Are Elections Rigged?

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Old 10-22-2016, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Wouldn't one think that a successful businessnan would have a leg up when it came to understanding the hows if a rigged system? All this talking of the election being rigged is just preparation for the exit interview.
Of course he does!
And so does anybody else with half a brain and some research and thinking ability.

Rigged election language back in 2007/2008 when the Obamas were whinning about it was/is OK. Of course it was/is...they are democrats!!
Old 10-22-2016, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are you trying to tell us that the National Enquirer is the ONLY newspaper that is NOT owned by SOROS?

Proof that Trump was right when he spoke at the Al Smith dinner the other night.
Sorry...was behind in reading and missed this....

"In the latest edition of the KKK’s official newspaper, “the Crusader,” the one with a picture of Donald Trump gracing the cover, the editors gave Donald J. Trump a “glowing endorsement” and support for his candidacy and promised that Trump is finally bringing about “a resurgence of white supremacy.”

"the point is that Trump has incited the white supremacist sect in America and now that he is their champion, he can stop the pretense that he is not a white supremacist that fits perfectly with the KKK mold. This endorsement should not be a surprise because barely two weeks ago the editor of the white supremacist website Daily Stormer, Andrew Anglin, told the Los Angeles Times that “Virtually every alt-right Nazi I know is volunteering for the Trump campaign.”

Donald Trump Finally Wins a Newspaper Endorsement - From the KKK

Sorry I missed this important and long worked for endorsement
Old 10-22-2016, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If my granddad had the same response to questions.....BS.....then I would say that is great.

If i were her, I would stop asking you any intelligent questions.

When you respond BS, and that is it....well, then you have nothing to add then you must agree

BUT, Trump walks away when he is uncomfortable with the question as well so .....
Do you really want to go there? Hillary has avoided answering more questions than OJ Simpson. Even on the last debate, she refused to answer questions and went off on a diatribe dedicated to another subject. Get real.

But, when you reply to a comment that someone posts with a teenage girl answer, I just say it as I see it. B.S!
Old 10-22-2016, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Do you really want to go there? Hillary has avoided answering more questions than OJ Simpson. Even on the last debate, she refused to answer questions and went off on a diatribe dedicated to another subject. Get real.

But, when you reply to a comment that someone posts with a teenage girl answer, I just say it as I see it. B.S!
You are VERY confused, among other things.

I ASKED the question about your comfort level on Russians hacking private emails (unrelated to Clinton) and in some cases altering them, and thosenstolen private emails being used by ONE SINGLE party and campaign.

All of that is factually true.

Your response was.....


I avoided no question.
Old 10-22-2016, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You are VERY confused, among other things.

I ASKED the question about your comfort level on Russians hacking private emails (unrelated to Clinton) and in some cases altering them, and thosenstolen private emails being used by ONE SINGLE party and campaign.

All of that is factually true.

Your response was.....


I avoided no question.
Friend, with all due respect if you wish to get snarky, that's totally up to you. You did not like my answer because it was not one that you were expecting, so you got all huffy like a little girl and responded like one. That's fine, but don't forum stalk me and think that you are going to get the better of me. Because the only way you could would be if I cared. I don't, so go play your little girl games on facebook or with the other kids.

Next time you wish an answer from me, ask civilly and I will respond in kind. If you then don't like or agree with my reply, simply say so but don't try to put words in my mouth. That is why I called you antics, childish.
Old 10-22-2016, 01:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post

Again, is it ok for a foreign government like Russia to havk private emails, and one party to use those stolen emails daily in their campaig ?
I am glad whoever is hacking the emails made them public, I would have had no idea most of these things were being done behind my back. I am mad at the people we trusted (when we elected them) for doing this absolute corrupt behavior.

But, that is just me.
Old 10-22-2016, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
....and in some cases altering them...
What evidence do you have any of the emails where altered?

Did Hillary say so?? The same Hillary that said she never used her server for classified emails, said she had no idea what happened to 33,000 emails, said she never took donations from foreign countries while she was Sec of State??
Old 10-22-2016, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I am glad whoever is hacking the emails made them public, I would have had no idea most of these things were being done behind my back. I am mad at the people we trusted (when we elected them) for doing this absolute corrupt behavior.

But, that is just me.
You do realize...

1. ONLY ONE party has been hacked and ONLY ONE party has these emails made public.

Are you so naive that you think emails not hacked and not released from the other side are all peaches and cream ? Do you really in your heart think that this kind of thing AND WORSE occur within the other party ? You cannot actually believe this

2. You do understand that the hacking and choice of who to hack and disclose was done by the RUSSIANS ? You are aware that just based on what you posted the Russians have some control over our electoral system ?

It, to me anyway, is shocking how blasé some like you are about this.
Old 10-22-2016, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
What evidence do you have any of the emails where altered?

