Donald Trump in a Nutshell.

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Old 09-06-2016, 09:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Donald Trump in a Nutshell.

Donald Trump reminds me of the snake that hitched a ride across the pond on the back of a duck; when they reached the far side, the snake grabbed the duck intending to eat it. The duck protested and the snake said, "Well, you knew I was a snake when you let me on your back. This is what snakes do..."

Limited government my *@#%!
Old 09-06-2016, 09:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Donald Trump reminds me of the snake that hitched a ride across the pond on the back of a duck; when they reached the far side, the snake grabbed the duck intending to eat it. The duck protested and the snake said, "Well, you knew I was a snake when you let me on your back. This is what snakes do..."

Limited government my *@#%!
I don't get it. Can you explain, I am unfamiliar with snakes as I am an independent.
Old 09-06-2016, 10:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I don't get it. Can you explain, I am unfamiliar with snakes as I am an independent.
A snake is anyone with a D or R after their name. Stay away from them, they lie and they're dangerous.

I like the frog and the scorpion version better.
Old 09-07-2016, 03:56 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
A snake is anyone with a D or R after their name. Stay away from them, they lie and they're dangerous.

I like the frog and the scorpion version better.
Either produce an alternative or go away with your complaining. You are tiresome and an obstacle conversation.
Old 09-07-2016, 07:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Either produce an alternative or go away with your complaining. You are tiresome and an obstacle conversation.
Don't vote for ANY D or's that for an alternative?

An obstacle to conversation? How? By tearing apart anything you say? Yes, it IS no fun trying to convince someone who knows so much more than you do to believe the lies too.

People HATE being proven wrong. I get it. It's why you rebel so.

ESPECIALLY when it's a deeply ingrained belief they had.

You're WRONG about politics and the country.

You're WRONG about race and equality.

You're WRONG that the Hispanic invasion/baby boom won't destroy this country/culture.

I do a lot of talking here...NOBODY mounts a successful contrary opinion. They tell me I'm wrong with nothing to back it up...because there ISN'T anything to back it up.

You've been fed lies your whole life and you believe them. It's NOT your fault you believe the lies. What IS your fault is refusing to even listen to the opposing FACTS that prove it IS all a lie.

Wake up...look around. Is what you see the same as what they tell you? No

I'd fight this hard if the plan was to allow children the same rights and responsibilities as adults. They're NOT capable and I would prove it. Minorities too are like children, not capable. They can't be treated "the same" as those who are. They can be "equals" under law. But law shouldn't dictate how "I", how WE have to treat them. If I don't want them around, it is MY right of free association. I chose that by being here in the villages, living in the bubble...because it's the ONLY place I could find that was free of them.

Diversity WILL destroy this country. Unless we ACTIVELY work to stop it. ALL the illegals and their anchor babies MUST go or the country WILL be lost as they breed us out. It's a mathematical certainty.

Like an unchecked bacterial or viral infection...if untreated, it will eventually sicken and kill the host. The country is infected, with Hispanics...if nothing is done, we're Mexico II within 30 years.

Take back your country...but DON'T trust Trump to do it. He's leading you down the primrose path...he SAYS he'll fix things...he won't. You're being SET UP...AGAIN. When will people learn? When will their memory last more than 4 years? They do this to us EVERY election. It's THEATER!!! It's the D and R party that is EVIL.
Old 09-07-2016, 07:25 AM
Posts: n/a

Your a bunch of high schoolers. Wake up.
Old 09-07-2016, 09:02 AM
Posts: n/a
Default We can learn from the mistakes of history

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
A snake is anyone with a D or R after their name. Stay away from them, they lie and they're dangerous.

I like the frog and the scorpion version better.
For better of for worse, WE HAVE A TWO PARTY SYSTEM.
It is a forgone conclusion that EITHER a democrat or a republican will win.

Your support of an independent simply will not get your choice to be president.

If, you choose to vote for an independent perhaps, you can claim DON'T BLAME ME, I DID NOT VOTE FOR EITHER THE DEMOCRAT OR THE REPUBLICAN.

