President NOT-Obama

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Old 04-09-2017, 03:29 AM
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Default President NOT-Obama

President Not-Obama - POLITICO Magazine

"Many of the most head-snapping comments I heard came from Obama’s own top advisers, who had long pushed him to confront Assad more aggressively and viewed his 2013 refusal to take military action against Syria after drawing a “red line” on chemical weapons use as a major American foreign policy debacle. There’s no love lost for Trump in this group, whose members found themselves in the uncomfortable position of cheering a leader they still both loathe and fear. “Our administration never would have gotten this done in 48 hours,” one former senior official of the Obama administration told me. “It’s a complete indictment of Obama.”
“I feel like finally we have done the right thing,” Anne-Marie Slaughter, who served as Obama’s first-term chief of policy planning at the State Department and long publicly urged a more forceful response to Assad’s horrific attacks on civilians during the six years of war that have wracked Syria, told me. “The years of hypocrisy just hurt us all. It undermined the U.S., it undermined the world order.”
Slaughter, now the head of the New America Foundation and a major backer of Trump’s defeated opponent Hillary Clinton last November, tweeted, “Donald Trump has done the right thing on Syria. Finally!! After years of useless handwringing in the face of atrocities.” I later asked her if it was awkward to be cheering for Trump now. “I’m just glad to see it,” she said. “It was the right thing.”
Old 04-09-2017, 03:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
President Not-Obama - POLITICO Magazine

"Many of the most head-snapping comments I heard came from Obama’s own top advisers, who had long pushed him to confront Assad more aggressively and viewed his 2013 refusal to take military action against Syria after drawing a “red line” on chemical weapons use as a major American foreign policy debacle. There’s no love lost for Trump in this group, whose members found themselves in the uncomfortable position of cheering a leader they still both loathe and fear. “Our administration never would have gotten this done in 48 hours,” one former senior official of the Obama administration told me. “It’s a complete indictment of Obama.”
“I feel like finally we have done the right thing,” Anne-Marie Slaughter, who served as Obama’s first-term chief of policy planning at the State Department and long publicly urged a more forceful response to Assad’s horrific attacks on civilians during the six years of war that have wracked Syria, told me. “The years of hypocrisy just hurt us all. It undermined the U.S., it undermined the world order.”
Slaughter, now the head of the New America Foundation and a major backer of Trump’s defeated opponent Hillary Clinton last November, tweeted, “Donald Trump has done the right thing on Syria. Finally!! After years of useless handwringing in the face of atrocities.” I later asked her if it was awkward to be cheering for Trump now. “I’m just glad to see it,” she said. “It was the right thing.”
Trump Is About To Find Out Why Obama Avoided Military Intervention In Syria | The Huffington Post

We will see what Trump does now. His ordered missile strike stopped nothing and solved nothing.
Old 04-09-2017, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump Is About To Find Out Why Obama Avoided Military Intervention In Syria | The Huffington Post

We will see what Trump does now. His ordered missile strike stopped nothing and solved nothing.

Sorry, I don't consider Huffington Post a valid news source. It's owned and run by commies. I read enough libtard news sources, that I have to draw the line somewhere.
Old 04-09-2017, 06:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sorry, I don't consider Huffington Post a valid news source. It's owned and run by commies. I read enough libtard news sources, that I have to draw the line somewhere.

Right. See no evil, hear no evil. And you probably look at the alt-right horse poop. Communism is as dead as Stalin if there was ever anything remotely resembling Karl Marx's ideas anywhere in the world.
Old 04-09-2017, 07:05 AM
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Trump's decision was a no brainer. He had to act. His action were a measured response including alerting the Russians in order to limit their response to the missile attack.

Trump has the support of most of Europe and the Middle East.

Our enemies were not only taking a measure of Trump but also of the American people's will to act.

I believe our enemies have miscalculated that the political division they are witnessing on television will cause a wide schism, wide enough to drag Trump down.

What they do not understand is that the agitprop being promoted by the MSM does not reflect the average Americans beliefs. Americans have proven time and time again that when it comes to issues such as Assad inhumanity they can come together

Assad attack was inhumane. He is war criminal. His attack was in violation of the Geneva Convention.

America can no longer afford the "No drama Obama Doctrine"because if America dies as the leader of the free world liberty dies everywhere and no amount of progressive propaganda is going to change that fact of life.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-09-2017, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Right. See no evil, hear no evil. And you probably look at the alt-right horse poop. Communism is as dead as Stalin if there was ever anything remotely resembling Karl Marx's ideas anywhere in the world.
Right, See no evil and I am glad you agree with me. I don't read Huffington Pravda.

