Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Don't you consider the fact that we are adding a multi-trillion dollar entitlement to all the existing entitlements that are going bankrupt?
We are going broke, you do realize that don't you? |
But, it has passed and yes, DK, I know this country is going bankrupt, mostly because of our antiquated health care system and let's not even mention the previous eight years, where absolutely NOTHING was being done, except putting our young people at risk in Iraq and clearing brush in Texas. |
You are not forced to buy auto insurance. Millions of people do not buy auto insurance because they don't drive. Ever hear of cities? Public transportation? This administration will make Bush's deficits look like chump change since this guy has already tripled Bush's deficits. And yes, this bill will be overturned by the will of the people. |
Anyone seen posts from cologal recently? I thought I'd see her remark on the healthcare reform bill. Hope she's okay. B.K.
Actually, in Massachusetts, you ARE required to buy insurance - if you want to register your car. Here in NH, you aren't.
If you are young and healthy you still are forced to buy health insurance or be fined or go to prison. |
I decided to respond to this post since you didnt attack anyone's religion, beliefs or get real personal. IF the situation were as simple as you present it, who wouldnt back what you are saying but you touch only the surface. These are a few of the things that a group called Physicans for a National Health Program, a supporter of this KIND of legislature...not THIS legislature...had to say... "Instead of eliminating the root of the problem - the profit-driven, private health insurance industry - this costly new legislation will enrich and further entrench these firms. The bill would require millions of Americans to buy private insurers' defective products, and turn over to them vast amounts of public money." "•About 23 million people will remain uninsured nine years out" "•Millions of middle-income people will be pressured to buy commercial health insurance policies costing up to 9.5 percent of their income but covering an average of only 70 percent of their medical expenses, potentially leaving them vulnerable to financial ruin if they become seriously ill. Many will find such policies too expensive to afford or, if they do buy them, too expensive to use because of the high co-pays and deductibles" And for all you Villagers who have been told that those who oppose this bill are just trying to scare you...they say this... "•The bill will drain about $40 billion from Medicare payments to safety-net hospitals, threatening the care of the tens of millions who will remain uninsured." "•The much-vaunted insurance regulations - e.g. ending denials on the basis of pre-existing conditions - are riddled with loopholes, thanks to the central role that insurers played in crafting the legislation. Older people can be charged up to three times more than their younger counterparts, and large companies with a predominantly female workforce can be charged higher gender-based rates at least until 2017. This bill is one thing.... A POLITICAL is going to singlehandly bankrupt the country. Do you recall during the campaign the then candidate Obama actually RIDICULING candidate Hillary Clinton when she talked about mandated insurance. He said cant do that...guess what his bill does ? Listen, everyone wants a better system of health care, but when you cannnot even get the support of your entire party...when you have to, with NO ADDING SPIN, payoffs to people to get their vote...when you need to lie....when what you are doing is NOT WANTED by the majority of the american people...then you are not fulfilling your oath of office. This is simply said, a POLITICAL boondoogle...when you are expecting a FUTURE congress to make sure the tax increases come in.....when you say that unions dont have to pay the "cadillac tax" simply because they belong to a union...when you count on cuts in Medicaire as possible funding and ask the CBO to work with "estimates".....well, while your presentation is very idealistic...the realism is we have a MAJOR PROBLEM on our hands now and this President is hell bent on "fixing" immigration" next ! |
The conservatives of today no longer match my fathers definition. They are not interested in keeping the good things in the system as time goes on. They are trying to return to a time that never existed where they were always in control and everything was slanted to the white the christian and the wealthy. They are acting like big babies in congress because they didn't get their way. They are going to waste more taxpayer money by state AG's trying to get healthcare overturned. The Florida AG is a joke.Running for gov isn't he? And finally as far as spending goes the conservatives in congress voted for 2 tax cuts while we were fighting 2 wars and passed the biggest drug program without paying for it and on and on.
They are interested in keeping the Constitution intact. Something the Democrats know little about. Let me rephrase that, apparently know nothing about.
Where is the outrage? Hypocrites-the bunch of ya. |
BUT You my friend are living in a dream fantasy world. Have you ever read what this is going to do, notjust to the rich which makes you giddy with joy, but to middle class americans..have you even read the bill...the cuts in medicaire..not made up by any whining Republicans but I just posted a link from a group of Doctors who WANT national health care and they think what the majority of americans think....THIS IS A HUGE POLITICAL BOONDOOGLE.....AND please dont be insulting by saying it is ANYTHING but 100% POLITICAL. And to ALL OF YOU who keep saying that if you oppose this bill, or at minimum implying it....we are opposed because financially and a lot of ways it is a disaster...not because we favor the white the christian or dont care..I am so sick of hearing that. You probably think that anyone who is opposed to this president is a racist......what a waste of breath with folks like you. We, who oppose this are not what you paint and in fact are probably more caring and kind that you graciously and publicy proclaim to be yourself. |
Like I said a hundred times before. To liberals it's all about feel good, sounds good. Actual consequences our outcome plays no part in their logic.
first your continued anti liberal,anti progressive stance is a joke. You had an opportunity for 8 years to improve this country. A huge tax break for the rich and 3 wars is all your conservatives accomplished.Lets look at facts. You started with a surplus of 200 billion.You left owing 1.3 trillion and 8 trillion more over the next decade because you your 2 wars were paid for through supplementals and 3 trillion loss projected because of lost revenue caused by the recession.That's what the republicans did. No I did not read the bill and I have doubts any of you did. Here is what I do know is in the bill:Insurance companies are now barred from dropping people because they sre sick. THey can no longer exclude children from coverage. Young adults can now stay on their parents plan until 26. Doughnut hole gap will get $250.00 to help seniors. Tax credits will be given to small businesses.
Your reference to my continued anti liberal, anti progressive stance is somewhat confusing. I never said anything like that.....I have from the beginning opposed this President..since he was not even a candidate and if you read his history, you can readily see why. You make assumptions about people and that is wrong and silly. You generalize about people...referring to the Republicans as "you". You certainly mention many things that if that was all that was involved would be wonderful but your head is in the sand on what this bill will mean to YOUR country ! I respectfully must tell you that you make no ignore anything but what you want to say or what someone told you to say ! |