I proudly and honestly can say I did not vote for OBAMA.
Sadly, I will still suffer from Obama fanning the dull sparks of racial hostility into flames, his having fueled the gimmmmmeeeeeee, u o meeeeeee mentality, and his having made hard work, saving, self RESPONSIBILITY and SUCCESS into somehow being EVIL. OH and even though I did not vote for Obama, I still get to pay THE OBAMA TEN TRILLION DOLLAR OVERDRAFT and the it has to POP,
OBAMA BUBBLE-due to buying our own debt with QUANTITATIVE EASING. Even quantitative easing has been done before in history. Not only did germany do it, not as clearly taught or discussed but italy, spain and several other countries did the same. WE ARE SEEING EXACTLY THE SAME THING HAPPEN. Our government devalued our currency so the rest of the world is doing the same. IT NEVER ENDS WELL.
Old 09-07-2016, 09:30 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
For better of for worse, WE HAVE A TWO PARTY SYSTEM.
It is a forgone conclusion that EITHER a democrat or a republican will win.

Your support of an independent simply will not get your choice to be president.

If, you choose to vote for an independent perhaps, you can claim DON'T BLAME ME, I DID NOT VOTE FOR EITHER THE DEMOCRAT OR THE REPUBLICAN.

I proudly and honestly can say I did not vote for OBAMA.
Sadly, I will still suffer from Obama fanning the dull sparks of racial hostility into flames, his having fueled the gimmmmmeeeeeee, u o meeeeeee mentality, and his having made hard work, saving, self RESPONSIBILITY and SUCCESS into somehow being EVIL. OH and even though I did not vote for Obama, I still get to pay THE OBAMA TEN TRILLION DOLLAR OVERDRAFT and the it has to POP,
OBAMA BUBBLE-due to buying our own debt with QUANTITATIVE EASING. Even quantitative easing has been done before in history. Not only did germany do it, not as clearly taught or discussed but italy, spain and several other countries did the same. WE ARE SEEING EXACTLY THE SAME THING HAPPEN. Our government devalued our currency so the rest of the world is doing the same. IT NEVER ENDS WELL.
We have a 2 party system because that's who everyone votes for. They've been hoodwinked into giving up their vote for a lesser evil.
Old 09-07-2016, 01:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We have a 2 party system because that's who everyone votes for. They've been hoodwinked into giving up their vote for a lesser evil.
You blather on and on, stating the obvious. But, you still haven't given a viable solution. My daddy used to say, don't come to me with a complaint unless you also have a solution. Anyone can complain, IT's IN YOUR NATURE. But, it takes a mature adult to come up with solutions.

So, what I am trying to say is why not give it a rest? You are tiring and boorish and do nothing to enhance the political discussion/debate.

Here, I will make it easier for you to understand.
We have ONLY two viable candidates to choose from. You don't like either one.

Your option: Throw away your vote out of principle
My option: Find something I can work with on one of the candidates and support that one.

You can not change the idea of one of the two being elected any more than you can change the weather. All you can do is wish and complain. Your best bet is to attempt to survive in a world that you don't like and can't change. IN other words....LIVE WITH IT.
Old 09-07-2016, 01:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You blather on and on, stating the obvious. But, you still haven't given a viable solution. My daddy used to say, don't come to me with a complaint unless you also have a solution. Anyone can complain, IT's IN YOUR NATURE. But, it takes a mature adult to come up with solutions.

So, what I am trying to say is why not give it a rest? You are tiring and boorish and do nothing to enhance the political discussion/debate.

Here, I will make it easier for you to understand.
We have ONLY two viable candidates to choose from. You don't like either one.

Your option: Throw away your vote out of principle
My option: Find something I can work with on one of the candidates and support that one.

You can not change the idea of one of the two being elected any more than you can change the weather. All you can do is wish and complain. Your best bet is to attempt to survive in a world that you don't like and can't change. IN other words....LIVE WITH IT.
OK...once again for the slow people...ANYONE but a D or R...can it be simpler? Write yourself in, it doesn't matter...anyone other than a D or R because those two parties are the "corruption epicenter", it all spreads out from there. Think corruption warehouse, corruption distribution center.

Pick someone you agree with.

ONLY 2 viable? There are many running, they're ALL alive. PICK ONE that isn't part of the corruption of the D and R party.

You not going to "find something to work with", you're going to be RULED over by one of them. Is that what you want? Pick someone else, anyone else.

You can't find ANYONE running for president you agree with? It doesn't matter id its Trump or Hillary, we LOSE either way. At least give new blood a shot.

Are you insane? I can't change the weather, nobody can. But WE CAN change who gets elected by voting for someone else! My're SO OBTUSE!

