Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

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Old 08-03-2007, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

That's it keep drinking the Liberal kool-aid. Don't think for yourselves, or show any regard for the world we're leaving our children and grandchildren go ahead and elected Hillary or even worse Obama. Your set pretty good why show any concern for anyone else. what a sad lot!
Old 08-03-2007, 03:00 PM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next pre

Be careful of electing the "Tax and Spenders". The current Republican Party has totally forgotten fiscal responsibility and the Democrats have never understood, at all. Again, the Blue Dog Democrats and Conservative Republicans get the picture. All this country needs is increases in personal and corporate taxes and we'll have a long-term Recession that won't be pretty. John Kennedy understood that lower taxes spurs economic growth and Ronald Reagan knew it, too. And, as we know, they were not of the same party.

Old 08-03-2007, 03:49 PM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

Those that blame Bush for all that's wrong with the world have selective memories. Eisner was making 50 million plus a year while slick willie was president. Check the facts folks, obscene executive pay had been around a lot longer than George has. Now, let's hear about these bad choices. Are we talking about Iraq? The dems voted for it too based on the WORLD WIDE intelligence. You libs are upset at the supreme court for it's decision on Bush? Obviously you don't remember what the decision was or is it you get all your info from the main stream media who's been trying to destroy Bush since the decision by the court, even before inauguration. The decision was....... the dems would have to recount all Florida precincts, not just the 3 heavily democratic ones that Gore and his boys wanted to recount. Sounds immensely fair. Bush was painted as a dummy but he outshone Kerry at Yale. Doesn't sound like that would have been too hard. The libs and their media have lost their minds over Bush. They blame him for everything including when they run out of toilet paper in their bathrooms. For God sakes, there are some insane libs blaming Bush on the media for the bridge collapse. The liberal drivel is nothing more than a bunch of emotional baseless garbage. State the facts folks.
Old 08-03-2007, 03:50 PM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next pre

Hello Oshunluva,

You are absolutely correct that this President has made our economy as strong as it is due to the tax cuts he pushed through early in his administration. If not for those cuts, our Nation would not be enjoying what is considered full employment. That is why it is so important that tax increases are not part of the next administration. Recession and layoffs will be a reality and certainty for sure. Keep in mind, though, that along with tax cuts the need for fiscal restraint is imperative. We cannot have lower taxes and higher spending. The two just don't compute. Blue Dog Democrats AND Conservative Republicans stand for fiscal responsibility. I'm afraid, though, that the old-school SPENDERS will be in charge soon and ...
Old 08-03-2007, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

I heard on the news up here in Ga. an interview with Sam Nunn (ex senator) He didn't say he was considering a 3rd party run but he didn't rule it out either. We need to support the Fair Tax, at present it has (i believe)70 co-signers in the house. If the fair tax could be passed even the Dem's couldn't screw up. Check it out
Old 08-03-2007, 09:59 PM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

Sam Nunn is one of a few dems I acually like.
Old 08-04-2007, 08:59 AM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

Originally Posted by oshunluva
As I recall, the current admin was in favor of a tax cut, which took place, and the Dummycraps have never let Bush live it down. : The economy is in good shape, despite what some might say. The way they have done this President is a total ROTTEN shame. They haven't let the man have a moments rest or tried to understand him in any way, shape or form. :redface: They planned this treatment plan during the 2000 election and haven't let up since. If I had been down-graded and ****ed on like he has, I would be blundering in public too, self-esteem means a lot when you have decisions to make and others to think about. Give the guy a break for crying out loud!! He is not a friend of mine, nor do I agree with everything he has done, or not done, but he is The President and he and his office should be given more respect. The people who would disrespect him and Vice President Cheney the way they do would disrespect their Mother. Nuff sed.

