This Is A Genuine Concern

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Old 06-13-2017, 03:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I too am tired of the constant barrage from the main stream media; the same sources that in the past I had trusted to report the news and the facts and now I read mostly opinion of young and untried journalists.

I understand that a lot of hits are a lot of votes and that means money.

It is only once in awhile that I find an old fashioned article with facts rather than the author's interpretation. FROM anyone. I am talking The New York Times, Reuters, AP, USA Today, Newsweek, The Washington Post (one of the worst) ...etc. etc.

I would like to hear what happened and form my own opinion. I am sick of titles that look like tabloids.

I constantly scroll down to feedback and try to explain this without emotion.

I get so angry at times when I read that a bunch of people are going to "march through Philadelphia against Trump". Even if it were reversed, even when it was reversed, most traditional people don't wear stupid hats, march, carry signs, gather and "resist". They work, they pay taxes, they save so they can buy homes in good school districts so that their kids can have the best opportunities.

I see on Facebook the results of THEIR efforts; the faces of children and grandchildren who have become good solid citizens with jobs and the same family values. Not a single one that I know of wasted time on theatrics like marching. But sadly, they somehow survived the brainwashing liberal colleges and it will take years for them to have life clear their brains of it. Apples don't usually end up too far from their trees. I have hope.
Are any of these true or just made up...

Donald Trump's boasts about accomplishments in office ring hollow | PolitiFact

Poll: Trump disapproval hits record 60 percent | TheHill

Did he lie about Qatar ???

Did he mis quote and then attack the Mayor of London while he, the mayor was under terrorist attack ?

Did the administration lie when they said they came up with 50,000 new jobs in the coal industry ?

This is just off the top of my head right now.

YES...the news is today is only about Trump and what he does and what he says. You can call everyone else but him liars but that is quite surreal.

I applaud anyone, liberal or conservative that is marching demanding the President of the United States tell the truth

You are really hung up on your own self righteous self
Old 06-13-2017, 03:56 PM
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It appears that our Trump loyalist are moving toward not report facts and if you do, it is FAKE.

"Some of the biggest anti-Kremlin protests in years swept across Russia on Monday with over 1,000 people detained by the police ahead of a presidential election next year. But anyone relying on state TV would have concluded they were a non-event.

Vremya, state TV's flagship evening news show, relegated news of the protests to item nine of 10, and, in a report lasting around 30 seconds, said less than 2,000 people had shown up in Moscow. Some 150 people had been detained for disobeying the police elsewhere in the city, it said.

The main news of the day, according to Vremya, had instead been President Vladimir Putin's handing out of state awards.

The Internet, awash with images and videos of police hauling people off across the country and, in at least one case, of a protester being punched, had a different take.

A live feed organized by opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was detained in Moscow before he could attend what the authorities said was an illegal protest, showed demonstrations in scores of cities from Vladivostok to St Petersburg and thousands of people converging on central Moscow."

In Russia, state TV and the Internet tell a tale of two protests
| Reuters
Old 06-13-2017, 05:49 PM
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Rockhead 4 posts in a row.... wackadoodle.

I guess he did not read wikileaks = msm is agent for liberals.

I guess he missed comey = msm = fake news.

Senile rockhead = wackadoodle.

Please quote me so wackadoodle see it.
Old 06-13-2017, 06:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Rockhead 4 posts in a row.... wackadoodle.

I guess he did not read wikileaks = msm is agent for liberals.

I guess he missed comey = msm = fake news.

Senile rockhead = wackadoodle.

Please quote me so wackadoodle see it.
All of them are wackypoodles. Not one of them are concerned about the country. They ALL talk about what Trump said, like a bunch of gossipy school girls. Not one of them dares learn anything of current events, unless there is a rumor from one of the liberal Pravdas that make up some misquote coming from Trump. Who cares what he says?

Trump is doing an amazing job of cleaning up the mess left behind, that is always left behind in public housing. One day, these little girls are going to wake up and wonder what everyone is talking about when they find out that things are getting better and better in America.

Obamacare is falling apart and their homes are about to slide off the cliff and they are worried about what Trump said ten or twenty years ago.

Reports have come out today that health insurance in some states has doubled, some states increased a hundred percent or more. Everyone is pulling out of Obamacare, and the leftards want to keep it. What a bunch of idiots.
Old 06-13-2017, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Allegiance View Post
Rockhead 4 posts in a row.... wackadoodle.

I guess he did not read wikileaks = msm is agent for liberals.

I guess he missed comey = msm = fake news.

Senile rockhead = wackadoodle.

Please quote me so wackadoodle see it.
If 4 posts in a row makes you a wackadoodle then you are the poster child for one.

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Old 06-13-2017, 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Chi-Town View Post
If 4 posts in a row makes you a wackadoodle then you are the poster child for one.

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Good point, I meant to say 4 long wackadoodle posts in a row.

You are becoming annoying.

God bless our president.
Old 06-13-2017, 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Poster whomever you are thank you for an intelligent response.

