Louis Swartz lawsuit closing the life long learning center

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Old 12-03-2016, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I love you that you all are expressing your opinions. It solidifies the view of The Villages being a white privilege community with views of hate and despise for people who are not white fascists. Now go to church tomorrow and pretend you preach love and kindness to others, and acceptance of all. Give your few dollars to the homeless or helpless and think you made a difference. But you see, you do not make a difference because you are full of despise for others. It is really not shocking to read the hate spewed messages of support for the KKK and Nazism. The great thing is God is watching you, seeing you, hearing you, and you will be judged when the time comes. It's good you like the heat in Florida because its going to be really hot where you are going. May what you judge about others come back to haunt you in every way. I feel sorry for those of you, not all of you, who express your disdain for people who are not like you. There are many rational people just expressing their thoughts of what might be done to resolve the situation, but there are some who don't deserve a place on earth.
I feel sorry for you. It's a good thing that you don't live here in The Villages where you have to endure such happiness.
Old 12-03-2016, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Yes, that is why a lot of us moved here. Why did you move here if you don't like it? TO CHANGE IT? Because that is exactly why Yankees move South. They like it down South until they move here and then attempt to change it to reflect their nasty Northern, crime ridden lifestyle. Just so they can complain again.

I am not going to attempt to explain to you why I enjoy living in a predominantly white community. It really has nothing to do with race, but with security or race. Seniors are generally more law abiding than the young that like to act out and rebel against authority. That's why we have a seniors' community. We have rules that everyone agrees to when they move here. Remember the covenants and restrictions that you signed when you purchased? Or, do you even live here? DO NOT come here expecting us to change or conform to your idea of what YOU want it to be. There is plenty of room in America for people like you to live where you don't have to be subjected to our lifestyle. It is your prerogative (even though wrong) to believe that because the community is mostly white that we are racially biased. You still have free thought. All you are doing by accusing us, is making yourself less acceptable to the community. Most of us moved away from people like you. But, you insist on following us around. For some reason, it gives you pleasure to make those around you as miserable as you.

I am still a believer of the old saying of: LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. It's up to you, but if you want my opinion free of charge, you would be a lot happier if you accepted our community for what it is, instead of what you want it to be. In case you don't know it, I am not a believer or advocate of PC.
Because white people create NICE places to live. That's why they follow us around..."their places" begin to suck as the minorities they WELCOME begin to move in.

Originally Posted by Guest
I love you that you all are expressing your opinions. It solidifies the view of The Villages being a white privilege community with views of hate and despise for people who are not white fascists. Now go to church tomorrow and pretend you preach love and kindness to others, and acceptance of all. Give your few dollars to the homeless or helpless and think you made a difference. But you see, you do not make a difference because you are full of despise for others. It is really not shocking to read the hate spewed messages of support for the KKK and Nazism. The great thing is God is watching you, seeing you, hearing you, and you will be judged when the time comes. It's good you like the heat in Florida because its going to be really hot where you are going. May what you judge about others come back to haunt you in every way. I feel sorry for those of you, not all of you, who express your disdain for people who are not like you. There are many rational people just expressing their thoughts of what might be done to resolve the situation, but there are some who don't deserve a place on earth.
The RATIONAL thing to do is to take back our culture and our country. Otherwise, we lose it, we become Mexico II...and THEN you'll see what discrimination is REALLY all about. Not this perceived BS that the minorities claim we do. Go to the inner city, go to the Mexican part of town to see what discrimination is REALLY.

You have no clue how low they regard white people, we're there to serve them for past discrepancies.
Old 12-03-2016, 10:02 AM
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Default Political

Originally Posted by Guest
Why is this in political?
Well, read some of the posts. It's impossible to have a civil discussion on this forum. Everything is political to some. Those that want to do what is right for the handicap are liberals that just are getting in the way of my lifestyle. That seems to be what I'm hearing here. Like a conservative isn't in favor of accommodation for the hearing impaired.

