Here’s A List Of The Many Times He’s Disrespected Our Military

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Old 05-29-2017, 11:35 AM
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Default Here’s A List Of The Many Times He’s Disrespected Our Military

1. The time Trump tried to argue John McCain wasn’t a war hero. “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”(IOWA 2016)

2. The Time Trump compared his sex life in the 1980s to a war experience.“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there – it’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”(HOWARD STERN SHOW 1980)

3. The time Trump congratulated a soldier he just awarded the Purple Heart. (WALTER REED HOSPITALatient had lost leg and was "congratulated")

4. The time Trump “received” a purple heart and said it was “easy.”“And I said, ‘Man, that’s like big stuff. I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.”

5. The time Trump attacked a Muslim couple whose son was posthumously awarded a Gold Star after protecting his unit with his life.

6. Never forget that Donald Trump received five draft deferments. Like the privileged son of a rich businessman he is, Donald Trump received five separate draft deferments during the 1960s. Four of them were for college.

After he left college Trump was a model American youth. Tall, athletic, an unblemished medical history that would make him the perfect candidate to be drafted to go serve his country in Vietnam, where high-quality recruits were desperately needed.

But in 1968, right after he graduated, Trump suddenly received the diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels.


7)President Donald Trump’s budget released Tuesday proposes cutting monthly stipends to some disabled, unemployed veterans and reducing veterans’ cost-of-living adjustments as offsets to continue a program that allows veterans to seek care outside the Department of Veterans Affairs. Listed as one of the offsets for the extra cost is a new restriction on compensation for veterans through the VA’s “individual unemployability” program.

Currently, veterans eligible for the program have a 60 to 100 percent disability rating through the VA and are unable to secure a job because of their service-connected disability. The program allows them to get paid at the highest compensation rate. For 2017, the monthly rate for a 100 percent disabled veteran living alone is $2,915 per month.
Old 05-29-2017, 11:44 AM
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Will you also be elaborating on Bill Clinton's and Obama's dismal military records?

Frankly, I have always contended that a person should not be able to run as president without at least four years in the military. i say this because without such experience I question a president's right to ask men and women to sacrifice treasury and blood if they had not also made that pledge.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 05-29-2017, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Will you also be elaborating on Bill Clinton's and Obama's dismal military records?

Frankly, I have always contended that a person should not be able to run as president without at least four years in the military. i say this because without such experience I question a president's right to ask men and women to sacrifice treasury and blood if they had not also made that pledge.

Personal Best Regards:
No, nobody should "elaborate", because we now have a president who has NEVER EVER DONE ONE SINGLE THING for this country....I mean absolutely nothing but take.

He never served in any capacity at all.....the only thing I know of is his PHONY AND CORUPT foundation and charities..ALL SHUT DOWN AS FRAUDS

To say the man who sits in the White House spewing hatred and lies had done nothing in the service of his country would be a massive understatement.

He robbed America by being the largest single violator of civil rights in housing, of perpetrating fraud using a charity as a "front" (how much worse can you be), then his other frauds like the "University" scam.

Now, having served no purpose to this country for 70 years except to take advantage of it, what has he done to earn your being a ploy for his lies ?
Old 05-29-2017, 12:10 PM
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Even on Memorial day you have to dishonor the commander.

President Donald Trump, Godspeed for 8 more years.

Thank you veterans, have a wonderful day.
Old 05-29-2017, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
No, nobody should "elaborate", because we now have a president who has NEVER EVER DONE ONE SINGLE THING for this country....I mean absolutely nothing but take.

He never served in any capacity at all.....the only thing I know of is his PHONY AND CORUPT foundation and charities..ALL SHUT DOWN AS FRAUDS

To say the man who sits in the White House spewing hatred and lies had done nothing in the service of his country would be a massive understatement.

He robbed America by being the largest single violator of civil rights in housing, of perpetrating fraud using a charity as a "front" (how much worse can you be), then his other frauds like the "University" scam.

Now, having served no purpose to this country for 70 years except to take advantage of it, what has he done to earn your being a ploy for his lies ?
Nicely put. What our Veterans' have died for or been wounded is for us to be able to speak up against bullies and demagogues like Donald John Trump. Just like the Founding Fathers spoke up against bullying by the various Great Britain Kings and their many representatives in the colonies. Trump is a fraud and a con man and has not earned our respect. Obama did earn it to any fair minded person. Clinton is a bit of another story.
Old 05-29-2017, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Even on Memorial day you have to dishonor the commander.

President Donald Trump, Godspeed for 8 more years.

Thank you veterans, have a wonderful day.
Having watched good buddies die and shed blood for this country, TODAY more than ever I hold this person in the White House in total and complete disrespect, and actual disgust.
Old 05-29-2017, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
Will you also be elaborating on Bill Clinton's and Obama's dismal military records?

Personal Best Regards:
Pathetic attempt to redirect. I guess that's all you got going for you.

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Old 05-29-2017, 12:38 PM
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Well said
Old 05-29-2017, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Pathetic attempt to redirect. I guess that's all you got going for you.

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The poster you reply to is un American, misinformed and has one "political" position....that is..he HATES anything that might be a bit progressive and not in agreement with his views or those of the man he loves.

