Villages resident faces aggravated assault charge.

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Old 01-03-2011, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Tbugs View Post
There is NO reason for anyone to carry a pistol in The Villages.
If you really truly think that there arent evil people living in The Villages then you are truly clueless. In a population of 80,000 people you can be absolutely certain there is a killer or two, some rapists, wife beaters, drug dealers, child abusers, etc, etc ,etc. As retired law enforcement I saw almost everything and I pointed my weapon at many bad people. To make a blanket statement that there is NO reason to carry a pistol in TV is just dumb. Now these days I do not carry a gun anymore. It's just not practical to wear shorts and a tee shirt when you are packing heat. But if Yoda and Redwitch feel the need, so be it. I don't stand either way on whether guns should be outlawed or not, if you carry be prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions, that's all.
Old 01-03-2011, 05:03 PM
dominick dominick is offline
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Florida law prohibits carrying concealed weapons at establishments serving alcohol. I wonder if those carrying at TV squares during the nightly entertainment performances are in violation??? Probably so. I sure wouldn't want to be a test case.
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