Communism dead? Sure, keep your head in the sand, or in your case the library with aged paper text.
Old 04-09-2017, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Right. See no evil, hear no evil. And you probably look at the alt-right horse poop. Communism is as dead as Stalin if there was ever anything remotely resembling Karl Marx's ideas anywhere in the world.
Originally Posted by Guest
Right, See no evil and I am glad you agree with me. I don't read Huffington Pravda.

Communism dead? Sure, keep your head in the sand, or in your case the library with aged paper text.
Where do you find it? Russia? There is nothing "Communist" about Russia. The US is more "Communist", more "Socialist" than Russia.

HALF our population gets a government benefit...1/3 collect welfare. 1/3 on welfare isn't sustainable.

"The means-tested welfare system consists of 80 federal programs providing cash, food, housing, medical care, social services, training, and targeted education aid to poor and low-income Americans.

For instance, SNAP enables recipients to purchase more food, Medicaid provides people with health care coverage, and Pell grants make postsecondary education more affordable for students.

Over 100 million people — about a third of the U.S. population (35.4%)1, received aid from at least one welfare program at an average cost of $9,000 per recipient.

In 2012, federal spending on 10 largest of the 80 programs — which account for the bulk of welfare spending, totaled $588 billion with Medicaid accounted for more than 40%, followed in size by SNAP."

List of All 80 Federal Welfare Programs

Look who's picture they used...

The Villages Florida

They are becoming the new majority...the slide to oblivion will speed up. The animals are literally beginning to run the zoo.
Old 04-09-2017, 08:42 AM
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Communist Theories and Principles - How Communism Works | HowStuffWorks Actually take a look at what communism means. Maybe China came close at certain times of their history.
Old 04-09-2017, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Communist Theories and Principles - How Communism Works | HowStuffWorks Actually take a look at what communism means. Maybe China came close at certain times of their history.
Again...look at the list...and HONESTLY compare it to the US:

Marx also detailed the 10 essential tenets of communism, namely:

Central banking system
Government controlled education
Government controlled labor
Government ownership of transportation and communication vehicles
Government ownership of agricultural means and factories
Total abolition of private property
Property rights confiscation
Heavy income tax on everyone
Elimination of rights of inheritance
Regional planning

Think about it...

The Fed is government controlled central banking.

The government controls education through the Department of Education, "No Child Left Behind", etc.

The Department of Labor sets all kinds of standards, literally controlling labor. EEO laws being the worse, demanding quotas.

The FCC controls communications...period. There are all kinds of rules and regulations controlling shipping, drivers, etc.

The coal industry was pretty much wiped out by the EPA. The Department of Agriculture has it's hands in EVERYTHING farmers do.

What "property rights" do we have when your property can be taken, taxed, and it's use determined by government? Seizure laws allow law enforcement to take anything "used in the commission of a crime". Which has become overly broad.

HALF of the price of just about everything is a tax when you add up ALL the taxes that became part of the finished product during its manufacture. Raw materials factories are taxed and the tax is added to their product price all the way up the line...until you buy it and pay ANOTHER tax. Property taxes have become insane in many parts of the country.

Inheritance, WHY is it taxed? Isn't that a form of "eliminating the RIGHT of inheritance"? More taking away of the nuclear family.

EVERYTHING is planned and regulated. Zoning boards control business.

So...we're 9 for 10...with the only thing left being "Total abolition of private property". With many things going to "leasing", we slowly getting away from actually "owning" anything.

We're NOT a capitalist country...that's another of the big lies they tell you. Equality is the biggest and most destructive. Look at all the schools, areas, towns, lives, that have been destroyed by diversity.
Old 04-09-2017, 11:49 AM
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Default Decisions need to be made

Originally Posted by Guest
President Not-Obama - POLITICO Magazine

"Many of the most head-snapping comments I heard came from Obama’s own top advisers, who had long pushed him to confront Assad more aggressively and viewed his 2013 refusal to take military action against Syria after drawing a “red line” on chemical weapons use as a major American foreign policy debacle. There’s no love lost for Trump in this group, whose members found themselves in the uncomfortable position of cheering a leader they still both loathe and fear. “Our administration never would have gotten this done in 48 hours,” one former senior official of the Obama administration told me. “It’s a complete indictment of Obama.”
“I feel like finally we have done the right thing,” Anne-Marie Slaughter, who served as Obama’s first-term chief of policy planning at the State Department and long publicly urged a more forceful response to Assad’s horrific attacks on civilians during the six years of war that have wracked Syria, told me. “The years of hypocrisy just hurt us all. It undermined the U.S., it undermined the world order.”
Slaughter, now the head of the New America Foundation and a major backer of Trump’s defeated opponent Hillary Clinton last November, tweeted, “Donald Trump has done the right thing on Syria. Finally!! After years of useless handwringing in the face of atrocities.” I later asked her if it was awkward to be cheering for Trump now. “I’m just glad to see it,” she said. “It was the right thing.”
Unfortunately, we do not get do overs in the real world.

