Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
![]() What did I get for my high school graduation??? A JOB!!!
Bronx ♫ Los Angeles ♫ Hadley, Sept. 08 and then the beautiful village of Mallory Square 2014 ♫ A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." ![]() (For those who know me) I consider ON TIME to be when I get there..... |
Kath, put your sweet daddy back there!!! NOW!
Chicago, Il., Upstate, N.Y. Finally a snow FROG There is no difficulty on earth that enough love will not conquer. |
A new bedroom set (dresser and bed). I was the youngest so I had never had any new furniture, always the hand me down so my parents wanted me to have something nice and new. Even though I have replaced the matress and box spring a few times, 33 years later I still have the dresser, frame, head and footboards- all in great condition!
NH for 1st half of life, now TV for the rest! |
I didn't get my oak bed, dresser, desk, and hope chest for graduation. I got it when both my sisters were married and I moved into the unique bedroom we had upstairs when I was 14. I still have the set to this day, too. In fact, it was my son's bedroom set and now is the set my grandson uses when he comes to spend the night. The set is 44 years old and in A-1 condition. It's going to be hard to part with when we sell our northern home to move to TV permanently. |
I thought it would be hard to part with things too Bright, but the auctioneers comming in a few days and he can have it all!! Im grabbing life by the throttle and not looking back!
TV is so worth throwing out the material things for. Im so envious of you right now but happy for ya. Aint it Grande?? Enjoy your summer in Never Neverland.
Chicago, Il., Upstate, N.Y. Finally a snow FROG There is no difficulty on earth that enough love will not conquer. |
I hope I have your attitude once I have to sort then give away, sell, or junk. I'm going to have to change my way of thinking...accept getting rid of things so dear to my heart. I'm getting there slowly. |
Hey there my dear friend, You and Mr. Bright made it safe and sound. Really glad that you had an enjoyable and safe trip. Now don't forget, double the pleasure, double the fun, you're playing for two now, not just for one!
Vicariously yours, ![]() |
Wish you were here Susan...Tom, too! Won't be the same without the 2 of you...sigh!
4 years of college.
MI ME MA Viet Nam CT TV ![]() |
I got that, too. was something I passed on to my daughter. My son...well, the money was there for him but he chose to have us spend it differently. |
OMG Susan, he is sooooooooo cute! I just want to squeeze him! Anyone you know????
Chicago, Il., Upstate, N.Y. Finally a snow FROG There is no difficulty on earth that enough love will not conquer. |
Susan, do you train dogs to wash windows?? My 2 tend to just press their noses on the sliders leaving slobber........ :dontknow: :dontknow:
Essentially two scholarships: one for a free college education for four years, the second in cash that I saved to cover the cost of tuition for my MA. Not a bad deal!
Don't (can't) remember ! ! !
Oswego, NY, Auburn, KY |
Scholarship to college. The love and pride of my mother. An atta girl from my brother (who surprised me at college after I could move out of the dorms with a car).
Army/embassy brat - traveled too much to mention Moved here from SF Bay Area (East Bay) "There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein |
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