He blames the ills of the entire world on a political ideology, and if a liar represents his views, which amazingly this current liar does not, it does not matter. Character, truth means nothing.

He never responds to subjects, and simply spews his hate for an ideological theory that takes in millions of fellow Americans.

Being American is secondary to him. He will defend lying from the White House, which in my years on this earth was always considered trashy and totally anti Americans.

We are not speaking of political "lies" but LYING AS PRESIDENT ABOUT POLICY AND ISSUES.

That is despicable behavior but gets his loving defense.
Old 05-29-2017, 11:30 PM
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Default Some gave all for our country, and freedom

Old 05-30-2017, 07:13 AM
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The Villages Florida

How about the women? Half the population "got out" of serving. List ALL the woman politicians IF you want to call the men out for "shirking"...include the fact that your entire gender was "exempt". EVERY woman COULD have VOLUNTEERED to serve...they CHOSE not to. So don't talk sh!t about men who ALSO CHOSE NOT to go away to die for bankers.

I just love the hypocrisy of those who are exempt...telling those who aren't HOW they should act/feel about it.

Like those who get affirmative action, who get quotas...telling us white men to get over it.

You're a bunch of losers, who AREN'T even CLOSE to being an equal...and you spout off and talk sh!t like you are. You're a JOKE and you ARE destroying this country...this society...this culture...with your stupid selfishness. Me me me...screw the country, screw everyone else. We DEMAND what you have when it's GOOD for us...but we also demand that YOU do what MUST be done that we CAN'T do...for us. You want "equality" that is a one way street...treated as an equal when you're clearly not. Treated as an "equal" but with "special treatment". How many women actually DO construction? Industrial pipefitting? Elevated ironworking? ANY REAL job that goes beyond pushing papers of bringing food. How many minorities would be in high level positions without quotas?
Old 05-30-2017, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by [COLOR="Red"
Don the Coward[/COLOR]QUOTE=Guest]
The Villages Florida

How about the women? Half the population "got out" of serving. List ALL the woman politicians IF you want to call the men out for "shirking"...include the fact that your entire gender was "exempt". EVERY woman COULD have VOLUNTEERED to serve...they CHOSE not to. So don't talk sh!t about men who ALSO CHOSE NOT to go away to die for bankers.

I just love the hypocrisy of those who are exempt...telling those who aren't HOW they should act/feel about it.

Like those who get affirmative action, who get quotas...telling us white men to get over it.

You're a bunch of losers, who AREN'T even CLOSE to being an equal...and you spout off and talk sh!t like you are. You're a JOKE and you ARE destroying this country...this society...this culture...with your stupid selfishness. Me me me...screw the country, screw everyone else. We DEMAND what you have when it's GOOD for us...but we also demand that YOU do what MUST be done that we CAN'T do...for us. You want "equality" that is a one way street...treated as an equal when you're clearly not. Treated as an "equal" but with "special treatment". How many women actually DO construction? Industrial pipefitting? Elevated ironworking? ANY REAL job that goes beyond pushing papers of bringing food. How many minorities would be in high level positions without quotas?

So says Don Baldwin - The Villages Coward and Bigot.
Old 05-30-2017, 08:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So says Don Baldwin - The Villages Coward and Bigot.
Says the woman who is such a bad golfer...she's got a nickname...sandtrap. At least you're brave enough to admit to the world how much you suck. Now...admit you suck at all the rest of the things men do better.

Come on Sandy...defend women. Don't just attack the messenger. Show me the women who are at the very top that beat ALL men.

WHY don't women ALL volunteer to go to Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria to be shot at like the men do? You DO know that the draft ended at the time women were pushing for equality...equality would mean YOU HAD to go too. So you had the draft stopped. Where would the military be without the men? You REALLY think most of the women in the military are pulling their weight? They push papers. And when they DO actually TRY in a real job...they usually suck at it.

Outside the office with its air conditioning and comfortable seats...most women aren't worth a whole lot. Do what you're good at! Teaching, nurturing, healing...not aggression and killing...leave that to the men.
Old 05-31-2017, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Says the woman who is such a bad golfer...she's got a nickname...sandtrap. At least you're brave enough to admit to the world how much you suck. Now...admit you suck at all the rest of the things men do better.

Come on Sandy...defend women. Don't just attack the messenger. Show me the women who are at the very top that beat ALL men.

WHY don't women ALL volunteer to go to Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria to be shot at like the men do? You DO know that the draft ended at the time women were pushing for equality...equality would mean YOU HAD to go too. So you had the draft stopped. Where would the military be without the men? You REALLY think most of the women in the military are pulling their weight? They push papers. And when they DO actually TRY in a real job...they usually suck at it.

Outside the office with its air conditioning and comfortable seats...most women aren't worth a whole lot. Do what you're good at! Teaching, nurturing, healing...not aggression and killing...leave that to the men.
Old 05-31-2017, 02:39 PM
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Yes, the president disrespected the military, by increasing Defense spending, pushing to enhance the VA, and by hiring half of his advisors from former military experts. Yep, that's disrespectful. Glad we didn't get Hillary. She hated the military and cursed them frequently, as well as disrespected them on a continuous basis. Even taught her daughter to hate the military. Nope, if you want to disparage Trump, better come up with something else; another conspiracy theory that can be investigated.

trump, time, veterans, war, program

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