I am angry !!

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Old 12-21-2017, 11:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am so angry that our elected politicians have made America into one of the most corrupt countries in the world. What in the hell are we leaving for our grandchildren ???
Mexico II as Hispanics become the absolute majority in 30 years.

Originally Posted by Guest
A very large debt, more global warming due to increased pollution, more terrorism, and nations run by corporate boards.
AND...Mexico II in 30 years.

Originally Posted by Guest
If you think that the US is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, you really should try living in a third world country for a year. Then you might start to understand what corruption really is.
We ARE almost half 3rd world already. 100 million...1/3 the population is foreign born or their child. Those immigrants weren't white...they were brown/black.

Originally Posted by Guest
I have met many people in law schools and philosophy classes quite capable of critical thinking. Trump fans though often leave a lot to be desired in that area.
No Tal...the ones who CAN think went into STEM...the losers take those wishy-washy courses.

Originally Posted by Guest
I also share your feeling but there is not enough of us to move needle. This so called Tax Reform is as good an example of this corrupt government. What started out as a revenue neutral reduction of corporate taxes by closing loopholes and unfair deductions turned into a big give away for votes and campaign contributions with our grandchildren paying the price. Anyone who cannot see that isn’t interested in their grandchildren’s futures.
We MUST stop the minority majority or ALL is lost. IF you care about your great grandchildren...you MUST stop the invasion.
Old 12-21-2017, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Don Baldwin View Post
Mexico II as Hispanics become the absolute majority in 30 years.

AND...Mexico II in 30 years.

We ARE almost half 3rd world already. 100 million...1/3 the population is foreign born or their child. Those immigrants weren't white...they were brown/black.

No Tal...the ones who CAN think went into STEM...the losers take those wishy-washy courses.

We MUST stop the minority majority or ALL is lost. IF you care about your great grandchildren...you MUST stop the invasion.

But, once they become Americanized there is no difference between them and “us”. I’m speaking of the non-African hispanics. Their DNA being of the old world and the new world.

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Old 12-22-2017, 01:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am so angry that our elected politicians have made America into one of the most corrupt countries in the world. What in the hell are we leaving for our grandchildren ???
Femo-Fascist crap - "oh honey I'm so disappointed..."
Old 12-22-2017, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I have met many people in law schools and philosophy classes quite capable of critical thinking. Trump fans though often leave a lot to be desired in that area.
My friend the first mistake you make is that you allow your personal and emotional feelings regarding Donald Trump to influence your position here. there are many people who could care less about Trump, other than as a vehicle/tool to move this nation back toward center.

As to the critical thinking issue, instead of educators instructing students at every level as to the art of argumentation they continue preaching on the manta of victimization. Its why today the demand for safe spaces. Its why historic American figures are de-faced and removed. Its why the insane reaction to Trump's win and its all done in the name of free expression.

If indeed they were critical thinkers don't you suppose they would be formulating democratic solutions to their alleged grievances instead of acting like immature petulant children ?. And the real tragedy is that these same people do not recognize ( lack insight) into this immature and underdeveloped nature. Why because their peers do the same thing and it has become normalized. That is frightening and all because these students have been indoctrinated since kindergarten with these false truths.

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Old 12-22-2017, 06:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My friend the first mistake you make is that you allow your personal and emotional feelings regarding Donald Trump to influence your position here. there are many people who could care less about Trump, other than as a vehicle/tool to move this nation back toward center.

As to the critical thinking issue, instead of educators instructing students at every level as to the art of argumentation they continue preaching on the manta of victimization. Its why today the demand for safe spaces. Its why historic American figures are de-faced and removed. Its why the insane reaction to Trump's win and its all done in the name of free expression.

If indeed they were critical thinkers don't you suppose they would be formulating democratic solutions to their alleged grievances instead of acting like immature petulant children ?. And the real tragedy is that these same people do not recognize ( lack insight) into this immature and underdeveloped nature. Why because their peers do the same thing and it has become normalized. That is frightening and all because these students have been indoctrinated since kindergarten with these false truths.

Personal Best Regards:

And the country continues to fight just to understand how the truth has been stolen by this administration and replaced with lies.

Without the truth, we cannot continue. I am speaking of hard fast pragmatic truths, not differences of opinion on social issues as you speak to.
Old 12-22-2017, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
But, once they become Americanized there is no difference between them and “us”. I’m speaking of the non-African hispanics. Their DNA being of the old world and the new world.

