Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Let's see: anyone out there old eneough to have endured, and may be just heard from Grandparents, of Panem & Circus? ***
The Pandering this election seems more so tahn in the past---here's what I can give you. No, here's what I can give you. Hopefully a decently balanced Congrtess will have the sense to water down these two Candidates. Artiifcal or not. long or intermediate term: there's folks suffering there : no health care, etc while the DJ plummets; an dwe hand out Billions to corporations. Wonder what somefuture Herodotus will write. Should I vote my Pocketbook? Then, it's McCain. But really, both are "off the wall" with some of their proposed Handouts! Probably more important to just vote your "Party" and hope for some sanity next four years (the sooner the better) *** The fall of Rome attributed to the Holidays (about half of the year) and free Bread given out at the free games. |
"What happens with all the wealth the 1% at the top have? MY GOSH, some stays in the banking system!
Sarcasm? Hmmmmm. And it does crack me up really, the fact that everyone is screaming that Obama will raise taxes...I guess I figure at least he is honest about it. There is no way taxes won't go up, hence my hyperbole about even the most simple minded...definately not a direct reference to anyone in particular...though I stand by what I said. I just find it funny in a sad way that all of this spin and propaganda still appeals to people, and even worse is still perpetrated by candidates on both sides of the aisle. Taxes are going up no matter which horse you picked in this race, so there is no sense in trying to smear one or the other with the sin of raising taxes. I am distressed by the current tax problem but at this point am willing to bend a little to get out of this mess...was naively hoping that a leader would step foward and demand cuts on the millions upon millions of waste and perks while asking me to give more. Special intrests gruops will likely bribe congress in quashing that though. |