Florida Primary Re do

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Old 03-11-2008, 12:57 PM
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Default Florida Primary Re do

Not just no.....but......NO!!!!!!!!

Serves no purpose what so ever. Aren't we at a point in time to just tell the politically ambitious to suck it up and play by the rules?

As one of the requirements of the so called "angry white men" of America.....let's get back to majority rules!!!

By the way the term angry white men is fast becoming a generic asignation for all who are ready to get this country back on track with core values restored starting with the majority does rule and the denouncing of the politically correct concept.....among others.

I say no second vote....it is what it is!!

Old 03-11-2008, 02:48 PM
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Default Re: Florida Primary Re do

I have to disagree with BTK on this one. Whether they can use the votes already cast or redo voting, I want my vote to count! This is too important of an election to just look the other way. Back in Illinois, when this whole hanging chad thing came out in Florida, because Jeb was down here, everyone felt it has fixed and hokey. Come on Florida, get your act together! I think our Republican Governor has a vested interest for it not to be redone because he's been give a taste of the Vice Presidency. He's never going to get it, but he's having it dangled in front of him. Also, I think the term "angry white men" is disgusting. The only reason they're angry is that they feel the control and power they've always held is slipping away. Yes, I agree this early primary was confussing and convoluted, but, it is what it is -- and bottom line -- I want my vote to count. That's my right and I'm claiming it.
Old 03-11-2008, 02:52 PM
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Default Re: Florida Primary Re do

I still wonder how the dems can rule the country but can't even rule the party (and I say that generously since I'm weary of the GOP)

Regardless, a primary without Michigan and Florida really sucks.
Shouldn't have gotten into this in the first place, poor planning and execution.

I'd take the 2nd vote though.
Old 03-11-2008, 03:59 PM
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Default Re: Florida Primary Re do

Two comments.

One if "they" want to affect the acknowledging of your vote, why have to re do it? Since Dean has said no, no thou shalt following my ruling and not be counted because ye did not heed the rules...."they" are looking for the next least resistant avenue that will allow their wants. Where does it stop?
Oh let's do a re do in OHIO because it snowed. Or one in XYZ because there was inclement something or other!
If they want the votes to count get after to Dean to change his mind set and not allow bastardizing the voting system when a candidate says hey how about trying this or changing that.

The term angry white men is like calling all copiers Xerox. It actually started as a group of white men (like it or not)...they can spotlight themselves just as the rest of the minority groups do to suit their purpose. It had nothing to do with gender or masculinity or gaining it, loosing it or enhancing it. They stand for bringing back to this country the concept of majority rules and eliminate political correctness. Turns out their were blacks, tans, girls, boys, other non white men and women who whole heartily agreed (all together I think it is the silent majority trying to find a way to wake up).....so they said I agree.....
to focus on the angry white men terminology misses the more important issue.........people who finally want to do something to restore this country back to it's core values......

But to each his/her/their own....y'all are entitled to your opinion...at least until some special interest groups get the rules changed.

Old 03-11-2008, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: Florida Primary Re do

The Florida taxpayer paid once for a primary election - and it's up to the political party(ies) to use the results as recorded. If any political party doesn't, then that party's members have a fight with the party leadership, not the state.

Funny, I don't see too many folk blasting the Democratic National Committee for its highhandedness here. The DNC's belief seems to be that it shouldn't spend its coin for something it wouldn't take earlier, so the DNC's position seems to be "let's stick it to the [state] government to pick up the tab." The last time I looked the 'government' was this "of the people, by the people" group whose money funds the government apparatus.

If any party - Republican, Democrat, Green or People's - wants a special election or polling which services only that constituency, that party - not all of us as the 'government' - should pay for it. "We" the 'government' already did it once.
Old 03-11-2008, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: Florida Primary Re do

The problem is that a lot of dems didn't bother casting a vote in the primaries because they knew their vote was worthless. Thank you DNC! The whole thing was an ugly show of oneupmanship and caused a lot of harm.