It was an intentional abridgement of this post on my part to spare the reader time and to provide opportunity for others to join in on this conservation.

We can all speak to equal rights, etc but the point to be made here is a simple one. Unelected officials are running this nation. Or in other words citizens votes mean nothing.
Please elaborate on what unelected officials are "running this nation". Apparently when 49% of the electorate decide not to vote, the 25% wins elections.

Originally Posted by Guest
I made mention of the campus rape issue because it is a prime example of where this Administrative State stripped citizens of their due process rights. There are a plethora of examples of the abuses made at the hands of this bureaucracy in every administration.
I suggest you read about Title IX, since it does NOTHING to strip due process rights from individuals, rather is a parallel civil procedure to enact rights for victims.
Why schools handle sexual violence reports - Know Your IX

Originally Posted by Guest
This Administrative State has devised in effect a Star Chamber ( ie the king's perogative) . Its a dangerous situation and it has to be stopped.
Assuming there is this "administrative state" or "star chamber", in your mind, perhaps other aluminum headgear would be better at tuning into those conspiracy theories.

Originally Posted by Guest
I fault Congress for a lot of this because they are allowing these federal agencies to ursurp their authority.
Since Congress delegated the authority to have the federal agencies operate, they also have a system (GAO) of investigating any management problems, cost overruns, fraud, and any other untoward activity of the, exactly what agencies, at what times usurped their authority? Verifiable factual information would be most appreciated since this charge is very significant, and cannot be just thrown against the wall to see what sticks.

Originally Posted by Guest
I understand how the judicial system works. The point is that the Supreme Court with the exception of Anton Scalia ( God rest his soul) legislates from the bench. that is not their right or duty. I believe social issues ought to be left to the individual states
. Just what has SCOTUS legislated from the bench? It is literally impossible because they only react to laws that have been challenged. Just what social issues should be handled by the States? Are you suggesting that certain "rights" be only granted in those States where their legislature has granted those rights? Isn't it in the Constitution that all citizens enjoy the same rights, no matter what State they live in or visit?

Originally Posted by Guest
I am approaching this issue from an non-partisan view.

This Administrative State could take over this nation and its citizens would even notice.
It is evident that you are NOT approaching these issues from a non-partisan view. Perhaps you do not agree with: The Necessity of The purpose of our Federal Government, as found in the Preamble of the Constitution, is to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

Originally Posted by Guest
Finally you appear to be defensive as to the issue of Administrative Law. Let me again be clear I am speaking to the issue of abuse and manipulation of the Administrative State and its legal procedures. One cannot be judge, jury and executioner in this REPUBLIC.

Personal Best Regards:
Actually, I am in defense of our Constitutional Republic, where there are laws that are supposed to guarantee our rights, including the right of due process (which means that there cannot be a unilateral judge, jury, and executioner).
Old 06-13-2017, 11:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Of course I fear whites becoming the minority...we're what hold this country...this civilization together. Do you think the new majority will provide welfare for half the white population? Do you think we'll get preferential treatment and quotas? Do you think there will be entire divisions in businesses just to look out for white people's rights? They will treat us like they treat each other...or worse. You're literally letting the inmates run the asylum.

Because they're pushed into school with lowered standards, quotas, courses of study a chimp could pass, free money to attend, they're given EVERY advantage. There's over a $ trillion in outstanding student loans. Much of it given to minorities to be wasted.

America's demographics IS changing...we're at 50:50 now...and becoming a minority majority.

I am VERY afraid for America's future...for the future of the white race. We ARE being bred out.
you left out the part of my post that stated that you should be afraid of "minorities" because of how you treat them now.....
Old 06-14-2017, 04:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
you left out the part of my post that stated that you should be afraid of "minorities" because of how you treat them now.....
I DID answer...

"Do you think the new majority will provide welfare for half the white population? Do you think we'll get preferential treatment and quotas? Do you think there will be entire divisions in businesses just to look out for white people's rights?"

We DO all that for them NOW...we provide welfare for almost half their population. They DO get preferential treatment and quotas. There ARE entire divisions in business to ensure their "rights" are looked after.
Old 06-14-2017, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
you left out the part of my post that stated that you should be afraid of "minorities" because of how you treat them now.....
Kind of a racist post, saying minorities are dangerous.
Old 06-14-2017, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Please elaborate on what unelected officials are "running this nation". Apparently when 49% of the electorate decide not to vote, the 25% wins elections.

I suggest you read about Title IX, since it does NOTHING to strip due process rights from individuals, rather is a parallel civil procedure to enact rights for victims.
Why schools handle sexual violence reports - Know Your IX

Assuming there is this "administrative state" or "star chamber", in your mind, perhaps other aluminum headgear would be better at tuning into those conspiracy theories.

Since Congress delegated the authority to have the federal agencies operate, they also have a system (GAO) of investigating any management problems, cost overruns, fraud, and any other untoward activity of the, exactly what agencies, at what times usurped their authority? Verifiable factual information would be most appreciated since this charge is very significant, and cannot be just thrown against the wall to see what sticks.

