Losing count; What number Obama Lie is this?

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Old 07-20-2010, 08:21 AM
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Default Lie

Obama says Republicans do not want to extend unemployement benefits.

The truth is Republicans want to extend them, but pay for them with unspent stimulous funds.

Obama wants to borrow the money from china to pay the benefits which increases our deficit.
Old 07-20-2010, 08:57 AM
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You are correct. The problem lies with the Lamestream media. They will just blame the republicans and not mention about the stimulus.
Old 07-20-2010, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Obama says Republicans do not want to extend unemployement benefits.

The truth is Republicans want to extend them, but pay for them with unspent stimulous funds.

Obama wants to borrow the money from china to pay the benefits which increases our deficit.
Agree. As long as the Democrats find a place to get the money from, they can renew the benefits. But that means some kind of budget which they do not remember how to do.

On the other side, if all the government does is keep throwing free money at the people out of work, are they actually going to look for jobs?
Old 07-21-2010, 06:08 AM
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I just joined this forum, and read posts about the silent left so I will try to give you an upfront view of who I am. I voted republican all my life to include twice for Bush until 08. Watching my country suffer so much I voted for Obama in a last ditch hope for something better. Now, I am sure we are on the right path. Do I agree with everything Obama is doing: NO WAY
Like children that disagree with their parents only to grow up and realize that mom and dad were, so are the Right Wing experts that are so sure they are right. Remember, you were positive they were wrong at the time. I was born and grew up a redneck in Iowa, but have learned that I was wrong. I was taught by Mom and Dad that a man works and a woman takes care of the house and kids, but again I learned I was wrong. I was always told that people from the south are all hillbillies that don’t were shoes and have little to offer the world. I was very wrong about so much. If you are making your formed opinions based on the lunacy of idiots like Glen Beck or Limbaugh, at least listen to both sides.

If you are pro-life, then don’t deny the poor children proper health care.

If you are a Christian, then refer back to the Sermon on the Mount before you deny help to the needy. And then, form your opinion about health care, border crossers, etc. You just might be wrong.

I retired during GOP rule so to get a feel for the future, I look to the poor, the sick, the handicapped, the unemployed and I see things getting better now as opposed to the last 6 to 8 years. I understand that if you wish to say the heck with the sick or the weak, that is fine, but when you say stop welfare, be sure you look at the face of everyone eating that free cheese. If you see the small children, the elderly and the handicapped and you still say the heck with them, then I will stand by your right to defend your position. But if you only refer to the 30 year old man that is lazy, that is not enough for me to support your denial to the true needy.
Old 07-21-2010, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
I just joined this forum, and read posts about the silent left so I will try to give you an upfront view of who I am. I voted republican all my life to include twice for Bush until 08. Watching my country suffer so much I voted for Obama in a last ditch hope for something better. Now, I am sure we are on the right path. Do I agree with everything Obama is doing: NO WAY
Like children that disagree with their parents only to grow up and realize that mom and dad were, so are the Right Wing experts that are so sure they are right. Remember, you were positive they were wrong at the time. I was born and grew up a redneck in Iowa, but have learned that I was wrong. I was taught by Mom and Dad that a man works and a woman takes care of the house and kids, but again I learned I was wrong. I was always told that people from the south are all hillbillies that don’t were shoes and have little to offer the world. I was very wrong about so much. If you are making your formed opinions based on the lunacy of idiots like Glen Beck or Limbaugh, at least listen to both sides.

If you are pro-life, then don’t deny the poor children proper health care.

If you are a Christian, then refer back to the Sermon on the Mount before you deny help to the needy. And then, form your opinion about health care, border crossers, etc. You just might be wrong.

