Proof Obama is Lying

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Old 08-26-2009, 02:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down Proof Obama is Lying

I received a letter from the Co. I retired from today and it was to inform me that my pension "net pay" will be reduced based on new withholding tables. I will not go into detail but his lies were only those making $250K + would be impacted. Fortunately this will not cause me a lot of grief BUT it would appear that rather than waiting for his health plan to kill the seniors he will first try to strave some of them so the senior numbers will be lower when he kills them under his health plan.
Old 08-26-2009, 03:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Good One

Response to this should be interesting. Kinda hard to dispute what's in writing, huh?
Old 08-26-2009, 04:10 PM
Posts: n/a

I really dont like the word "lying" very much...a bit strong,


It should be of no surprise to anyone by now that our President has "changed his views" extensively on MANY issues. He is very glib and just glosses over them as if they never happened.
Old 08-26-2009, 05:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Arrow Oh Please!

Originally Posted by PennBF View Post
I received a letter from the Co. I retired from today and it was to inform me that my pension "net pay" will be reduced based on new withholding tables. I will not go into detail but his lies were only those making $250K + would be impacted. Fortunately this will not cause me a lot of grief BUT it would appear that rather than waiting for his health plan to kill the seniors he will first try to strave some of them so the senior numbers will be lower when he kills them under his health plan.
Oh for the love of God! Do you even know when these "withholding tables" were constructed... to start in what year??? This could have been in the works for some time, not just plopped down the last 7 mos. Why does everything create hysteria with you people. Yes! I said "you people" meaning the right wing. And if I hear the term "death panel" or killing seniors" one more time, I'm going to vomit. That ridiculous rumor has already been debunked over and over again. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
Old 08-26-2009, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
Oh for the love of God! Do you even know when these "withholding tables" were constructed... to start in what year??? This could have been in the works for some time, not just plopped down the last 7 mos. Why is every hysteria with you people. Yes! I said "you people" meaning the right wing. And if I hear the term "death panel" or killing seniors" one more time, I'm going to vomit. That ridiculous rumor has already been debunked over and over again. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
Yeah, the tables get constructed to match what revenue the Treasury anticipates it needs based on input from the Office of Management and Budget. It's an annual event.

Gee, it was not that long ago when Pres. Bush and his staff were called every vile name in the book and slammed for every action. Now, Pres. Obama is showing himself as "just another pollitician" who has two scripts - one pre-election and one post-election - and is getting slammed for forked-tongue-itis. Why is that such a surprise?

To paraphrase: "Read my lips. No new taxes on those making less than $ We'll tell you later how much." It will bite in the end.
Old 08-26-2009, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
Oh for the love of God! Do you even know when these "withholding tables" were constructed... to start in what year??? This could have been in the works for some time, not just plopped down the last 7 mos. Why is every hysteria with you people. Yes! I said "you people" meaning the right wing. And if I hear the term "death panel" or killing seniors" one more time, I'm going to vomit. That ridiculous rumor has already been debunked over and over again. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
Get the bucket ready Ms Vomit. People who dislike the idea of a government run health care system, including some on the left, will use these terms to incite emotions amongst like minded people. It's not just the "right wing" that uses inflammatory statements anymore than all the ridiculous statements said about President Bush by the "Left wing".

Even if you are right about the "tables" being constructed in a previous year, it doesn't absolve BO from the guilt of letting the tables being enforced during his leadership. So, he's supposed to get a free ride on a tax table increase because it was started buy the previous administration? He needs to take "ownership" of anything that happens during his one term in office. "no tax increase for those below 250 K" means during HIS term, which has already begun.

Some people contribute and some just give smartalic responses and counter hysterically when they read what they don't like.
Old 08-26-2009, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
Yeah, the tables get constructed to match what revenue the Treasury anticipates it needs based on input from the Office of Management and Budget. It's an annual event.

Gee, it was not that long ago when Pres. Bush and his staff were called every vile name in the book and slammed for every action. Now, Pres. Obama is showing himself as "just another pollitician" who has two scripts - one pre-election and one post-election - and is getting slammed for forked-tongue-itis. Why is that such a surprise?

To paraphrase: "Read my lips. No new taxes on those making less than $ We'll tell you later how much." It will bite in the end.
First of all, C24 who chastized Obama until he got the nomination does not believe in facts...she is allowed to personally attack anyone she disagrees with and that is ok, but she does it ALWAYS with no facts !!

Secondly, President Obama is not just showing himself to be "just another politician", but one of the worst sort...he does not even acknowledge changes in position...just makes another speech and goes on, of course blaming everyone else for any troubles ! This is the MOST POLITICAL WH in many many years !
Old 08-26-2009, 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by PennBF View Post
I received a letter from the Co. I retired from today and it was to inform me that my pension "net pay" will be reduced based on new withholding tables. I will not go into detail but his lies were only those making $250K + would be impacted. Fortunately this will not cause me a lot of grief BUT it would appear that rather than waiting for his health plan to kill the seniors he will first try to strave some of them so the senior numbers will be lower when he kills them under his health plan.
The latest tax table change was to incorporate the new Making Work Pay credit, one of the key tax provisions included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. I don't think it was the President lying.,00.html
Old 08-26-2009, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by KayakerNC View Post
The latest tax table change was to incorporate the new Making Work Pay credit, one of the key tax provisions included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. I don't think it was the President lying.,00.html
This is a Feb 2009 announcement for a new table effective March 2009. We're 5 months beyond that now, and looking for what will be effective by October 1.

The lead time for withholding changes is only as long as it takes to compute the tables and the Government Printing Office to post the change. If you have ever seen the GPO facility, it is impressive. GPO also can contract out any printing it wants to.

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