VOTE for who you WANT to win...if EVERYONE does, then WE win. Otherwise, you're voting for "their guy", and THEY win.
Old 09-07-2016, 02:19 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
OK...once again for the slow people...ANYONE but a D or R...can it be simpler? Write yourself in, it doesn't matter...anyone other than a D or R because those two parties are the "corruption epicenter", it all spreads out from there. Think corruption warehouse, corruption distribution center.

Pick someone you agree with.

ONLY 2 viable? There are many running, they're ALL alive. PICK ONE that isn't part of the corruption of the D and R party.

You not going to "find something to work with", you're going to be RULED over by one of them. Is that what you want? Pick someone else, anyone else.

You can't find ANYONE running for president you agree with? It doesn't matter id its Trump or Hillary, we LOSE either way. At least give new blood a shot.

Are you insane? I can't change the weather, nobody can. But WE CAN change who gets elected by voting for someone else! My're SO OBTUSE!

VOTE for who you WANT to win...if EVERYONE does, then WE win. Otherwise, you're voting for "their guy", and THEY win.
I won't call you an idiot, because I was brought up with better manners. I will say that you are unable to see outside of the box. Instead of seeing realistic goals, you seek the unattainable. You are void of common sense and illogical. You are like a child having a tantrum because he can't have his way. When your parents say they can't afford a new bike for you, you don't have a tantrum and demand one anyway.

You are not of any benefit to this forum, other than some minute form of entertainment. Too bad you can only see in Blacks and Whites, when there are other shades of gray.
Old 09-07-2016, 02:38 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Don't vote for ANY D or's that for an alternative?

An obstacle to conversation? How? By tearing apart anything you say? Yes, it IS no fun trying to convince someone who knows so much more than you do to believe the lies too.

People HATE being proven wrong. I get it. It's why you rebel so.

ESPECIALLY when it's a deeply ingrained belief they had.

You're WRONG about politics and the country.

You're WRONG about race and equality.

You're WRONG that the Hispanic invasion/baby boom won't destroy this country/culture.

I do a lot of talking here...NOBODY mounts a successful contrary opinion. They tell me I'm wrong with nothing to back it up...because there ISN'T anything to back it up.

You've been fed lies your whole life and you believe them. It's NOT your fault you believe the lies. What IS your fault is refusing to even listen to the opposing FACTS that prove it IS all a lie.

Wake up...look around. Is what you see the same as what they tell you? No

I'd fight this hard if the plan was to allow children the same rights and responsibilities as adults. They're NOT capable and I would prove it. Minorities too are like children, not capable. They can't be treated "the same" as those who are. They can be "equals" under law. But law shouldn't dictate how "I", how WE have to treat them. If I don't want them around, it is MY right of free association. I chose that by being here in the villages, living in the bubble...because it's the ONLY place I could find that was free of them.

Diversity WILL destroy this country. Unless we ACTIVELY work to stop it. ALL the illegals and their anchor babies MUST go or the country WILL be lost as they breed us out. It's a mathematical certainty.

Like an unchecked bacterial or viral infection...if untreated, it will eventually sicken and kill the host. The country is infected, with Hispanics...if nothing is done, we're Mexico II within 30 years.

Take back your country...but DON'T trust Trump to do it. He's leading you down the primrose path...he SAYS he'll fix things...he won't. You're being SET UP...AGAIN. When will people learn? When will their memory last more than 4 years? They do this to us EVERY election. It's THEATER!!! It's the D and R party that is EVIL.
Dear Guest: You might want to know that arrivals in most states are streaming from China and India outpacing Mexico.

You continue to tell everyone that they are wrong based on your observation (opinion) of what you view and in doing so you continue to run the risk of drawing specific conclusions based on a general observations. In that same vein you continue with a dichotomy...but that the world were that simple.

I do agree with you that government strings us along but that is a discussion for another day.

I for one appreciate your passion and concern for this nation and believe that most guests on this forum do but the reality is this world will continue to exist long after wae are gone.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 09-07-2016, 03:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Perhaps an interesting thought but

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
OK...once again for the slow people...ANYONE but a D or R...can it be simpler? Write yourself in, it doesn't matter...anyone other than a D or R because those two parties are the "corruption epicenter", it all spreads out from there. Think corruption warehouse, corruption distribution center.

Pick someone you agree with.