Old 08-04-2007, 09:50 AM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

You can't EARN respect when the media has been undermining the administration from the get go. The Europeans were calling Bush cowboy before the inauguration. Where did they get that. From the media here. I was in Italy last October and had CNN on for English language news and there was some idiot from the US stating that the reason the N. Koreans developed a nuke was because Cheney wouldn't talk to them so they got mad and developed their nukes!! I'm not fabricating this. This is an example of the garbage spread throughout the US by the media. Bush is one of very few politicians who stands on his principals. His approval rating is very low (31%) but compared to the current congress (3%), he's doing comparatively great. I don't agree with a lot of things he's done but I respect him for standing firm to the enemy even while under fir from the second war front, the democratic party and the media. Here we are fighting an insane enemy and the wonderful New York Times publishes intelligence secrets. The leader of the senate the wonderful Harry Reid announces the war is lost. Unbelievable.
Old 08-04-2007, 10:48 AM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

Well said Oshunluva.
Old 08-04-2007, 10:54 AM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

YOU DO NOT EARN RESPECT... by claiming executive privilege on every thing that goes on in the White House, You don't get respect when you commute a sentence for perjury of you own staff, you don't get respect for exposing a CIA to get revenge for telling like it is... when you classify everything from the breakfast menu to who visited your office

:hot:Whew !!!! I tired ...too much to expound about and the list goes on
Old 08-04-2007, 11:22 AM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next pre

Looks to me that the heading of this original posting has gone the way of the do-do bird...
Old 08-04-2007, 12:09 PM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

Executive privilege hasn't been claimed for anything that the dems haven't claimed it for before. Only bad when Bush does it. Bush didn't commute Libby's conviction, he pardoned the prison sentence only, which was a farce. Plame was not a covert agent. Libby did not out her nor did Cheney. Armitage did and that was known by Fitzgerald before he began the witch hunt. The fact she worked for the CIA was public knowledge among the DC social circuit. And Wilson had been shown to have lied about his statements regarding the intelligence that Bush had at the time. Furthermore, go back and read my previous post about Clinton's commutations, over 130 of them for felons, thieves, drug kingpins, and terrorists, some of which were done to secure votes for Hillary.. Again, only bad when Bush does it. How about firing federal prosecutors, score; Clinton 92, Bush 9, only bad when Bush does it. All this screaming about Bush has gotten very old. The media doesn't mention the fact that the dems haven't done anything since taking over with their heartwarming promises of bipartisonship besides increasing the minimum wage is launching witch hunt after witch hunt to destroy Bush. The approval rating of congress (3%) may be on the high side.
Old 08-04-2007, 12:45 PM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

Bill was far from perfect, but who is? I would vote for Hillary because her husband with whom she works closely left us with O national debt. He tried to put through a national health plan, but was stopped by the AMA and other big money interests. During his 8 years no american soldier died in combat. He did not try to circumvent the constitution like Cheney and Bush are constantly doing. He did not invade a country that was absolutly no threat to us. Bush/Cheney have done nothing but lie to the American people and start a war to further their own interests. A war that is unwinable and as of now has gone on longer than WW2. Bush/Cheney have created a mess that will take generations to live down.

Old 08-04-2007, 01:36 PM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR LOWER REGION if you can. Have you ever heard of Samaria, where Clinton forced the military to run after a few losses or Hadi or in the former Romania no military losses. You don't know up from down. At least we're now fighting for a just cause stopping the Radial Muslims there instead of fighting them here. We lost about 3600 troops to date, and it's awful to loss even one; however each year the military losses more people in training exercises then is lost per year fighting this war. National heathcare will bankurge our country. people should be responsible for there own actions. Please think for a change think about our contry and what a vote for the Dem's do to our grandchildren, but of course most Dem's only think of themselves and to H... with everyone else as long as the Dem's maintain power. Keep looking up to the leadership of that great human being (Teddy, leave the driving to me, Kennedy. You Dem's are sicking, selfish,and traitorous. Iknow that some Liberal will try to have some lame comeback but anyone knows that Dem's lie about everything.
Old 08-04-2007, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

Originally Posted by sgvegas
Bill was far from perfect, but who is? I would vote for Hillary because her husband with whom she works closely left us with O national debt. He tried to put through a national health plan, but was stopped by the AMA and other big money interests. During his 8 years no american soldier died in combat. He did not try to circumvent the constitution like Cheney and Bush are constantly doing. He did not invade a country that was absolutly no threat to us. Bush/Cheney have done nothing but lie to the American people and start a war to further their own interests. A war that is unwinable and as of now has gone on longer than WW2. Bush/Cheney have created a mess that will take generations to live down.


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