What would have happened if-is simply unknown.

It is interesting that NOW we discover that in the Cuban Missal crisis Kennedy seeked AND RECEIVED guidance from Eisenhower who was a Republican when Kennedy was a Democrat. Eisenhower wanted to install Nixon as his replacement. Perhaps, similar to Obama wanting to install Hillary. Is Obama available to advise Trump? Would Trump even consider advice from Obama?

As is happening with Syria the question came up shortly after Kennedy/now Trump took power.

IT IS ONLY IN SIFI WHERE WE CAN EXPLORE WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF WE DID/DO SOMETHING ELSE. WHY POUTIN IS BACKING ASSADE? We gave Russia notice of what we were going to do and when. Russia did not attempt to shoot down any of our cruse missals. Cruse missals as slow so would be perhaps, easy to shoot down.

We know the Syrian air force is in poor shape. Poutin


I hope AND YOU SHOULD HOPE, that Trump has taken the correct action. This CRAP from far too many of you that since Trump is not of my party I will object to anything he says or does is well shooting yourself and our country in the foot.

So far-I did not have sex with that woman-oh those stains on her dress-their mine. I did not take bribes-oh white water, oh the Clinton foundation-oops. I did not have the questions in advance of the debates-oops with a higher voice. My party did not SPY on Trump Tower-oops caught again.
Old 04-10-2017, 11:44 AM
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Those who hammered W have found a new nail.

There is absolutely nothing or anything Trump can do that isn't either ignored (good or right without any debate) or crapped on (everything else) by the resistance party.

The threads are all bait like so they can expend their catharses.

The forum has little value added that isn't reduced to personal huffing and puffing.
Old 04-10-2017, 01:50 PM
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Trump is doing an excellent job. He is doing so well that the left is reduced to conspiracy theories about how he planned the gas attack so that he could bomb something. He is doing so well that the left is easily recognized by bleeding eyes and exploding heads. He is doing so well that the only slur they can now use is the tint of his skin. Glad I voted for the winner and not the criminal.
Old 04-10-2017, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
Sorry, I don't consider Huffington Post a valid news source. It's owned and run by commies. I read enough libtard news sources, that I have to draw the line somewhere.
That's right, you're an InfoWars guy and an Alex Jones fan. That's some line you've drawn.

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Old 04-11-2017, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That's right, you're an InfoWars guy and an Alex Jones fan. That's some line you've drawn.

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Nope, I have never read either of them. Try again, Chi. Hate to upset your apple cart but I browse way more liberal, lefty news media than conservative. I do have to browse conservative news sources a lot because more often than not, they will publish news that the left refuse to carry. Otherwise, I like to use liberal, lefty news against the left because many on the left do not read, just regurgitate liberal talking points.

But, like I said Huffington is way too commie for my taste.

A point of interest, check out how much George Soros contributes to and controls the liberal media. You will be surprised how much the war criminal controls the left in our country, including his sizable donations to Hillary and Obama.

Not that I would expect you to take interest. After all, even though you are a registered Republican, you haven't voted Republican for a long time.
Old 04-11-2017, 09:20 AM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
Nope, I have never read either of them. Try again, Chi. Hate to upset your apple cart but I browse way more liberal, lefty news media than conservative. I do have to browse conservative news sources a lot because more often than not, they will publish news that the left refuse to carry. Otherwise, I like to use liberal, lefty news against the left because many on the left do not read, just regurgitate liberal talking points.

But, like I said Huffington is way too commie for my taste.

A point of interest, check out how much George Soros contributes to and controls the liberal media. You will be surprised how much the war criminal controls the left in our country, including his sizable donations to Hillary and Obama.

Not that I would expect you to take interest. After all, even though you are a registered Republican, you haven't voted Republican for a long time.
I don't know how you do it MDCPD.....linking InfoWars without ever seeing it, but what the heck.

One trick pony again with your Clinton Obama Soros defense of Trump, but what the heck.

In Illinois you can vote for any party, primary included. Registered Independent here to begin with not knowing it ruled out primaries, but what the heck.

I'm sure you were a Dixiecrat at one time and morphed into whatever

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years, not-obama, president

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