Florida, Michigan and, yes, California, too, all whined their vote didn't count. Heck, California's presidential vote hasn't counted for years. By the time most Californians could vote after work, the results are in. So, they decided they needed to vote before Iowa and New Hampshire because they had more electoral votes, were more populous, were bigger. Sheesh!!!! Ego really can do some major damage.

Should the dems be allowed to have a meaningful primary? I think so. The question is who should pay for it. The Florida Democratic Party was pretty much a victim between the State of Florida and the DNC. The DNC played the brat game of if you don't do it my way, I'll take my ball and go home. Florida had its temper tantrum and screamed me first! me first! I vote every idiot in this State who was for moving the primaries up pay a share and the DNC pay for the rest.

However, I really can't see a re-do primary happening. Florida and Michican may go into the convention with their delegates having free rein to vote as they choose (boy, would I love to see the behind-the-scenes courting of THAT) or maybe the DNC will say use the numbers already voted and the delegates will be dispursed by that vote. Given the closeness of Clinton and Obama, I doubt the DNC will be able to stand on its decision to not let Florida and Michigan have a say.

No matter what, it's another ugly blot on American politics and something the rest of the world can use to get a good laugh. They certainly did after the Gore/Bush/Florida debacle. This is just further proof that Americans are still babes when it comes to politics (at least in the minds of Europeans) and causes a loss of a little more respect.
Old 03-11-2008, 05:50 PM
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Default Re: Florida Primary Re do

I agree with Red and I think the DNC should pay for it. There's plenty of money there. Again, I repeat, I want my vote to count! As for the term "Angry White Men" I still find it despicable. If what you say BTK is correct and it's a combination of "Turns out their were blacks, tans, girls, boys, other non white men and women who whole heartily agreed ..."
then why not call it the Angry Silent Majority. I'd love to see a headline that reads "The Angry Silent Majority Finds Its' Voice!" Now that I love and live in Florida and see how wonderful the people are, I really don't want us to be the laughing stock again. Enough now! Every person's vote should be counted, it's as simple as that! It's too close and too important of an election to be playing games.
Old 03-11-2008, 06:11 PM
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Default Re: Florida Primary Re do

What part of NO and RULES are we not understanding here. All of the states at the DNC convention agreed on the rules. No one can hold a primary before the Feb 5 ballot. Florida and Michigan decided to go ahead and do it anyway - DAMN the consequences and they did not think that the DNC would play by the rules.

Rules are not made to be broken.

Question: If Florida and Michigan have a re-do then will those that voted the first time vote the same way? Will all of the candidates that quit be on the ballot? I don't think so. We will be swayed by the current situation.

What is done is done. Live with it.
Old 03-11-2008, 08:33 PM
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Default Re: Florida Primary Re do

SteveZ: I agree with you. The citizens of the state should not pay for two primaries. In fact they shouldn't pay for one - just the general election in November.

Old 03-11-2008, 08:45 PM
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Default Re: Florida Primary Re do

Originally Posted by zcaveman
What part of NO and RULES are we not understanding here. All of the states at the DNC convention agreed on the rules. No one can hold a primary before the Feb 5 ballot. Florida and Michigan decided to go ahead and do it anyway - DAMN the consequences and they did not think that the DNC would play by the rules.

Rules are not made to be broken.

Question: If Florida and Michigan have a re-do then will those that voted the first time vote the same way? Will all of the candidates that quit be on the ballot? I don't think so. We will be swayed by the current situation.

What is done is done. Live with it.

The kicker is the states didn't agree to anything - some members of the Democratic Party who live in those states may have, but no one from the state's election commission signed into the DNC's "rules". The DNC has not taken on the role of super-authority yet, and no "rule" dictated by the DNC or any political party is or should be binding on any governmental body.

Perhaps this is a good lesson to all party members, regardless of affiliation, that the "party" is not the boss. That was tried in the USSR and looked what eventually happened to it.
Old 03-26-2008, 02:55 AM
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Default Re: Florida Primary Re do

While much has already been said about the FL and Michigan Primaries and who is at fault for not letting individual's votes count in this important election year, I find it strange that there has not been much of an outcry about individual's votes counting vs. votes by The Super Delagates. :dontknow:

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