What do folks do on their TV preview visit?

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Old 01-30-2008, 08:52 PM
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Default Re: What do folks do on their TV preview visit?

We will be visiting to do the preview next week, can't wait. Have been following the posts on the TOTV site for the past few weeks and it has been very helpfull.
MMC24, your list is great, I can understand why you had to go back to work to rest! Hopefully we can do most of these things, sounds like you had a great time. Does anyone know if there are fitness centers other than the one at the hospital?
Old 01-30-2008, 09:37 PM
gigi22 gigi22 is offline
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Default Re: What do folks do on their TV preview visit?

I know there's a fitness center at Colony Cottage (not sure if I have the name quite right) Regional Center and I believe at Laurel Manor Regional Rec. Center. I know I've seen two, but there could be move. I haven't moved down there, yet, but will in less than 2 wks
Old 01-30-2008, 09:47 PM
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Default Re: What do folks do on their TV preview visit?

We visited Spanish Springs (Sumter Landing didn't exist) and shopped, enjoyed the music and watched people dancing. We played golf a couple times and checked out the country clubs and eateries and enjoyed the peace and quiet. No cars driving around at all hours with noise blaring or tires screeching. We went to Katie Belle's and had a good time there. We also visited with friends from 'back home' and took several peaceful walks.
West Virginia
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