I can't wait to leave The Villages

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Old 08-21-2010, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Taj44 View Post
You don't seem to have grasped my original quote which was regarding the fact that there are Democrats in The Villages and they are happy here. It was not meant to be a political post. Simply stated, that all political parties reside here and are happy in The Villages. There is a place for everyone.

You raised the ante when you mouthed off about this country being right of center, in your opinion. That statement had absolutely nothing to do with the subject of the threads. Then you talked about how unhappy you are that the country is moving in the opposite direction, i.e. liberalism, as though that is a dirty word. If anyone raised this discussion to political, it was you, fella.

If I wanted to have this type of discussion, I'd be in Political, but I'm not, for a reason.

I won't be responding anymore to this nonsense.
By using that expression "mouthed off" shows your real intent.. All I said was that the USA is right of center and unfortunately (for the country) that it might be edging left. I never mentioned if I was happy or not happy.
You really should be posting your views in Political, not here. All I did was state a fact form unbiased polls.
Old 08-21-2010, 12:47 PM
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Pats2010, on any given day it seems that Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin or Sean Hannity or Mitt Romney is visiting The Villages. You can read the local paper and be entertained by Ann Coulter and Ollie North. Check out the owner's profile:
http://www.nndb.com/people/314/000118957/ You are in heaven. Be happy.
Old 08-21-2010, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Pats2010 View Post
I really think you have carried this discussion too far. You have completely hijacked this thread when you posted your support for Obama-Biden. Your liberalism may suit you just dandy but it will ruin the USA and our great grandchildren will have to pay for the debt it has created. Your support for your candidate should have been posted in the Political Forum.

I really think the moderators should stop this thread.

I agree. Taj44 hijacked the thread.
Old 08-21-2010, 01:09 PM
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This guy will not be happy anywhere he lives.
Old 08-21-2010, 01:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Chi-Town View Post
Pats2010, on any given day it seems that Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin or Sean Hannity or Mitt Romney is visiting The Villages. You can read the local paper and be entertained by Ann Coulter and Ollie North. Check out the owner's profile:
http://www.nndb.com/people/314/000118957/ You are in heaven. Be happy.
LOL I have had the great fortune to have resided in a community that has two newspapers of opposing views for over 50 years. Friendly debate is informing and healthy in my opinion.
I do not live down there yet but my house is on the market. I look forward to living in Mr. Morse's community. I did a lifestyle visit and have lurked here on TOTV for a long time. Very impressive!!!!
Old 08-21-2010, 01:42 PM
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I misunderstood TalkHost.

I thought he moved THIS thread to Political.
Old 08-21-2010, 01:46 PM
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Default ditto

Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
I misunderstood TalkHost.

I thought he moved THIS thread to Political.
Old 08-21-2010, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
I misunderstood TalkHost.

I thought he moved THIS thread to Political.
Hi Gracie. Slumming again. hehe

I guess they moved this thread to Political.

Maybe it is a plot to get more people to sign up for political forum.
Old 08-21-2010, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
Yesterday, I was standing talking to a group of men that I had never met before when one asked me how long I had been in The Villages. 3 months I replied adding that my wife and I really enjoyed it here. One of the men loudly stated " I have been here 9 years and if my house ever sells I will be gone." He followed that immediately with "This place has nothing to do with the reality of the real world and I want the H++l out of here." Well, silence was obvious over the group and as I thought about what he said for about 15 seconds, I said in an almost questioning tone "We moved here and enjoy this place because of the reality of the real world." I guess the questioning tone to my statement was there as I was questioning whether we had made the right decision for us.

Now this morning, still thinking of the strange conversation, I still feel the statement I said reflects my feelings. My wife and I spent our lives in many different places around the world to include my 22 years military service. Now understand, we are not trying to escape the Real World, but at our age, our contributions to the real world and simply because we do love this place, I cannot accept that we are being less than genuine in our choice of location for retirement. I also do not feel that we are fleeing responsibility to the real world for living here.

There is no point or moral to this post, just to say that we as a couple feel this is right for us.

I just had to go back an read my original post again to confirm at least to myself that I did not say or even indicate a lean in the direction of Political. I am on a quest to keep my political views to myself as much as I possibly can. Just call me INDEPENDENT LOU WITH NO VIEW.

Old 08-21-2010, 02:04 PM
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I am confused....we have a thread here that began, I think, without any political meaning or leaning.

We then have folks come in and talk about being Democratic in a Republican area.

We have a thread that was discussing the merits or demerits of living in the Villages, and made into something political.

I doubt very much if 99% of the folks living here CARE ONE IOTA what the predominant party is here, and I feel sorry for those who live ANYWHERE and make that so important as a few posters have done.

What the #$%% does the political landscape have to do with your retirement home ? And IF it is that important, why didn't you do some investigation...pretty easy place to figure out. Thus,...stop whining.

I have NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE and I have been here for 10 years or so...EVER ONCE had a new acquaintence ask me my political party nor have I ever ever in my life lost a friend because of my political leanings.

This thread WAS hijacked and those who did need a real life check up !
Old 08-21-2010, 02:04 PM
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Default lol

Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
I just had to go back an read my original post again to confirm at least to myself that I did not say or even indicate a lean in the direction of Political. I am on a quest to keep my political views to myself as much as I possibly can. Just call me INDEPENDENT LOU WITH NO VIEW.

Old 08-21-2010, 02:24 PM
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How does a thread get "moved"?

Why does a thread get "moved"?
Old 08-21-2010, 02:44 PM
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Smile moved threads....

Originally Posted by sista View Post
How does a thread get "moved"?

Why does a thread get "moved"?
Our kind and ever-vigilant administrators monitor this forum and when posters stray or post in inapproriate places, they will move posts to the proper forums or gently chide them about undesireable forum behavior. If there is not a forum to address certain interests and there seems to be a need, they will start a new forum for us. Does that about cover it, Tony? Hope that answers your question, Sista.
Old 08-22-2010, 09:14 PM
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Weird, this thread started out talking about a guy who wanted to leave TV after 9 years and a whole bunch of people posting about how great it was living in TV and "wishing the guy luck" as he moved on. One or 2 people start mentioning anything about politics and instead of just deleting a couple of posts, the whole thread gets moved to the political forum ? I just don't get the reasoning why this thread (90 posts) has been moved here. That means that all anybody has to do to get any thread that anybody wants to get moved out of the general view is to enter a post or two about politics. Just doesn't sound right to me.
Old 08-22-2010, 10:01 PM
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I was out of pocket for a couple days. Had planned to rejoin this conversation. I'm disappointed to see that it turned political. Oh well.

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