I retired during GOP rule so to get a feel for the future, I look to the poor, the sick, the handicapped, the unemployed and I see things getting better now as opposed to the last 6 to 8 years. I understand that if you wish to say the heck with the sick or the weak, that is fine, but when you say stop welfare, be sure you look at the face of everyone eating that free cheese. If you see the small children, the elderly and the handicapped and you still say the heck with them, then I will stand by your right to defend your position. But if you only refer to the 30 year old man that is lazy, that is not enough for me to support your denial to the true needy.
You lost your credibility when you call majority spokesmen "idiots" What do you mean when you say unemployment is getting better?
The way that your heroes are spending money, the lists of poor people will get longer not shorter.

Unfunded outrageous spending is scaring business form hiring. How is that going to help the down trodden?

I find your reference to Christians rather ironic with this guy in office, who sat there for years listening to the Rev. " god-dxx America" Wright for all those years.

Show me one person who has been denied health care since my tax dollars have been supporting hospitals and welfare recipients since the Johnson era.

Oh yea, how has that "war on poverty" worked out? Thanks to President Johnson's robbery of our social security money, there will be no money for the 78 million Baby Boomers.

You still feel comfortable with the democrats spending your great grandchildren's money?
Old 07-21-2010, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Pats2010 View Post
You lost your credibility when you call majority spokesmen "idiots" What do you mean when you say unemployment is getting better? If you consider beck a majority spokesman, I am Sorry for you. Even O'riely considers beck a talk show comedian
The way that your heroes are spending money, the lists of poor people will get longer not shorter. Obama is not my hero

Unfunded outrageous spending is scaring business form hiring. How is that going to help the down trodden? This started 7 years ago and is starting to turn around now.
I find your reference to Christians rather ironic with this guy in office, who sat there for years listening to the Rev. " god-dxx America" Wright for all those years.Wright is not the president. If believe when you listen to Beck the IDIOT, you are absorbing more hate than Wright ever put out.

Show me one person who has been denied health care since my tax dollars have been supporting hospitals and welfare recipients since the Johnson era. You know as well as I do that 10's of thousands of people have been denied PROPER HEALTH CARE. An emergency room visit for Stage four cancer is not Proper Health Care.

Oh yea, how has that "war on poverty" worked out? Thanks to President Johnson's robbery of our social security money, there will be no money for the 78 million Baby Boomers. Tsk Tsk Tsk

You still feel comfortable with the democrats spending your great grandchildren's money?
I would feel worse if I knew my grandchildren were eating steak while others were starving to death
Old 07-21-2010, 07:15 AM
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"I would feel worse if I knew my grandchildren were eating steak while others were starving to death."

So, you think that there will be no baby boomers starving to death?

If you see things "starting to turn around" I suggest you take your rose-colored glasses off.

We may never recuperate from these trillion dollar deficits that Obama and the dems are creating.

Didn't you hear? Socialism has been a dreadful failure every time it has been tried.

America is losing jobs and people will be starving. Not because America isn't charitable, but because America has been destroyed by congress and democrat administrations.
Old 07-21-2010, 08:16 AM
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Default LouCard welcome to the forum. Hopefully you have

over the years developed a thick enough skin to take as well as give commentary.
My hat is off to you for responding as an Obama supporter.

You no doubt have noted this forum is very opinionated and outspoken. The biggest differences of opinion usually wind up going awry when either side quotes party talking points only with no basic substantiation. Opinions are each to his own. For me, belief, comes with facts and proof. Many of us (either party) are of the "show me" ilk.

And at this particular point in time you are definitely a minority participant. You no doubt have the courage of your convictions for wandering in here and tossing your hat in the ring. Just remember it gets warm in the kitchen.
It is a pity that so many of your belief have abandoned this forum...they have done so after finding personal shots don't add value...bashing the past is not acceptable...and a 100% attitude if you are not for my guy you are either a racist or an idiot.

Hopefully you stir some debate and hang in there and demonstrate to the others who have chosen to lurk only or abandon this forum...the first amendment is hard at work here.