ONLY 2 viable? There are many running, they're ALL alive. PICK ONE that isn't part of the corruption of the D and R party.

You not going to "find something to work with", you're going to be RULED over by one of them. Is that what you want? Pick someone else, anyone else.

You can't find ANYONE running for president you agree with? It doesn't matter id its Trump or Hillary, we LOSE either way. At least give new blood a shot.

Are you insane? I can't change the weather, nobody can. But WE CAN change who gets elected by voting for someone else! My're SO OBTUSE!

VOTE for who you WANT to win...if EVERYONE does, then WE win. Otherwise, you're voting for "their guy", and THEY win.
Voting for the lesser of two evils is just a negative way of saying voting for the person you most agree with.

May I get what I want AND WANT IT WHEN I GET IT.
Old 09-07-2016, 07:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I won't call you an idiot, because I was brought up with better manners. I will say that you are unable to see outside of the box. Instead of seeing realistic goals, you seek the unattainable. You are void of common sense and illogical. You are like a child having a tantrum because he can't have his way. When your parents say they can't afford a new bike for you, you don't have a tantrum and demand one anyway.

You are not of any benefit to this forum, other than some minute form of entertainment. Too bad you can only see in Blacks and Whites, when there are other shades of gray.
God...I HATE arguing with have NO logic skills at all.

YOU are locked in the box, YOU are thinking in black and white...D or R...NOBODY else is "viable". Actually...they ARE...IF you and I and everyone else VOTES for them instead of WASTING in on EVIL...either the D or the R...they're BOTH evil.

You're voting for one evil to stop another evil? ONLY a woman could see logic in that. Vote for whom YOU WANT TO LEAD THE COUNTRY. There are a bunch of candidates, pick one you like. But NOT, NEVER a D or R because we ALL know they're liars...cheats...corrupted.

You're such sheep...willingly being led to your shearing.

Don't "vote for the winner", meaning trying to pick the winner. There's NO prize when they win. Vote to MAKE a winner. Vote to make a GOOD MAN the winner. Not for the continuation of a corrupt "industry"...the D and R party.
Old 09-08-2016, 03:46 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
God...I HATE arguing with have NO logic skills at all.

YOU are locked in the box, YOU are thinking in black and white...D or R...NOBODY else is "viable". Actually...they ARE...IF you and I and everyone else VOTES for them instead of WASTING in on EVIL...either the D or the R...they're BOTH evil.

You're voting for one evil to stop another evil? ONLY a woman could see logic in that. Vote for whom YOU WANT TO LEAD THE COUNTRY. There are a bunch of candidates, pick one you like. But NOT, NEVER a D or R because we ALL know they're liars...cheats...corrupted.

You're such sheep...willingly being led to your shearing.

Don't "vote for the winner", meaning trying to pick the winner. There's NO prize when they win. Vote to MAKE a winner. Vote to make a GOOD MAN the winner. Not for the continuation of a corrupt "industry"...the D and R party.
You can call me a woman if it makes you feel all secure behind your keyboard, champ. But, you wouldn't have the cajones to say it to my face. Obviously, you have a little man Napoleon complex that probably got you beat up quite a bit when you were younger. Maybe even now.

You have a right to your opinion, champ. But, just because you are stupid enough to think you can bust through a brick wall with you head, doesn't make everyone else the same moron as you.

I chose Trump because I wish to choose Trump. Not because some idiot on here consistently and ignorantly attempt to sway my vote to a meaningless effort to prove his little mind view on life. You are a miserable person and need professional help before you hurt yourself.

You are so ignorant that you feel that your view is the ONLY view, but you are totally wrong. You are just a knat or irritating flee on a coon dog's behind. You really need to get a life before you say something that shows your ignorance to someone in public. But, I am sure that you are too scared to come out of your dark and secure home, into the light. You are probably and rightly scared that someone will put you in your place.

Any credibility I might have given your comments is voided when you personally attack someone on here that does not agree with you. I bet you were bullied when you were a child and now you can't get along with anyone. You act like a woman is not good enough for you, but the reality is that no woman would stay with you very long, even if paid.

You have yet to give anyone an answer to the question of who you would vote for. Because you won't be voting for anyone. You are just a loser and a little peevish whiner. A miserable person with a petulant little attitude.

I'm voting for Trump, so pi$$ off, little fella.

back, nutshell, trump, donald

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