 190, recognized that in order to maintain continuity of the facilities provided to the newly developing community, the developer, who then owns the majority of the land, should be granted the right to substantially complete the project as envisioned by the various land use and zoning approvals that were obtained as part of the development review process. However, the legislature also recognized that at the time prescribed by statute, control should transition to the residents. Therefore, at the election held in 2006, three of the five Supervisors were elected by landowner vote (one vote per lot owned and/or one vote per acre owned). The same process will occur in 2008. In 2010, one supervisor will be elected by landowners and two supervisors will be elected by “qualified electors” (registered voters) residing in CDD No. 7. From that point forward, all elections will be qualified based elections. This election conversion format ensures that the residents ultimately control the level of service provided to the infrastructure facilities that the District maintains.
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