Glenn Beck Appearance

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Old 11-27-2009, 12:43 AM
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Default A More Easily Understood Presentation

of the fate of the polar ice-cap is presented here -

The data goes back to only 2002 since that is when AMERSE was formed as a joint project between NASA and The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXX). The data is honest as you would expect from these two agencies. The conclusion is clear; polar ice is NOT going away.

I again urge everyone to check the source data and avoid the alarmist statements in the news media. You sell many more papers by printing that, "...Florida will soon be under water and hurricanes are growing stronger because of global warming" than you will by simply stating the truth.
Old 11-27-2009, 09:52 PM
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Yeah, Fox claims that it is 'fair and balanced' and the 'voice of the opposition.'
Next you'll tell me that there is no contradiction in that.
Believe what you want to; you still have produced no proof.
Buy his books and continue to enrich him. You and Beck's other acolytes pay his welfare.
The polar ice cap is shrinking, the seas are rising, co2 emissions are increasing and mankind has nothing to do with it?
How blissful it all is.
P.S. Citing "Lord Monckton" is pathetic. He is not a lord (a title reserved for legitimate members of the British House of Lords) and has no science background.
He's a schill (paid for by whom?) who has been previously discredited for views on a variety of issues. Guess who dug him as an 'expert' on global warming -- your good buddy Glenn Beck.
Never let facts get in the way of telling a good story.
Old 11-28-2009, 10:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by saratogaman View Post
Yeah, Fox claims that it is 'fair and balanced' and the 'voice of the opposition.'
Next you'll tell me that there is no contradiction in that.
Believe what you want to; you still have produced no proof.
Buy his books and continue to enrich him. You and Beck's other acolytes pay his welfare.
The polar ice cap is shrinking, the seas are rising, co2 emissions are increasing and mankind has nothing to do with it?
How blissful it all is.
P.S. Citing "Lord Monckton" is pathetic. He is not a lord (a title reserved for legitimate members of the British House of Lords) and has no science background.
He's a schill (paid for by whom?) who has been previously discredited for views on a variety of issues. Guess who dug him as an 'expert' on global warming -- your good buddy Glenn Beck.
Never let facts get in the way of telling a good story.
I take it you have not gone to the sources I suggested. Does this mean that you prefer ignorance and loud shouting to actually checking the facts?

Fact one: Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Benchley, is a British politician, business consultant, policy adviser, writer, columnist, inventor and hereditary peer.
Fact two: Lord Monckton served as Margaret Thatcher’s science advisor – providing him with a significantly stronger scientific background than Al Gore.
Fact three: Lord Monckton was well known, as were his views, long before any of us heard of Glenn Beck.
Fact four: The seas are not rising any faster than they have for the last few thousand years.
Fact five: Al Gore has gone on record saying that he deliberately overstated the case for global warming –in other words – lied.
Fact six: The concept for cap and trade was developed by Enron and first presented to then President Clinton and VP Gore in a White House meeting by none other than Ken Lay.
Fact seven: Al Gore went on to become chairman of a London based carbon trading company that has made him a very rich man. No conflict if interest here?! Follow the money, as people often say.

Take time to read Professor Lindzen’s presentation. Go back and look at the data on total sea ice. Then tell me again where I am in error and provide data to support your views.
Old 11-28-2009, 12:45 PM
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"Lord" Monckton is neither a lord (never elected to Britain's House of Lords) nor a scientist and his pitch has been widely read and discredited.
Old 11-28-2009, 02:58 PM
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Default Does anyone know

Why Liberals believe all the lies about Global Warming But Conservatives do not ?
Old 11-28-2009, 03:20 PM
Posts: n/a

Because they put their faith in government. I find it fascinating they won't believe a thing Beck or Limbaugh says but put total faith and believing into what politicians say.
Old 11-28-2009, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by saratogaman View Post
"Lord" Monckton is neither a lord (never elected to Britain's House of Lords) nor a scientist and his pitch has been widely read and discredited.
Election to the House of Lords is not required for a hereditary peerage. You say he has been discredited -'show me the DATA'! I know it's hard for a liberal to understand, but saying the same thing time after time without facts to back you up is less than convincing.
Old 11-29-2009, 10:55 AM
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Why is it that distinguished meteorolgists/scientists like Lindzen don't get any press time? My opinion is that the warming crowd doesn't want any debate, period. When there is debate, we can then make intelligent decisions regarding whether the warming is really caused by man. Until then, it will continue to appear to be a poltical movement only.
Old 11-29-2009, 12:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Question Seriously???

