Palm Trees ?

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Old 02-15-2008, 01:24 AM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

Theres a place on 441/27 when you leave tv and are going towards Leesburg its
on the right hand side of the road and all they sell is Palm trees
THey delivered and palnted mine for $120 it was about 5ft tall
Old 02-15-2008, 02:58 AM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

These are queen palms , I have five of them ,planted three years ago at about 7 ft. tall at the time...I love the way they flow with the breeze ......No bugs , No snakes, just beautiful palms that sing of Florida in the wind....
Never have to worry about cold weather and besides it never freezes in the village of Chatham......

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Old 02-15-2008, 03:17 AM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

Interesting that you should comment on the palms in need of pruning. The Washingtonians that are in the median strip along Buena Vista all have what is known as beards. They are actually dead fronds that have draped down over the trunk. Eventually each frond will they will fall off. I learned all this when we were discussing some changes in our yard with a landscaper, just yesterday. She said it is one way of taking care of the palms!! However, not the best way. As the fronds die they should be removed. It does not harm the tree not to remove them but in her opinion it looks "messy".
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Old 02-15-2008, 03:26 AM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

Home Depot sells Canry Island Date Palms which according to the Internet can grow to be 60 feet. How would you ever maintain a palm tree at that height? Are these the same as Queenies? George
Old 02-15-2008, 07:29 PM
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Default The Price Relates To Popularity

Why or why such a wide range in prices for various varieties of palm trees? In researching for my own palm purchases, here's some of the anecdotal evidence I've found.
  • Sabal Palm--it's the Florida state tree and is very easy to grow. It's cold hardy and attractive. But it often does not survive re-planting and many are sold with the "hurricane cut" fronds which look like a flat-top crew cut for about two years. It's often very cheap.
  • Washingtonian--like the Sabal, it's cold hardy. But why is it so cheap? It is a fast grower and will reach heights of up to 60 feet. A lot of people don't want to deal with such a fast grower, therefore it's cheap.
  • Robellini Palm--Everyone likes the looks of the Robellini. It often comes in double or triple trunks, as well. Not too fast a grower, but fairly expensive. The downside? It's very tender to the cold. Temperatures much below freezing will kill small Robellinis and make the fronds on lager ones very unattractive for several months after the freeze. People often don't want to deal with covering them up each time there's a freeze or frost warning.
  • Sylvester Palm--A gorgeous, slow growing, cold hardy palm. It has beautiful, even frond stumps where the old ones have been cut off. There's nothing not to like about a Sylvester--except the price! The fact that is grows so slowly and is so attractive results in a higher price. But if you can afford one, a Sylvester is a great choice.

    There are lots of other palms that are used in central Florida, but this is the results of my research on just the few varieties I was considering.

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Old 02-15-2008, 07:47 PM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

Love your landscaping Fumar, kudos to the designer.
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Old 02-15-2008, 10:51 PM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

Wow! VK, that was great info and very helpful! Thanks! ;D

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Old 02-15-2008, 11:29 PM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

We have a Sago palm, beautiful but a poor sick thing. I think we may lose it. I've heard there is a Sago palm virus that is spreading through Florida.
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Old 02-15-2008, 11:31 PM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

a linda, do you fertilize it reguarly?
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Old 02-16-2008, 12:17 AM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

We are currently in the process of getting estimates for river rock and palm trees. (Very, very interesting process, huge difference in prices between estimators.) I was told yesterday by a landscape guy that when large palm trees are planted they must be "tied into" our irrigation system so the root balls get enough water. Does anyone know whether this is necessary? (We won't be around in the summer and don't want to worry about having someone water them).
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Old 02-16-2008, 12:21 AM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

Yesterday rec'd estimate from TerraScape. They recommended mini-irrigation be installed for each of the new landscape areas. They advised the current sprinkler system
will not be sufficient. Sounds the same as what you were told.
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Old 02-16-2008, 12:24 AM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

Let me say this about that!!!

FLORIDUH......palms.....bugs......and more bugs!!!!!!

One more tree more or less or no still get bugs in Floriduh!

Old 02-16-2008, 12:41 AM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

Originally Posted by MSNPA
Yesterday rec'd estimate from TerraScape. They recommended mini-irrigation be installed for each of the new landscape areas. They advised the current sprinkler system
will not be sufficient. Sounds the same as what you were told.
How are the prices on your quotes going? Is there a big difference in amounts?

I wonder if a mini-irrigation system runs off the existing sprinkler system? They told us our existing sprinkler system was adequate, they just needed to "run another line" off of it, or some such thing.

We had a quote from TerraScape who said nothing at all about irrigation. It was actually "A & C Exteriors" who told us we need some type of drip system.

Help, guys, you must know about this. :dontknow:
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Old 02-16-2008, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

Our first palm tree died so we replaced it with a 2nd one. We were told the first one died because it didn't get enough water since we were seasonal residents. We tied into the water system and put an extra water head near the root ball of our second tree. It is thriving and I would recommend this for those of us who are not permanent residents. It worked for us!
Old 02-16-2008, 04:26 AM
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

I was told Sago Palms get a disease called scale. The under side of the fronds are white with the bugs that are scale. It is airborne and a constant battle to keep the palm disease free. The landscapers told us to apply a thin sprayable oil (agricultural oil, available at Lowe's)to kill the scale. Ours is presently covered in scale and we will apply the first treatment tomorrow. Hope it works cause I like the look of the low growing palm.
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