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NO NO NO...Very few Hispanics have "old world" Spanish blood...MOST are the native indians of C and S America...NO "old world" blood at all. They are PURE "cave man".

They're NOT as stupid as the blacks...but they ARE taking over by breeding us out. They WILL change America into a "Mexico II" just by their numbers.

Originally Posted by Guest
My friend the first mistake you make is that you allow your personal and emotional feelings regarding Donald Trump to influence your position here. there are many people who could care less about Trump, other than as a vehicle/tool to move this nation back toward center.

As to the critical thinking issue, instead of educators instructing students at every level as to the art of argumentation they continue preaching on the manta of victimization. Its why today the demand for safe spaces. Its why historic American figures are de-faced and removed. Its why the insane reaction to Trump's win and its all done in the name of free expression.

If indeed they were critical thinkers don't you suppose they would be formulating democratic solutions to their alleged grievances instead of acting like immature petulant children ?. And the real tragedy is that these same people do not recognize ( lack insight) into this immature and underdeveloped nature. Why because their peers do the same thing and it has become normalized. That is frightening and all because these students have been indoctrinated since kindergarten with these false truths.

Personal Best Regards:
Gotta LOVE the hypocrisy...free expression...they fight to the death for THEIR free expression...but God forbid a "conservative" or a "racist" try to express themselves. Look at their reaction to me...and ALL I want is to get them to visit MLK Blvd or a black majority high school to SEE the reality of black equality.

Originally Posted by Guest

And the country continues to fight just to understand how the truth has been stolen by this administration and replaced with lies.

Without the truth, we cannot continue. I am speaking of hard fast pragmatic truths, not differences of opinion on social issues as you speak to.
The truth was stolen by EVERY administration...replaced by lies.

Boy rocky...coming from YOU that's quite a statement. Rocky...the woman who REFUSES to visit MLK Blvd or a black school...so she doesn't have to see the REAL truth.

As far as race is concerned...ALL you have is opinion because YOU refuse to go SEE the TRUTH. The TRUTH is down on MLK Blvd where the 99% live. The TRUTH is the zoo atmosphere in a minority school. They are NOT us...we're trying to turn a chimp into a person.

THEY are taking over...they've got the cities already...they ARE breeding us out...they ARE turning America into Mexico II.
Old 12-22-2017, 08:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
NO NO NO...Very few Hispanics have "old world" Spanish blood...MOST are the native indians of C and S America...NO "old world" blood at all. They are PURE "cave man".

They're NOT as stupid as the blacks...but they ARE taking over by breeding us out. They WILL change America into a "Mexico II" just by their numbers.

Gotta LOVE the hypocrisy...free expression...they fight to the death for THEIR free expression...but God forbid a "conservative" or a "racist" try to express themselves. Look at their reaction to me...and ALL I want is to get them to visit MLK Blvd or a black majority high school to SEE the reality of black equality.

The truth was stolen by EVERY administration...replaced by lies.

Boy rocky...coming from YOU that's quite a statement. Rocky...the woman who REFUSES to visit MLK Blvd or a black school...so she doesn't have to see the REAL truth.

As far as race is concerned...ALL you have is opinion because YOU refuse to go SEE the TRUTH. The TRUTH is down on MLK Blvd where the 99% live. The TRUTH is the zoo atmosphere in a minority school. They are NOT us...we're trying to turn a chimp into a person.

THEY are taking over...they've got the cities already...they ARE breeding us out...they ARE turning America into Mexico II.
Hispanics are mostly not Indian. The Spanish murdered majority to the native Indians of south Central America for their greed for gold and when they luted all they could find without mining, they left and Mexico was born. Spain top of the list of the most murderous country ever.
Old 12-22-2017, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hispanics are mostly not Indian. The Spanish murdered majority to the native Indians of south Central America for their greed for gold and when they luted all they could find without mining, they left and Mexico was born. Spain top of the list of the most murderous country ever.
You're misinformed mo.