Originally Posted by dklassen View Post
Because they put their faith in government. I find it fascinating they won't believe a thing Beck or Limbaugh says but put total faith and believing into what politicians say.

DK, if you can't put any faith in your government, you're in the wrong country. I hope you turn down your S.S. Check and Medicare when you're eligible. Make a real statement, not just a word fest!
Old 11-29-2009, 01:18 PM
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How glib of you. I'll not take what I haven't paid into my whole life and I don't put my faith in any government in any country. My faith comes from elsewhere and my security come from self reliance. I don't look to others to pay my bills, buy my cars or feed my family. Stay out of my bank account with your bleeding heart liberal social programs.

If the feds want to give me a life long refund of the money they've already confiscated I'll gladly opt-out. A word fest is all liberals have because everything they try is an abject bankrupt social failure.
Old 11-29-2009, 04:05 PM
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Exclamation My, my, my!

Originally Posted by dklassen View Post
How glib of you. I'll not take what I haven't paid into my whole life and I don't put my faith in any government in any country. My faith comes from elsewhere and my security come from self reliance. I don't look to others to pay my bills, buy my cars or feed my family. Stay out of my bank account with your bleeding heart liberal social programs.

If the feds want to give me a life long refund of the money they've already confiscated I'll gladly opt-out. A word fest is all liberals have because everything they try is an abject bankrupt social failure.
Well, as long as YOU have YOURS, I guess the rest of the country can go chase it's tail! (I cleaned that up!) Hey, have you checked your Bible lately??? I'm just asking...

Proverbs 11:24-25
One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Old 11-29-2009, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by jjdees View Post
Why is it that distinguished meteorolgists/scientists like Lindzen don't get any press time? My opinion is that the warming crowd doesn't want any debate, period. When there is debate, we can then make intelligent decisions regarding whether the warming is really caused by man. Until then, it will continue to appear to be a poltical movement only.
Why is it that the emails that were discovered that show the fraud and conspiracy that has been used to support the climate change doomers, gets no press? The New York times says that they are true but wont run the story.

Old 11-29-2009, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
DK, if you can't put any faith in your government, you're in the wrong country. I hope you turn down your S.S. Check and Medicare when you're eligible. Make a real statement, not just a word fest!
Were our founders in the wrong country? They had no faith in the government. They took steps and here we are.

Old 11-29-2009, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
Well, as long as YOU have YOURS, I guess the rest of the country can go chase it's tail! (I cleaned that up!) Hey, have you checked your Bible lately??? I'm just asking...

Proverbs 11:24-25
One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Why don't "They" have theirs? What % just made wrong decisions. What % don't belong here. What % don't deserve "Theirs" or mine for that matter.

We as a nation have a long history of taking care of the less fortunate. The government stepped in to see that the greedy got "Theirs" (mine) also.

What % of "Mine" (our) do you think goes to the $150K fat cat congressmen for giving it to the greedy?

It is better that local communities take care of the needy, it's cheaper. It is because of liberals who did not want to part with their own money to help the poor that we have the problems of today. It is they who are selfish.

Old 11-29-2009, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by dklassen View Post
How glib of you. I'll not take what I haven't paid into my whole life and I don't put my faith in any government in any country. My faith comes from elsewhere and my security come from self reliance. I don't look to others to pay my bills, buy my cars or feed my family. Stay out of my bank account with your bleeding heart liberal social programs.

If the feds want to give me a life long refund of the money they've already confiscated I'll gladly opt-out. A word fest is all liberals have because everything they try is an abject bankrupt social failure.
What an attitude. All about me and the H--- with the rest. Good thing the majority doesnt think this way.

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