Did Hillary say so?? The same Hillary that said she never used her server for classified emails, said she had no idea what happened to 33,000 emails, said she never took donations from foreign countries while she was Sec of State??

"New evidence is emerging that content from the DNC emails accessed by Russian hackers may have been altered before being released to Wikileaks. This added layer of information joined with the timing of the release and Trump’s cozy relationship with Putin paint a picture of deep collusion and planning aimed at fracturing any potential Democratic unity at the most crucial point in the 2016 presidential election cycle.

Thomas Rid at Motherboard Vice reported on the discovery this morning:"

"The metadata show that the Russian operators apparently edited some documents, and in some cases created new documents after the intruders were already expunged from the DNC network on June 11. A file called donors.xls, for instance, was created more than a day after the story came out, on June 15, most likely by copy-pasting an existing list into a clean document.

Although so far the actual content of the leaked documents appears not to have been tampered with, manipulation would fit an established pattern of operational behaviour in other contexts, such as troll farms or planting fake media stories. Subtle (or not so subtle) manipulation of content may be in the interest of the adversary in the future. Documents that were leaked by or through an intelligence operation should be handled with great care, and journalists should not simply treat them as reliable sources."
Russian Hackers Altered Emails Before Release to Wikileaks

Prove anything beyond a shadow of a doubt..of course not.

But you do know they are shared within hours of release with no context.

And most alarming is your non concern for the act itself, that you would be concerned more about what Clinton said or didnypt say.

Why does not the sheer act of Russia stealing and attempting to sway your vote concern you ?
Old 10-22-2016, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You do realize...

1. ONLY ONE party has been hacked and ONLY ONE party has these emails made public.

Are you so naive that you think emails not hacked and not released from the other side are all peaches and cream ? Do you really in your heart think that this kind of thing AND WORSE occur within the other party ? You cannot actually believe this
Sounds like you are questioning yourself hear, I did not say or infer anything of the kind. I said I was mad that these people we elected betrayed our trust. appears you are mad it was your party that got put on display.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
2. You do understand that the hacking and choice of who to hack and disclose was done by the RUSSIANS ? You are aware that just based on what you posted the Russians have some control over our electoral system ?
I am not certain who did the hacking, don't care either. Again; I am mad at those elected that betrayed us all

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It, to me anyway, is shocking how blasé some like you are about this.
I am shocked your outraged at the hackers and not outraged at those that have betrayed the trust we gave them thru election. We did not entrust the hackers, the hackers did not betray us.

Another thing evident; these hackers have shown how those entrusted with our national security have been foolish with internet security. Too busy campaigning for their party the last 1 1/2 years...absolute B.S.
Old 10-22-2016, 02:37 PM
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I am unable to view your link, I find the webpage offensive.
Enjoy your weird life style, PLEASE don't bother to converse with me anymore - I will not respond. YUCK!
Old 10-22-2016, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sounds like you are questioning yourself hear, I did not say or infer anything of the kind. I said I was mad that these people we elected betrayed our trust. appears you are mad it was your party that got put on display.

I am not certain who did the hacking, don't care either. Again; I am mad at those elected that betrayed us all

I am shocked your outraged at the hackers and not outraged at those that have betrayed the trust we gave them thru election. We did not entrust the hackers, the hackers did not betray us.

Another thing evident; these hackers have shown how those entrusted with our national security have been foolish with internet security. Too busy campaigning for their party the last 1 1/2 years...absolute B.S.
You do understand that the hacking was of A POLITICAL PARTY...NOT THE US GOVT.

I assume you then think your party does not discuss the same things and would never do such things.

The Russian government is attempting to "rig" our election...I could care less what side.....I do not want the Russians inside and swaying votes.
Old 10-22-2016, 03:09 PM
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I do not believe elections are rigged, or else corporations and rich political donors would not spend so much money to influence public opinion. Bought maybe, but not rigged.
Old 10-22-2016, 03:57 PM
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I have yet to hear Hillary or any other member deny the content of the emails. They have suggested that maybe they could be altered, but they did not show where they were altered. They can't. If they tell us where they were altered, then they have to admit they sent those and they are in fact their hacked emails.

Liberals are upset because someone opened the door to the sausage factory and revealed how someone is making sausage with rats and mice.

Perhaps the Republican side has been hacked also but there is not enough juicy stuff in the emails to warrant exposure. Maybe the Republicans are less corrupt so there is nothing to see.

The fact is that Hillary and team are corrupt and unethical as well as criminal, and liberals won't even hold them accountable. When Trump's recording came out that was over a decade old, many Republicans turned their back on him and disavowed him. Guess you won't see that with liberals.
Old 10-22-2016, 04:19 PM
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Scum donna brazile actually has nerve to say it's doctored,

DNC boss Brazile claims WikiLeaks emails 'doctored' in contentious interview | Fox News

system, rigged, elections

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