Old 07-21-2010, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
I would feel worse if I knew my grandchildren were eating steak while others were starving to death
You're real generous with other peoples money and other peoples freedoms. Since when is it Christian to force people to pay for the mistakes or misfortunes of others?

You are free to devote you life, like a true Christian, to the ministrations of your brother, but don't rob me and call it Christian.

I've also been in enough discussions and blogs to recognize the worn out tactic of a a Lib claiming to be "a Republican who has seen the light" to give your words more meaning to me and I reject it.
Old 07-21-2010, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by RichieLion View Post
You're real generous with other peoples money and other peoples freedoms. Since when is it Christian to force people to pay for the mistakes or misfortunes of others? I am certainly not mean spirited enough to be a christian, I was just pointing out the Sermon 0 the Mount where christain are instructed to help the meek.

You are free to devote you life, like a true Christian, to the ministrations of your brother, but don't rob me and call it Christian. I don't want you to give anything to the unfortunate, but rather that you should be able to say screw them instead of blaming it on left wing radical that want them cared for.

I've also been in enough discussions and blogs to recognize the worn out tactic of a a Lib claiming to be "a Republican who has seen the light" to give your words more meaning to me and I reject it.
Also, I have not seen the light, but I would have voted for Castro if it would help get Chainy out of the white house. Him and his puppit (bush), were on the way to destroying this country.

Please read what I say and not what you think I say.
Old 07-21-2010, 10:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
Also, I have not seen the light, but I would have voted for Castro if it would help get Chainy out of the white house. Him and his puppit (bush), were on the way to destroying this country.

Please read what I say and not what you think I say.
Have you ever talked to any of the people who risked their lives to escape Castro?

Your hatred of the last administration has blinded you to the evils of the present regime.

Do you want big government to run everybody's life?

If you want the pathetic lifestyle of Cuba, keep voting the mindset of this regime.
Old 07-21-2010, 10:52 AM
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Lou Card, like Billy, I welcome your opinion and point of view. As you know, since you have entered and offered opinions before in this Political Forum, it sometimes gets heated. It is nice to see you back. I hope you come to challenge others and get your views across. Not to just throw rhetoric and be, as some on both sides do, a hit and runner.

I would like to hear some of your views on specific issues. I hope all of us; left, right, center,or indifferent, can constrain our views to specific topics and not just spout out ideaological oneliners that are meant to hurt and dismiss important views and opinions.
Old 07-21-2010, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
Lou Card, like Billy, I welcome your opinion and point of view. As you know, since you have entered and offered opinions before in this Political Forum, it sometimes gets heated. It is nice to see you back. I hope you come to challenge others and get your views across. Not to just throw rhetoric and be, as some on both sides do, a hit and runner.

I would like to hear some of your views on specific issues. I hope all of us; left, right, center,or indifferent, can constrain our views to specific topics and not just spout out ideaological oneliners that are meant to hurt and dismiss important views and opinions.
Thank you. What I see real quick is argumentative not constructive. I say I love blue and get comments like: Why to you hate green. WHAT????? I don't hate green, please re-read my commnets before you break wind.

Anyway, I will stay for a while as I feel we all need to open our eyes to every side of every story.

I am closer to being conservative than liberal. I don't want to give away the farm, but I cannot watch any social or financial group suffer. When I hear MY MONEY or MY HARD WORK, I feel the point most missed is that the majority of those that did not make it big in this great country did in fact try hard to do so. I have known so many good people over the years that have made it to the top of the money wagon yet still complain vigorously when the unfortunate want things like health care, education and a safe environment to live in. Most of us take these crucial issues on as just another monthly payment like the car insurance or groceries. If you live comfortable in The Villages and disagree with my opinion on this, COULD YOU POSSIBLY BE A LITTLE GREEDY. I also don't want socialism, but could we not just allow the low end of our population to have the basic comforts of a rich life like we have. Don't forget the saying "for the grace of GOD, there go I"
Certainly not all, but I see many of my friends that Scream PRO-LIFE say no to helping the poor children with PROPER health care and education. If you don't plan to help them along the road to success, then keep you opinion to yourself and let those responsible for the future of the child make the very difficult choice.

