And a child shall lead them

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Old 03-04-2008, 04:45 AM
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Default Re: And a child shall lead them

I am soooooo tired of this old Bush/Republican outcry that "You're either with us or Un-American!" Like Red said, we ALL support or troops, just not the idiots that sent them there. This is the biggest blunder in the history of our country. No I take that back, the biggest blunder was putting George Bush into office. There are so many deceptive underpinnings in this, oil fields, contracts to cronies for restoration, daddy paybacks -- It's a house of cards and the Joker is Bush. Let me say this clearly, I SUPPORT OUR TROOPS BUT I WANT THEM HOME. They should never have been there in the first place. I agree very much with Tal that we do not understand the mindset of the Middle Eastern culture. Why? Because we think it's our way or the highway. That's just wrong. I am a proud American, but of late I feel like we're the bratty teenager on the block that thinks we know it all. WE DON'T. I believe in mutual respect and diplomacy in dealing with other countries and cultures that are much much older than ours. We have never walked in their shoes, yet we insist we buy them new ones. Maybe they don't want new ones! I just feel so bad that the next President is left with this mess to clean up and no matter who it is, will be criticized every step of the way. Bottom line for me, as I stated before, Afghanistan is a just war. As for the rest, with the domino effect that will occur if we keep going this way, I smell a draft. WAKE UP AMERICANS. Whether you like Obama or not -- it IS time for a change.
Old 03-04-2008, 04:58 AM
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Default Re: And a child shall lead them

Have you forgotten 911? Excuse me but the very people you would like to make nice to would just as soon blow you and all you love off the face of the earth and why????? Because you, I and our loved ones are not like them.
If you ignore history it will just repeat itself. We ignored the terrorist attacks previous to this and that's what embolded them to produce a 911.
Old 03-04-2008, 05:02 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: And a child shall lead them

And Iraq had what to do with 9/11? A better question is " Why were so many Saudis involved with 9/11?"
Old 03-04-2008, 05:15 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: And a child shall lead them

I've lived in Arab nations. The reality is their fringe groups are truly extreme. Dying for these groups is considered a good thing. Their mullahs distort the K'oran to make it sound that heaven and vestal virgins await them for dying for the cause. The K'oran does say that dying for your religion in a JUST war will be rewarded. It also says that killing women and children will get you sent to hell.

Whether we step up or not, they loathe us and with good reason -- we've supported some pretty despicable people for our own interests. They are a patient people and truly believe in revenge. 9/11 was bound to happen. Another attack is bound to happen and one that will more than likely make 9/11 look like a gentle slap on the bottom.

I truly doubt we can ever make things right in the Middle East. Look at the wars between the Arabs and the Jews. They are part of the same tribe. They have the same prophets, the same history. Yet, the hate is palpable. Their war is one that will be fought over and over. It will have different excuses but the bottom line will be race hatred.

As much as many Arabs hate the Jews, their hatred of America is far worse. Also their fear of us. We do have the power to totally destroy their land. We've shown that we are willing to use that power to keep despots in control of them, to fight for their land and their oil. Terrorism is, to them, the only way to let us know they don't want us in the Middle East. Not supporting Israel, not making treaties with rulers, certainly not fighting on their soil. America has done too much damage to their pride and egos. I truly doubt we'll ever be forgiven.

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