One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

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Old 11-11-2010, 12:34 PM
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Default Chantix worked

Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
I'm with Donna -- I've tried almost everything under the sun to quit and have never been successful. Wellbutrin gave me migraines, upset my stomach and a few other nasty side affects. The patch gave me hives but it was working, darn the luck. The Nicotine gum just made me throw up. Hypnosis had zero effect. Acupuncture just made me nervous -- those needles scared me. lol Cold turkey was out of the question -- even my non-smoking husband at the time begged me to start again. The "witch" in my name fit very accurately, especially when you changed the w to a B. Gradual withdrawal just didn't exist in my mind. I may start checking into the laser treatment to see how it works, etc.

I wish I could quit. It's a waste of money, makes me smell yucky, affects my health and, most importantly, makes me a social pariah many times over. At the same sad time, it relaxes me, keeps me from wanting to kill someone on a bad day, is a great way to start a morning. I haven't given up on the concept of quitting, I just wish I could do it before I die.
Hi Red... I started smoking when I was 13 and smoked about 2 packs a day for over 40 years, beside working in a coal burning power plant, great combination, huh? Anyway, after the second time they told me I had cancer, I decided it was time to quit. If you haven't tried Chantix, you might want to give it a try, it worked for me. You get to smoke the first week, sort of giving you a chance to get use to the idea of quitting. It's no walk in the park, but it works. After the first month I figured I had just gone a month without smoking, so I stopped the pills and haven't smoked since. It's been over 3 years and don't even think about smoking. Think the pills are more of a mental thing, but whatever works, go for it. It worked for me. (ps. the cancer was removed and they tell me it shouldn't come back )
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Last edited by laryb; 11-11-2010 at 12:38 PM. Reason: addition
Old 11-11-2010, 12:38 PM
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Originally Posted by golfnut View Post
why would u want to quit something that makes you feel
That's what my dad said when he refused to quit smoking. He died at age 57.
Old 11-11-2010, 02:05 PM
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My wife had a lady friend who recently died in her early 50's from lung cancer. She didn't smoke cigarettes - just some grass a couple times a day.

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Old 11-11-2010, 02:32 PM
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Smoke is smoke . . .
Old 11-11-2010, 02:47 PM
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I do not mind the second hand smoke as much as all the butts we saw on the streets and cart paths. My wife and I picked up hundreds of butts in our walks along the cart paths during our visit. This is one of the reasons non-smokers are against smoking.

Old 11-11-2010, 06:39 PM
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chuck, do you know if it was St Augustine or
Village of Belvedere
Old 11-11-2010, 06:58 PM
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I quite a 3 pack a day habit over 25 years ago and the smell of cigarettes still smell good to me.
Old 11-11-2010, 07:25 PM
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I stopped smoking cigarettes years ago. Switched to crack......... JOKE!!!

An add-on to jebartle's story: "Back in the day", a buddy and I were taking a spin in my car. All 4 side windows down. I flipped a cigarette out the driver's window........which proceeded to reenter said vehicle and wedge itself in the seat back/seat base crevice of the rear seat. Cloth upholstery. "Sniff,, do you smell something burning?" Sure enough. We're out in the middle of absolute noplace - no houses, no businesses for miles. Smoldering upholstery, two guys, a bit of, shall we say, "creativity".......and the fire was out in no time. Teenage boys - go figure!! Absolutely true story.

But in all seriousness, my mom died from lung cancer. She smoked all her life, ever since she was a kid - back when it was a well-accepted norm. By the time we found out she had cancer, her overall health was too poor to survive any method of treatment. She made it to age 89, though. Not fun....and not pretty to see her go through it.

Glad I quit. Cold turkey worked for me.

Old 11-11-2010, 07:35 PM
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Quit 20 years ago cold turkey 2 1/2 packs a day habit. The only things that keeps me from smoking is knowing that I could never quit again.

It works for me.
Old 11-11-2010, 07:43 PM
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I started smoking at 13 and smoked for 45 years. I finally quit because it became such a problem to find a place to smoke.

CHANTIX is the only thing that worked for me and it worked the first time. Great vivid dreams too.

Good luck to anyone having the courage to quit.
Old 11-11-2010, 08:41 PM
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Default Cigars = eeeeewwwwwww

I haven't noticed much cigarette smoke around Lake Sumter Landing square. What I have noticed many times is CIGAR smokers sitting on their golf cars parked right at the curbs around the band stand and dancing.

The stench of the cigars is absolutely sickening. Why do cigar smokers think it's classy to stink around other people?
Old 11-11-2010, 09:08 PM
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I quit (cold turkey) long before it was popular to quit In fact it was still cool. It wasn't easy but I soon discovered food started tasting better. No, I did not gain weight. A number of years after quiting I landed a part in an amateur theater production that required me to light, not smoke, a cigarette. I faked it during rehearsals but the director said I had to try it at dress rehearsal to make sure I wouldn't make an ass of myself. I didn't gag but that was one nasty tasting coffin nail. It was only scheduled for four performances and by the time it was over there was no chance I was going to be hooked on smoking again.

I have seen so much misery as a result of smoking I can't imagine why anyone would do it.
Old 11-11-2010, 10:13 PM
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Dad quit smoking and drinking cold turkey on the same day. Now that is will power for someone that drank way too much.
Old 11-13-2010, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawkwind View Post
Dad quit smoking and drinking cold turkey on the same day. Now that is will power for someone that drank way too much.
I have always admired people that are able to quit cold turkey.
Old 11-13-2010, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Chi-Town View Post
It would be nice if the Florida law banned smoking where food is served, inside or out. It is probably coming, because many states have done that. When I smoked i didn't like the smell when I was eating. So much of what you taste is what you smell.
I hope they DO pass this law in FL...both inside and OUTside eating establishments. I'm a former smoker (can't believe I ever did that to my body!)...haven't smoked for 31 years. I also have asthma...had it while I was smoking (OK, I was a true idiot!). I quit after I watched my grandfather die a long, slow, painful death from lung cancer. He smoked from the time he was 11 until shortly before he died at age 72.

Back to the of my favorite things about living in FL is that you can eat outdoors at most of the restaurants. Having lived my entire previous life up north, this is a real treat. However, it is ruined by all the smokers. I don't care that it is "outside"...I agree w/the original poster...cigarette smoke always seems to "find" me. It chokes me to the point that I can't breathe, let alone eat. Many a meal I've had to sit with my napkin over my nose and mouth in an attempt to filter out a smoker's noxious fumes.

I'm sure smokers think because they are smoking outside that it doesn't affect or hurt anyone else. They are sadly mistaken. Forgive me for sounding intolerant. I DO believe if people want to smoke they should be able their homes and cars...but NOT in public places where others can be affected by their habit/addiction. I used to be there, I know how it is. I quit cold turkey. Anybody can DO just have to want to. I replaced my cig habit with gum chewing! Worked for me.
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