Just wait until the inmates take over this aslysum. This is just the beginning---wait until the music stops because someone files a lawsuit over not being able to hear the music.
Old 12-03-2016, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What is most interesting is that those who responded with hate turned a discussion of what should be done to address the issues of people who are hearing impaired to making The Villages a place for only white people who speak English and showed your true "colors" by clearly stating people of color or other languages or who have anything different about them should not be living there. I hope you who show your hate for those who are different or have needs are turning in your handicapped golf cart placards and golf course privilege of driving on the grass on executive courses because of your "disability". And I hope you are not prolonging any medical issues that are going to cost us all more money because you are getting treatments that will prolong your life even though you are ill. Let yourself go, if the rest of us do not have disease why should you use Medicare dollars to get treatment and care? If you are so unfortunate, well so be it, suffer. Of course I do not believe that, but it falls to the same argument people are making that if you were born not hearing, well then, tough luck, you just do not get to do what everyone else does. So if you are sick, tough luck, no treatment, because some of us are not sick and we do not think you deserve any special help. Just please think outside your small mindedness and have compassion for others and find acceptance for all, you know, just what you are going to listen to at church tomorrow. Just find a way to live it instead of paying lip service to it. Or lying in the face of God. Practice your faith by loving all. In the church I go to, I know you are somewhere in the pews, and while I do not have a clue who you are, you do know who does see you in and out of church. Ask for forgiveness and try to open your heart. I know heaven can have a place for you still, but Hell is waiting for your arrival when you speak of hate for others.
Why don't they just get a F***ing hearing aid? Why do they ruin everything for everyone else just because they enjoy being miserable?

Yes, a hearing aid. My wife and I both wear them and I also read lips, self taught by turning the sound off on the TV. Try it instead of making everyone else do without.

Do NOT try to use someone's religion of charity against them. That is a poor excuse for a human being. People like you are scum, leaches that try to use people to their own advantage.

If a person has a handicap, there are more than enough people in the world kind enough that will try to provide assistance. To take advantage of one's disability for personal gain is despicable. Nasty people like that should not even be given an audience.

This is nothing more than the left attempting to destroy a community that was built by a conservative, and that has a majority of conservatives residing in it. The left feels that if one person can not participate, then no one should be able to.
Old 12-03-2016, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well, read some of the posts. It's impossible to have a civil discussion on this forum. Everything is political to some. Those that want to do what is right for the handicap are liberals that just are getting in the way of my lifestyle. That seems to be what I'm hearing here. Like a conservative isn't in favor of accommodation for the hearing impaired.

Just wait until the inmates take over this aslysum. This is just the beginning---wait until the music stops because someone files a lawsuit over not being able to hear the music.
Do you read what you write? You sound like a child, stomping her feet and saying "you don't love me. You hate me."

Where do you see anyone saying that they would not help someone that needs assistance? This is not about that at all. This is about a serial complainer that enjoys suing anything establishment, because that person is miserable and wishes everyone else to be miserable. Causing an institution to be shut down is not going to garner sympathy.

If one wishes assistance, they should not DEMAND it.
Old 12-03-2016, 11:42 AM
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I too am deeply saddened by the closing of the LLLC. It outrages me that the actions of a minority can have such a impact on the huge majority. I would gladly participate in any legal actions to try to restore this wonderful amenity. Likewise, I find it outrageous that some comments have made this a political issue and others have resorted to name calling. This accomplishes nothing. Not only should the litigants be ashamed of themselves for even initiating this lawsuit (not to mention the appalling outcome) , but also those who posted some of the aforementioned comments. Positive action is needed, not name calling and political opinions --- can't the Morse family do something?
Old 12-03-2016, 12:05 PM
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Of course it's POLITICAL. It's liberals attempting to corrupt anything good in life, in order to make everyone equally miserable.
Old 12-03-2016, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Of course it's POLITICAL. It's liberals attempting to corrupt anything good in life, in order to make everyone equally miserable.
So you think everyone involved in this suit is a bad ol' liberal. Of course, you are wrong.
Old 12-03-2016, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So you think everyone involved in this suit is a bad ol' liberal. Of course, you are wrong.
Did I say "bad ol' liberal?"
Old 12-03-2016, 02:04 PM
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I do not think these 34 deaf residents wanted to close the lifelong learning college. Unfortunately the cost to provide hearing impaired services is beyond the scope of volunteer activities. Hopefully this will not extend to 2000 clubs and free rec center activities. We all lose. I am very sad about this.
Old 12-03-2016, 02:13 PM
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34 individuals get to ruin it for the other 100,000 residents. Liberal attitudes abound in today's society.
Old 12-03-2016, 04:07 PM
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LOL!! Thinking the same thing but wasnt sure if it would be Obamas fault or Hilarys!!
Old 12-03-2016, 07:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well, read some of the posts. It's impossible to have a civil discussion on this forum. Everything is political to some. Those that want to do what is right for the handicap are liberals that just are getting in the way of my lifestyle. That seems to be what I'm hearing here. Like a conservative isn't in favor of accommodation for the hearing impaired.

