Palm Trees ?

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Old 02-20-2008, 06:24 AM
Lucko Lucko is offline
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Default Re: Palm Trees ?

I just saw a new palm in the Palm Courtyard Villas in Duval that the 20 mph wind earlier this week flipped right up out of the ground. That 15' palm had a root ball smaller than a bushel basket. My palm that size had way more than a cubic yard of heavy root ball and stayed put. You will never be sorry that you bought quality. Also, palms with dribblers (that are seldom necessary) often die of over watering and root rot.
Central Illinois + Duval
Old 10-30-2009, 01:49 PM
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Default Question on palms.....

I have a palm in my back yard, I dont know the name of it, I am trying to find it on the computer, but as of luck. Its all over the villages and is my favorite, its not a regular palm tree, but a darker green and I believe starts out small and grows wide rather than tall if that helps hehe .

I have been watering it and noticed in TV that they trim the bottom part where it looks like a ball (pineapple look), but today when I went out, there was a fungus looking mess all over the whole bottom part. I have fire ants and am taking care of that, but it looks like the same mess that they make. Could it possibly be fire ants? Or a fungus? Is there anything I can do to save it? Its thick and looks almost like insulation.

I know my description is very vague hehe sorry, still learning the new plants here in the warmer climate...altho I love it! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Old 10-30-2009, 05:34 PM
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Jeanne - I can't answer your question but since this is the tail end of a really old thread, yiu might want to start a new one. Maybe more folks will look at it.
Good luck with the tree!
Old 10-30-2009, 05:43 PM
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Jeanne. I think you are talking about a Canary Date Palm.
They are my favorites too...
What other people say about you is none of your business!
Old 10-30-2009, 09:54 PM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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Originally Posted by dadspet View Post
Those oaks with Spanish moss are real nice but I sure hope you have a lot of room. They get awful big when they grow up.
In about 60 years!
Old 10-31-2009, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by SteveFromNY View Post
Jeanne - I can't answer your question but since this is the tail end of a really old thread, yiu might want to start a new one. Maybe more folks will look at it.
Good luck with the tree!
Thank you Steve, you are absolutely right, I didnt think of that. I thought there was a gardening section but I couldnt find it. I went around in the golf cart today and all of them were clean of this fungus except one. Kathie took me to two nurseries to ask them but they were closed.

Its definitely not overwatered as I only watered it lightly, I will research it online and see if I can find something . Its hard to do anything outside with those dang fire ants they are even under the rocks .

Thank you all for your tips.
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