. Just what has SCOTUS legislated from the bench? It is literally impossible because they only react to laws that have been challenged. Just what social issues should be handled by the States? Are you suggesting that certain "rights" be only granted in those States where their legislature has granted those rights? Isn't it in the Constitution that all citizens enjoy the same rights, no matter what State they live in or visit?

It is evident that you are NOT approaching these issues from a non-partisan view. Perhaps you do not agree with: The Necessity of The purpose of our Federal Government, as found in the Preamble of the Constitution, is to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

Actually, I am in defense of our Constitutional Republic, where there are laws that are supposed to guarantee our rights, including the right of due process (which means that there cannot be a unilateral judge, jury, and executioner).

Here is a truism the liberals solutions to every government failure is more government. So the concept of the Administrative State
( Regulatory State, Deep State) is not even noticed by them and hence not a concern and actually has the appearance of the natural order of things.

Set aside the 2-4 year ritual of elections because it isn't who was elected but who is really running things. Government by unelected experts is not all that different that the royal prerogatives of monarchies .

Essentially by volume and complexity and through edicts, fiats, regulations, policies, etc issued by federal agencies far exceeds those of Congress.

This has allowed the government to choose to proceed against a citizen within the constitutional process or to choose an administrative proceeding where a citizen not have the right to be heard by a real judge and jury and thus you are not afforded the full due process of law

Look at the libertines Lois Leaner believed she was so entitled.

Look at the 1984 sounding EPA Scientific Integrity Office which also takes libertines in deciding what is settled science.

Research the abuses of Title IX start with Lara Kipnis book Unwanted Advances which features the Cho v Ludlow sexual assault case .

To ensure clarity let me underscore that the one and only point I am making is that as the Federal Administrative State grows in size and power the greater the risk we will lose our inalienable rights.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 06-14-2017, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Here is a truism the liberals solutions to every government failure is more government. So the concept of the Administrative State
( Regulatory State, Deep State) is not even noticed by them and hence not a concern and actually has the appearance of the natural order of things.

Set aside the 2-4 year ritual of elections because it isn't who was elected but who is really running things. Government by unelected experts is not all that different that the royal prerogatives of monarchies .

Essentially by volume and complexity and through edicts, fiats, regulations, policies, etc issued by federal agencies far exceeds those of Congress.

This has allowed the government to choose to proceed against a citizen within the constitutional process or to choose an administrative proceeding where a citizen not have the right to be heard by a real judge and jury and thus you are not afforded the full due process of law

Look at the libertines Lois Leaner believed she was so entitled.

Look at the 1984 sounding EPA Scientific Integrity Office which also takes libertines in deciding what is settled science.

Research the abuses of Title IX start with Lara Kipnis book Unwanted Advances which features the Cho v Ludlow sexual assault case .

To ensure clarity let me underscore that the one and only point I am making is that as the Federal Administrative State grows in size and power the greater the risk we will lose our inalienable rights.

Personal Best Regards:
Whites will lose their inalienable rights as the minority majority grows...

We're already asked to stay away...stay the minorities can be free of us.
Old 06-15-2017, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Please elaborate on what unelected officials are "running this nation". Apparently when 49% of the electorate decide not to vote, the 25% wins elections.

I suggest you read about Title IX, since it does NOTHING to strip due process rights from individuals, rather is a parallel civil procedure to enact rights for victims.
Why schools handle sexual violence reports - Know Your IX

Assuming there is this "administrative state" or "star chamber", in your mind, perhaps other aluminum headgear would be better at tuning into those conspiracy theories.

Since Congress delegated the authority to have the federal agencies operate, they also have a system (GAO) of investigating any management problems, cost overruns, fraud, and any other untoward activity of the, exactly what agencies, at what times usurped their authority? Verifiable factual information would be most appreciated since this charge is very significant, and cannot be just thrown against the wall to see what sticks.

. Just what has SCOTUS legislated from the bench? It is literally impossible because they only react to laws that have been challenged. Just what social issues should be handled by the States? Are you suggesting that certain "rights" be only granted in those States where their legislature has granted those rights? Isn't it in the Constitution that all citizens enjoy the same rights, no matter what State they live in or visit?

It is evident that you are NOT approaching these issues from a non-partisan view. Perhaps you do not agree with: The Necessity of The purpose of our Federal Government, as found in the Preamble of the Constitution, is to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

Actually, I am in defense of our Constitutional Republic, where there are laws that are supposed to guarantee our rights, including the right of due process (which means that there cannot be a unilateral judge, jury, and executioner).
Please read this book.

The Ruling Class: Inside the Imperial Congress: Eric Felten: 9780895267320: Books

It explains a lot of what is being discussed here.
Old 06-15-2017, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Please read this book.

The Ruling Class: Inside the Imperial Congress: Eric Felten: 9780895267320: Books

It explains a lot of what is being discussed here.

Personal Best Regards:

powers, president, state, concern, genuine

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