"Mexicans of European descent
Main article: Mexicans of European descent

White Mexicans are Mexican citizens of full or majoritary European descent.[94] Given that the Mexican government does not conduct racial censuses that quantify the country's Eurodescendant population, estimations of this ethnic group's percentage within Mexico's population vary depending of the source, ranging from one tenth or one fifth to as high as 47%, the latter figure coming from a nationwide survey conducted by the Mexican government as a mean to address the problems of racism that Mexicans of mainly Indigenous or African ancestry suffer at hands of a society that favors light skinned, European looking Mexicans."

"mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) 62%, predominantly Amerindian 21%, Amerindian 7%, other 10% (mostly European)"
Old 12-22-2017, 09:26 AM
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Time for Donny B's Ancestry DNA kit to arrive in his stocking.

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Old 12-22-2017, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Time for Donny B's Ancestry DNA kit to arrive in his stocking.

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I have brought that up with him and he seemed to agree that he probably had African American genes along with many of us. He just said that proved his point that they are becoming us or something like that.
Old 12-22-2017, 09:40 AM
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The con continues..

"The layoffs have stunned these steelworkers who, just a year ago, greeted President Trump’s election as a new dawn for their industry. Mr. Trump pledged to build roads and bridges, strengthen “Buy America” provisions, protect factories from unfair imports and revive industry, especially steel.

But after a year in office, Mr. Trump has not enacted these policies. And when it comes to steel, his failure to follow through on a promise has actually done more harm than good."

Trump Promised to Protect Steel. Layoffs Are Coming Instead. - The New York Times

"One of the biggest beneficiaries of the massive, slapdash tax bill that President Trump and Republican lawmakers celebrated at the White House on Wednesday will be, wait for it . . . President Trump. What a coincidence!

The rest of Trump’s wealthy family will benefit lavishly as well, including his son-in-law and all-purpose adviser, Jared Kushner. And, of course, it’s not a coincidence at all. The chance that this president would preside over a revision of the tax code without lining his own pockets was zero. Anyone who believed Trump’s claim that the tax bill would “cost me a fortune” hasn’t been paying attention."

A sweetheart tax deal — for the Trumps - The Washington Post

"What fools Trump made of those Midwestern voters who wanted the reality star to go after Washington and New York elites. As “Too Big to Fail” author Andrew Ross Sorkin reported this week, “If you’re a billionaire with your own company and are happy to use your private jet so you can ‘commute’ from a low-tax state, the plan is a godsend. . . . Private equity and real estate executives, as has been well documented, will make out like bandits.”

Those rich insiders whom Trump walloped on his way to the White House will get more than 80 percent of this tax plan’s benefits at the end of a decade. Over that same period, most Americans will see their tax rates go up. Middle-class voters and small-business owners already burdened by prohibitive medical bills, crushing student debt or high state and local taxes will face the greatest burden, while President Trump and his family will waltz away with a windfall that could reach hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Trump clan will rake in this fortune from “pass-through” deductions, estate tax giveaways and top-rate tax reductions all because of this Republican tax cut. For a president already dogged with accusations that he is personally profiting off the presidency, such a massive giveaway to the very hedge-fund managers and real estate executives he promised as a candidate to confront only adds to the stench of self-dealing that engulfs all things Trump. Like autocrats across the world, the 45th American president has perfected the art of the self-deal."

The stench of Trump’s self-dealing - The Washington Post
Old 12-22-2017, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I have brought that up with him and he seemed to agree that he probably had African American genes along with many of us. He just said that proved his point that they are becoming us or something like that.
I don't think so Tal...

Until the late 1960s...there was VERY little interbreeding.

Now...it's rampant...and so is the crime problem...the poverty problem.
Old 12-22-2017, 02:38 PM
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LGBT Community Targets Christmas, Santa Now Has a Husband in Children’s Book

News such as this angers me because we have a willingly portion of our population allowing young minds to be corrupted and confused.
Children should be treated as a : protected species" they are after all our future.

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Old 12-23-2017, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am so angry that our elected politicians have made America into one of the most corrupt countries in the world. What in the hell are we leaving for our grandchildren ???

More Femo-Fascist manipulation, "Oh honey, I'm so upset.. '

Old 12-23-2017, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
LGBT Community Targets Christmas, Santa Now Has a Husband in Children’s Book

News such as this angers me because we have a willingly portion of our population allowing young minds to be corrupted and confused.
Children should be treated as a : protected species" they are after all our future.

Personal Best Regards:
You'd make a fine RINO republican, figureheading conservative values as it suffers decade after decade of defeat.


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