Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
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OK beartrack, a.k.a. Tipsy Madison, Let's go with Tipsy Madison. Tipsy Madison is the father of Skippy Madison. (You met Skippy in a couple of earlier episodes. Skippy is the one being stalked by Dusty Springfield.) Tipsy, also known around town as Martini Man, is an unhappy man. Though he has more money than he knows what to do with, Tipsy does not feel as if he has ever been his own man. You see, when Tipsy was young, his father Tupper Madison (a nod to JohnN) would not let Tipsy follow his dream. Tupper made Tipsy stuff his muscled physique into a three-piece suit, put on a conservative, though extremely wide, tie and prepare to be groomed to take over as president of the only bank in town when Tupper was ready to retire from that position. Tipsy played the good son, hiding his gloom, as he presided over meetings of the bank board. No one ever knew that not only was he hiding his gloom, he was hiding a martini shaker and the few ingredients he needed inside the Italian leather briefcase that he carried dutifully back and forth to the bank each day. Poor Tipsy. He had worked out all through high school, lifting weights, building all those muscles because his only dream was to be Dusty Springfield's very best and favorite roadie. But it was not meant to be. Tipsy remained the dutiful son. He watched the time go by as his bank gave away calendar after calendar, year after year. But then Dusty Springfield came to town. Tipsy dreamed of her singing to him and to him alone, "The Look of Love" - if only Dusty would notice him,Tipsy knew he could make her his own. But no. In a cruel twist of fate as things often happen in the soaps. Dusty only had eyes for Skippy.
Pogo was right. |
Let's see, I could be Bernie Green -- the prissy one who gossips about everyone. Cyclone Route 12 just doesn't quite work. Personally, though I like Obsob (Obby for short) Turk but I may have to change my sex -- talk about a porn star name. Scooter and Willow Keywood? Briana West 6th Street (Briana West for stage name?). Okay, Barefoot, that should be enough choices for ya.
Army/embassy brat - traveled too much to mention Moved here from SF Bay Area (East Bay) "There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein |
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Skuppy Garfield, a.k.a. barb1191, is the bartender at the only hotel, and thus the only hotel bar, in town. Skuppy knows everybody's secrets. Skuppy's real name was Skippy. Skuppy had gone all through school with Skippy Madison. Skuppy hated Skippy M. Skippy Madison was a spoiled brat who always went around telling everybody in the class that he, Skippy M., was Skippy Numero Uno. And to heap insult upon injury Skippy Madison insisted on calling him "The Skipster" or "Skip-A-Roonie" or "Skip-A-Dippa-Do" or whatever other asinine combination of syllables popped into his head. When Skuppy took the job as bartender, his name was still Skippy. But after night after night after night of hearing, "Hey, Skuppy, pour me a double." or "Skuppy, see what the little lady over there will have." Skippy decided to just go with it and change his name to Skuppy. There were some legal costs involved, but for the first time in a very long time Skuppy felt like he could forget all about Skippy Madison. That is until Tipsy Madison came in one night to tell his troubles to the bartender. Rusty Eden Goodnight to all. I hope I did not miss anybody.
Pogo was right. |
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LOL. Love it!! Mine would be Cutie Heald (Oh my!)
Wilmington, DE Newark, DE Ocean View, DE Village of Hemmingway ![]() |
I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe!!! You're too good at this.
Wilmington, DE Newark, DE Ocean View, DE Village of Hemmingway ![]() |
My soap opera name would be Snoopy Paerdegat. Not to good for a soap opera. I'll have to think of something better. How about Missy Moo. Might work.
BBB, you've created an insatiable demand for more episodes. Drink that coffee and give us an update! 040
Barefoot At Last No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever. |
Mine would be Daisey Rochester I DON'T THINK SO
I see some new names showed up overnight.
