The lowest political ad in this campaign just aired

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Old 09-15-2008, 11:09 PM
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Thumbs up Agreed!

Originally Posted by cmj View Post
I have known people who use the "Columbus method" to type. Many people type using only their two pointer fingers. Many people use just the pointer finger of their dominant hand. I don't think not being computer literate has anything to do with war injuries. I don't believe McCain labels himself as "disabled" in any way. IMO, you sell him short by laying his lack of computer skills on his war injuries. I think more of him than that.
Now this is a post I can respect. I don't like McCain, that's clear. But I agree with you CMJ. It appears his own people are selling him short if they think that ad is a slam about being disabled. It's simply NOT!
Old 09-15-2008, 11:11 PM
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1. Mr Cafferty IS NOT A REPORTER....never was actually. He is a commentator

2. Below is the FULL statement by Sen McCain...seems Mr Cafferty cut out a few words and sentences as with the 100 year war

And just to add a bit more..he did not say the economy was strong...he said the fundamentals were strong and much more which Mr Cafferty chose to cut out !
Old 09-15-2008, 11:23 PM
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Cool Blogs!

You're going in for blogs now Bucco! You slammed me for doing that! Guess it never is a two way street.

It's all the same. He's out of touch and you'll never see that. But, when you vote for McCain, remember to put some cash away for a very rainy day.

The Villages Florida
Old 09-16-2008, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
...But, when you vote for McCain, remember to put some cash away for a very rainy day.
As I add up the price tag for the new/upgraded programs being dangled in front of various special interest groups under the Democratic Party banner, I won't have that opportunity - they'll take the cash away from me long before I ever see it!
Old 09-16-2008, 09:53 AM
Posts: n/a
Wink Sweetie

Not to be condescending (sweetie is a term I use all the time.)

The Republicans are taking it away from you NOW! We still have 4 more months in the Bush-Leagues, let's not make it 4 more years!
Old 09-16-2008, 10:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
Not to be condescending (sweetie is a term I use all the time.)

The Republicans are taking it away from you NOW! We still have 4 more months in the Bush-Leagues, let's not make it 4 more years!
Ma'am (an old-fashioned indicator of respect, age immaterial),

As the promises of O/B campaign are quite similar to those of the 1990 and 1994 campaigns of Bill Clinton, each time brought with it TAX HIKES.

So, "it" will always be taken from me now. The question is, who will take more in the near future?

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