Just wait until the inmates take over this aslysum. This is just the beginning---wait until the music stops because someone files a lawsuit over not being able to hear the music.
Where is the limit to PUBLIC assistance for the handicapped? And to what level of handicapped?

Your "analogy" is hardly... These people want SPECIAL accommodations PROVIDED for them. If they NEED whomever or whatever...they are FREE to bring it with them. But to MAKE others bear costs for an individual is out of line and should be unconstitutional. Hell, 80% of the government is unconstitutional. We WERE freer under King George than we are now.

Your analogy would be more accurate if you said they sues because they weren't provided a FRONT ROW seat at the square.

Originally Posted by Guest
34 individuals get to ruin it for the other 100,000 residents. Liberal attitudes abound in today's society.
157,000 could run them out on a rail..."tar and feathered". That's EXACTLY what they would have done in the days when people took care of their own business. 4,500 showing up per litigant demanding they withdraw their case. It would send quite a message. We're not to be trifled with. Are not some things worth fighting for?

How about your country? It's being invaded by Hispanics...ready to fight for that too?
Old 12-04-2016, 11:08 AM
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Default An interesting book on the subject

Originally Posted by Guest
Can you believe this guy and a law suit caused the life long learning center to close! This is rediculous. He has a fancy house on a golf course and sues the learning center because he is hearing impaired. My husband is too and this community offers all kinds of privileges that he has now prevented us from enjoying. I have a great idea! MOVE
I recall reading a book entitled WHATS WRONG WITH THE AMERICAN LEGAL SYSTEM.

America has more attys per capita then any other country in the world. We also have more suits than any other country in the world.

SIMILAR crap law suits prevented much needed public restrooms being installed in NYC. The initial plan was stopped because the association for the disabled insisted that it MUST be wheelchair accessible. After much study-READ THAT AS EXPENSE-the only solution that the association for the disabled found accessible was to have a person at each booth 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The cost of course got way out of hand so the plan was dropped. RESULT-a working rest room is rare in NYC the smell of people using the streets and the sanitation issues ARE NOT RARE AT ALL.

Old 12-04-2016, 11:26 AM
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Default Re: Change things

Originally Posted by Guest
Yes, that is why a lot of us moved here. Why did you move here if you don't like it? TO CHANGE IT? Because that is exactly why Yankees move South. They like it down South until they move here and then attempt to change it to reflect their nasty Northern, crime ridden lifestyle. Just so they can complain again.

I am not going to attempt to explain to you why I enjoy living in a predominantly white community. It really has nothing to do with race, but with security or race. Seniors are generally more law abiding than the young that like to act out and rebel against authority. That's why we have a seniors' community. We have rules that everyone agrees to when they move here. Remember the covenants and restrictions that you signed when you purchased? Or, do you even live here? DO NOT come here expecting us to change or conform to your idea of what YOU want it to be. There is plenty of room in America for people like you to live where you don't have to be subjected to our lifestyle. It is your prerogative (even though wrong) to believe that because the community is mostly white that we are racially biased. You still have free thought. All you are doing by accusing us, is making yourself less acceptable to the community. Most of us moved away from people like you. But, you insist on following us around. For some reason, it gives you pleasure to make those around you as miserable as you.

I am still a believer of the old saying of: LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. It's up to you, but if you want my opinion free of charge, you would be a lot happier if you accepted our community for what it is, instead of what you want it to be. In case you don't know it, I am not a believer or advocate of PC.
Arizona and Nevada used to be a haven for people with disorders such as azthema and tuberculosis the reason was the dry air and low pollen count. PEOPLE ARRIVED and they planted lawns and trees-THAT ARE NOT INDIGENOUS. These foreign, to the environment, plants can only survive with artificial watering AND THE POLLEN COUNT IS MUCH HIGHER THAN IT WOULD BE IN NATURE.

learning, center, long, life, kinds

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