Yesterday morning, 01/30, @ 10:26 AM I picked up a batch of names and wrote them all in. I left for the day. When I returned, I found that Barefoot had suggested a great way to get Cinderella Central and Rocky Banks together while getting Snooper Clinton into the plot. I went ahead and took care of Bussy Stillwell and Sheba Wakefield in the 7:56 PM episode. Later on last night I had to point Fumar in the direction of that episode. I hope he can accept the fact that, like I said, our little Sheba is never coming back. - of course, maybe we could get a "meanwhile back in the jungle" scene sometime. In the 9:17 PM episode last night, I took Barefoot's idea and ran with it. I ran with it in true soap opera fashion. It was the chance to put our beloved heroine Cinderella Central into a romantic situation, like she so desperately needs, with our knight in shining armor, our diamond in the rough, Rocky Banks. Well, within a few minutes of that episode, I learned from Rocky himself that there is a Mrs. Rocky I was horrified. What had I wrought - wrote - written? Oh my. I am afraid I took the absolutely most lame soap opera path of all and told Rocky to make a run for it. Now, Rocky is out there somewhere and I don't know where he is. So in case anybody is wondering - Cinderella never, ever spent any quality time with Rocky. She thought about it though, but she did not know about Mrs. Rocky or she would never have thought such thoughts. Rocky was just helping Cinderella pursue her American Dream, Part Deux, by working hard as her campaign manager. And Rocky is such a good guy that he had no idea what Cinderella was thinking about. - that is if Cinderella, sweetheart that she is, though hard-edged in the business world, was thinking those thoughts which she never would have thought had she known there was a Mrs. Rocky. (Now, I think even Cinderella herself must be thinking that I am protesting far too much.) I don't care what Snooper Clinton is going around town saying. I cannot let the integrity of Cinderella and/or Rocky remain in question. (I really think Barefoot should have to go find Rocky. She is the one who got him into this mess.) I still have to pick up that story line about Maggie Hoyne's past. She may have worked for Rusty Eden, another kind of hard-edged business woman. Even though Rusty Eden ran a classy operation, it still just wasn't the right thing to do. And could that have been where Freckles Sunset left her freckles while trying to work her way through law school? I just can't get past the fact that Rusty Eden and Freckles Sunset are such perfect loss of innocence names. But I think I had better be careful. This is a PG soap and we want to keep our PG sponsors. Hey, maybe we can get PG itself to sponsor us. Maybe I will just put Rusty and Freckles in a bar. -- although bars are starting to play a little heavily in the plot. That's where we left Tipsy Madison and Skuppy Garfield late last night. I will be gone for the day with Mr. BB. I will check in later on the new characters. Hey, I think I need some help - in so many, many ways.
Pogo was right. |
Dear "As The Villagers Talk" Audience,
It seems my muse has gone on strike. Thank you all for having some fun with me and for the kind words. I sure liked writing our soap a lot more than I liked writing those posts where I bash Bernanke, rant about healthcare, or publically wrestle my own angst over vinyl siding. I choose threads where I can learn some things and threads where I can laugh. I find that to be a perfect combination to make a part of some of my cold and dreary winter days. I will still be around on TOTV, but I think my muse may stay on strike for awhile. Snow is predicted for tomorrow, but I don't think it will be enough to bring her back. So, for now, I can only offer you reruns. Sincerely, Boomer BeBack (a.k.a. Rusty Eden)
Pogo was right. |
Oh Noooooooooooooo....Rusty Queen can't be a brother to Maggie. Rusty Queen is a woman. Maybe she can be a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman!
The Villages, Florida |
I'm CheeKee Fife. This is so much fun!
Johannesburg, London, Wiesbaden, Fairfield CA, Tokyo, Rock Hill SC, Myrtle Beach, Denver, Baltimore, Bangkok, Hongkong, Rutland VT, New York NY, Seneca SC, and next (and last stop as soon as we sell our house) The Villages. |
Hi, this is great fun. I'm with Dicky. My name would be Trixie Avenue. hmmmm, yes in the exotic dancer category! :redface:
Laughter and Light, Chelsea |
Freckles Ashland
Da Chicago So Side; The Village of Park Forest, IL; 3/7 Cav, 3rd Inf Div, Schweinfurt, Ger 65-66; MACV J12 Saigon 66-67; San Leandro, Hayward & Union City, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) GO DUBS ! (aka W's) |
Good morning,
If you have been following the soap opera, you may know that last night I told you that my muse had gone on strike so I could only offer you reruns. Well, it looks like that's still the case. I did not know when I threw this little name game out there, that I would actually be compelled to write a few soap scenes. I could not help but picture characters to go with your soap names, even though some of you had to change gender. But then, sometime last night, my muse wandered off to go on strike. -- or maybe it's just that my descent into madness has ended, and I am actually ready to step away from this computer. There are still some great names hanging out there that did not get a scene. And I bet there are lots more that have not been posted yet. Please carry on. ![]() BB
Pogo was right. |
Closed Thread |