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Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
OK, so is no one going to mention this (yawn) acceptance speech of last evening? We knew the P.O.W. thing was going to be brought up. That was a given due to the fact that's all he's running on. But, I was looking for "straight talk" on how he was going to change the economy, how he was going to deal with the abysmal health care situation in this country. Give me something! Nothing! The funniest thing is that the RNC spent two solid days of speeches ripping the Dems, then McCain comes out and says how much he is going to work across the aisle. Is he kidding us?
As Jeffery Toobin of CNN said, this was the most shockingly boring acceptance speech ever! I completely agree. IMHO. (yawn) Bring on the debates! 040 |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
First I gotta say YES, bring on the debates . . it's the only place these guys will get close to the issues.
Conventions are for rhetoric..... "vote for me cuz I'm better than the other guy". No one --- I repeat N-O - O-N-E can fix the health care system unless we got SOCIALIST. And as for the economy .. Only businesses can fix that by hiring more people. They'll only hire more people when they sell more stuff People will buy more stuff when they get more money They'll get more money when businesses make more money and on and on That's why the stock market goes up and down |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
Thank you for your insight Aln. However, I don't think the answer is as black and white as "unless we got Socialist."
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
I can't really make any comments Chels....I fell asleep after the first 3 minutes.... |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
Despite those of you who still think that politics is making fun of those you dont support, I think Sen McCain is not a good speaker and his speech was less than great.
I also cannot wait for the debates and the continued vetting ! |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
I have to admit it McCains speech was a snoozer. It might have passed muster if we didn't have Palins to compare it to.
And I have to give Obama creds... He went on FOX and even O'reily. At least he honered his word to do so. Benj |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
Bucco....I don't think anyone was making fun at anyone. Chelsea was expressing her opinion!! that is what this forum is about. Expressing opinion and agreeing to disagree. I was not making fun either...simply telling chels that I had planned on watching (which she already knew as I had posted earlier...but had fallen asleep as it reflection on McCain...just simple truth. |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
You're right CASSIE...I am a bit over sensitive on that subject. Dont like mocking or making fun of anyone, and those who give their life to this country no matter what political party just plain dont deserve it !
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
Lil Dancer ...there you are again.
This would be a good time for you to APPOLOGISE to me for LYING ABOUT ME. Step up and admit it. Have enough character now, here ,on the forum where you LIED ABOUT ME. I'M STILL WAITING. Benj |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
I also work very hard helping veterans obtain the benefits they so rightly deserve! |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
UH OH Wrong forum. Oh well, I'm here and I might as well say that I was not impressed at all. He doesn't even READ his speech well. It was so obvious. Had to throw in that "son of an admiral", too. SO WHAT? My dear father-in-law received the bronze star, purple heart, and an air medal. He was shot down, he saved a fellow soldiers life from a burning aircraft. He was a POW for over a year. Did he feel he was better than others because of this? Never. NEVER NEVER! He felt he did his job and that was all. Never, ever did he boast or talk about his experience. I only knew he could never get in a plane. I feel McCain was boasting of his war experience!! HA! He is grasping at all the wrong straws! His self-boasting actually turned me off,BIG TIME!!
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
McCain has three sons who are or have served their country. Palin has a son who is serving his country. How many family members have served their country in the Obama Biden ticket??? Maybe thats not worth much to you but it is me. Benj |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
I agree!!! thanks for your support of our military. Your statement was profound.... " They believe in this country more than most of us do" Sadly some here think victory is not achievable , Sad state of affaires. One more time.....There are only two defining forces who have offered to DIE for you. Jesus Christ and the American soldier . One died for your soul and the other for your freedom. Benj |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech! is my last statement on this thread (unless otherwise provoked or needed).
I SUPPORT OUR MILITARY....I THANK THEM FOR OUR FREEDOM AND HAVE THE UTMOST RESPECT FOR THEM! RELATED TO ME OR NOT. HOWEVER! Having children in the military or being in the military at one point in life does NOT make one qualified to run the entire country. I am NOT saying that McCain is not qualified nor am I saying that he is....I am simply stating that just because one has had military service and/or has children in the service does not make them the perfect candidate for our president. Trust brothers who are currently in the military....liberals or right winged...would NOT get my vote just because they were in the service. I love them and what they do. I love the fact that they (my brothers) do not share their opinions about the war or the current president because they can not! They will not. GREAT! I love the men they are becoming because of the military...God bless the marines for kicking their behinds into shape...God knows they needed it! But there is no way in heaven or :edit: that I would vote for them as President on that quality alone. There are many other qualifications one needs in order to get my vote. I also believe that there are many other TOTV's that feel this way about our armed service men and women. BUT just because they do not agree with Senator McCain, it does NOT mean they do not respect what he went through or what he helped do for this country....but there are MANY, MANY others in this world that did the same thing.... I think there is a HUGE difference. That's all folks! Thanks for listening....(er...reading as samm would say) |
Re: McCain's Underwhelming Acceptance Speech!
Biden's son Beau is currently the Attorney General of Delaware. He previously worked for the US Attorney's office. He is a Captain in the Delaware National Guard and is being deployed to Iraq. If this is type of information is worth so much to you, I suggest you might spend some time becoming informed of both sides of the equation instead of just focusing on all the negative aspects you can possibly find on the candidate you don't agree with. In the end, your posts might appear to be authored by someone who is somewhat informed of all the issues. |