Hows that for an opinion BKCunningham. lol
Old 07-21-2010, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
Also, I have not seen the light, but I would have voted for Castro if it would help get Chainy out of the white house. Him and his puppit (bush), were on the way to destroying this country.

Please read what I say and not what you think I say.
First of all, kudos for you venturing into political and making your viewpoint known. Too many do not but complain about those who do share thoughts, so let me say that first.

Now, the motive for your vote in 2008 is a bit cloudy to me. First of all, neither Bush nor Chaney were running for office. Secondly, the message you are giving to us is, and not trying to corner you, but it IS the message of the Democratic party and was for TWO years.

I will also add that NOBODY ever on here or in any forum I have ever heard has disavowed the poor or needy !!! NOBODY !!! I do hear and agree that there are folks that are on "the take" that live for that..they EXPECT that. That, in my opinion, is not what this country needs or has ever wanted. Polices that assist those who need get back on their feet are great. Those that give and give and offer no help are doing us not one bit of good.

It is my opinion, that this country...no, it is not an opinion..it is fact...that this country is filled with the most giving people in the world but frankly I see the giving appearing to be diminishing simply because of the current administration's policy.

You criticize those on here who oppose Obama and imply they dont care about others, and that is patently not only unfair but untrue. The Obama policies are not born out of any need to help....it is a policy that is purely and totally political, ie. a health care bill that was born in backroom deals unwanted by the country and as you will find in years to come will be an albatross around our neck as it DID NOTHING TO ADDRESS HEALTH CARE COSTS.

I welcome your posts but would like to hear you views on what this thread was about....that is...the lies this man has told in just over a year. I am tired of hearing about Bush..he is not the President, has not been for a year and a half and is not running for anything. You seem to compartmentalize things in party groups....Bush bad therefore Republicans bad and Democrats good. It is not that simple.
Old 07-21-2010, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Lou Card View Post
Thank you. What I see real quick is argumentative not constructive. I say I love blue and get comments like: Why to you hate green. WHAT????? I don't hate green, please re-read my commnets before you break wind.

Anyway, I will stay for a while as I feel we all need to open our eyes to every side of every story.

I am closer to being conservative than liberal. I don't want to give away the farm, but I cannot watch any social or financial group suffer. When I hear MY MONEY or MY HARD WORK, I feel the point most missed is that the majority of those that did not make it big in this great country did in fact try hard to do so. I have known so many good people over the years that have made it to the top of the money wagon yet still complain vigorously when the unfortunate want things like health care, education and a safe environment to live in. Most of us take these crucial issues on as just another monthly payment like the car insurance or groceries. If you live comfortable in The Villages and disagree with my opinion on this, COULD YOU POSSIBLY BE A LITTLE GREEDY. I also don't want socialism, but could we not just allow the low end of our population to have the basic comforts of a rich life like we have. Don't forget the saying "for the grace of GOD, there go I"
Certainly not all, but I see many of my friends that Scream PRO-LIFE say no to helping the poor children with PROPER health care and education. If you don't plan to help them along the road to success, then keep you opinion to yourself and let those responsible for the future of the child make the very difficult choice.

Hows that for an opinion BKCunningham. lol

Not speaking for anyone but me but good opinions.

Again you are oversimplifying it all. To be against government programs that simply dole out money for whatever reason does not make you someone who is spoiled or not caring.

Allow me to use the housing problem which has affected everyone rich, poor and in between. It was programs made to allow the folks you talk about to buy homes..no questions...they cant get a mortgage and somehow it was decided they DESERVE it. Ok...programs put in place to GIVE....and you see the results.

You are labeling anyone who is against HAND OUTS as someone who is against CHARITY and GIVING. THERE is a huge difference

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